Chapter twelve

The C.C.P.D. arrived at the horrible massacre responding to a call from a woman, who had gone in hoping to allegedly visit someone. It was one of the worst things Luis had ever seen in his life. It even made him reconsider retiring, but he, of course, decided against it. He was a cop, and as a cop, you might see some gruesome things, It's part of the job. This case was confusing though, there were huge vines growing out of the cement! The weird thing is he'd never seen vines this big before, they are about as large in diameter as a small three but are wrapped around the prisoners like an unmovable rope. The thorns were so long the could pierce through the entire body of a prisoner. Luis hadn't missed noticing that Xenos was the only missing prisoner.

One of the officers rushed up to Luis appearing to have at least a clue about what was going on here. "The planets appear to be thorned multiflora roses, but much much larger. The Circuit City Jail actually used to be infested with these flowers as they tend to be an invasive species. We had finally cut them all down but decided not to put the work into bringing up the roots as they should have died, but somehow they didn't and grew to unimaginable size. I-It's really not supposed to be possible!"

Suddenly there was loud groaning from the other side of the police station, it was heard over the many voices of investigators easily. Luis was over next to the person instantly, it was a prisoner. He was mutilated beyond belief, but he could speak. "Someone cut him down immediately!" ordered Luis strongly, too eager to wait for this to occur, and nervous the prisoner might die before being completely cut down, Luis began asking questions.

"Do you know what happened here?" He hurriedly asked. The man groaned trying to form words and found some difficulty relaying the message. "Wings!... Demon!... Eyes... roots... Cameras... Idiots..." Then the man's eyes closed surely forever. "Get a god damned medic!" Called out Luis already trying to decipher the mumbles of the man.

Cameras! Dear lord they really were screwed without the twins! So stupid of him not to check the security cameras before anything else! Running back out of the heavy metal door Luis an over to the computer typing in the memorized password. (He knew it because he was head of the police department). He saw the last 78 hours in this file and he only needed to scroll through the last 24 to find the information needed. Scrolling through the video he saw many boring scenes of people walking in to see relatives and also he saw the guard sitting by himself for a large amount of the time.

He stopped the video when he saw a large black van without a license plate pulled up. He almost gasped as he watched the familiar twins step from the vehicle, and continued watching as they walked in. Switching the footage so he was seeing directly inside, he watched the twins epically double murder the lady and the guard. He saw the male twin (whose name he was still very unaware of) steal from the woman as the female (whose name was also not something he knew) took the key from the security guards belt.

He saw both bodies work together without exchanging a single word the whole time but didn't question it, just putting it off as some twin bond. When the twins opened the door he saw their bodies go rigid, before they broke out into a sprint. Luis switched to the hallway camera seeing two very pale skinny arms reach from the bars and hearing "Emry!" Desperately shouted from inside the cell. It was to be assumed this was Katherine's cell, and he somehow knew it was the twins. Was Emry one of the twins' names? He questioned himself. How did Katherine learn one of their names? The twins were non-negotiable on never revealing their identities.

He watched them reconnect ignoring the confused prisoners. As soon as Katherine came into contact with the twins brown wings spotted with white bloomed from her back like magic, like an angel. Luis gasped falling from the chair and had to stop himself from screaming when he saw the twins do the same. He was almost as shocked about the twins cradling and sobbing with Katherine, as he was about the wings appearing, Since when do the twins openly express any emotion? It was like they only felt things like this around Katherine, and based on what he saw back at the police station Katherine was the same. He made note of this in his head, before returning his attention back to the video. They were all standing side by side facing the prisoners, wings outspread, when Katherine's eyes seemed to change. It was barely noticeable through the crappy camera but her eyes seemed to turn a glowing green. Suddenly the image began to shake and the vines began to grow and pierce the prisoners. The screams of agony were enough to hurt Luis on a personal level, this was awful. The twins looked upset, as well and asked Katherine "Can we go?" They all walked from the station and got into the black van heading what appeared to be northeast, but there was no confirming that this was the route they took all the way to wherever they were hiding.

With this new information, Luis sent the file to his own computer so he could discuss it with the rest of the force. He would find all three criminals and make them pay for what they have done.
