U n e x p e c t e d E v e n t s

Just a warning, we may be close to the end :o I hope this isn't unsettling, but I'm sorta improvising on the way. I kinda have a ending in mind, but I'm not exactly sure in what way it's gonna all connect XP No one worry, I assure you I'll find a way!

Note: The f-bomb is used in this chapter, along with a few other curse words, so if you're uncomfortable with that, my deepest apologies.


☆Adrien's POV☆

"Oh, come on," Plagg protested as he nibbled at his camembert. "Just because you're feeling down in the dumps doesn't mean you have to drag everyone with you!"

Adrien was lying on his carpet, his face digging into the floor. He grumbled something that wasn't audible as the news on his TV played, mentioning the depression of Paris or something like that.

"Don't talk to me with that tone of voice," Plagg scolded like he was suddenly his parent. "You're going to that ceremony whether you like it or not. Usually I don't like going out of the house, leaving my sweet camembert behind, so savor this moment while it lasts."

The teenage blonde argued into the carpet, flailing his arms and legs around which were once spread eagle-style.

"I don't care about your stupid dream!" The black kwami yelled, extremely aggravated. "Get your butt off the floor and transform!" He crossed his arms and huffed.

Adrien pointed at his butt then shook his index finger back and forth.

"I don't care if you're sitting on your butt or not!"

He whined into the carpet like a sad puppy. He'd already gone over the option of going to the ceremony in his head, but it was brief and the thought of his dream took over again for the millionth time. How exactly would he be able to see these things? I thought visions like that only happened in fantasy shows and books, Adrien pondered. But what if it was real? What if it didn't only happen in fiction and it actually happened?

Adrien groaned and banged his head against the floor. Reality sucks.

"Don't do that," Plagg ordered sternly. "Even though you're a huge pain in the tush, I still don't want you hurting yourself."

For some reason, Adrien suddenly felt a pang of fury. Of being rejected, of being ignored, of being fucking confused and hurt. He stuck up an offensive finger at no one in particular, then he felt a small object that reeked of mold hit his head.

"I liked you better when you didn't hit puberty!" Plagg screeched.

"Yeah, well me too!" Adrien finally lifted his head up to his kwami. They glared at each other for what seemed to be an hour until something on the television caught both of their attention.

The mayor (along with all the other people waiting at the ceremony) were looking and pointimg up at the top of the Louvre, where a spotted superhero stood.

Everyone at the scene cheered and Adrien rushed to get a good glance at the screen.

"See?" Plagg flew next to his master's head and gestured towards Ladybug. "She went! That means she's feeling good enough to go! Plus, that means she probably has an answer to your 'date question!' Let's go!"

Adrien squinted, making out all the features of the red and black hero. Her figure cowered and squirmed at all the attention instead of standing tall and proud. Her hair was down, way to short to be in pigtails, not to mention the edges of her hair weren't choppy like they always were, and her eyes were a dull brown compared to Marinette's lively blue ones.

He sighed and moved away from the TV, slumping against the couch's arm. "It's not her," he said, the last of his hope draining away from him.

"What do you mean 'It's not her?'" Plagg exclaimed incredulously. "How could it not? She's right there!"

Adrien shrugged and crossed his arms. "I just know," he mumbled, looking away and letting his blonde bangs fall to his eyes.

Plagg clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. "Since when did you become emo?"

"I've been thinking of getting piercings," Adrien said nonchalantly.



"Thank god."

"What's wrong with piercings?"

"They make people look intimidating. I don't like it."

"Then I just might reconsider piercings if I scare you so much that you'll stop being such a bitch," Adrien laughed weakly.

"Don't you dare compare me to a female dog," Plagg hissed. "Let's just get to that ceremony and I'll show you I have way better senses than a nasty mutt."

"In what way will you?"

"By showing you that it's the real Ladybug at the Louvre instead of what your paranoid brain thinks."

Even though he heard Plagg clearly, he stayed in his spot in front of the couch on the floor. He thought for sure that it wasn't the real Ladybug. It couldn't be unless she put in contacts, cut her hair and a major case of anxiety. But, as much as he hated to admit it, Adrien knew that Plagg probably had better senses than he, being a cat-based kwami and a "god."

After sitting there for a few minutes, with many demands coming from the stubborn kwami, Adrien scooted his way over to his door, where his shoes lay.

"What are you doing?" Plagg questioned curiously.

"I'm putting my shoes on," he responded, pulling one shoe on his foot and tying the laces tightly.

"Why are you doing that? Are you really gonna go to the ceremony?"

"Why would I wear shoes to the ceremony when I could just transform into Chat?"

"Then why are you putting on your shoes?"

"You'll see," Adrien said, finishing tying up the other shoe. He adjusted his blazer over his shoulders. "Hide."

Plagg eyed the boy skeptically before finally giving in and burrowing himself in Adrien's shirt pocket.

"Time to figure out what's really going on," Adrien whispered to himself. He silently exited his room, just to make sure Nathalie didn't notice his attempts to sneak out of the house without permission.



Okay sorry for the crappy ending to this chapter. I didn't know what to do XD
