Chapter 5 - 🔥Cult🔥


Almost one month has passed after the incident behind the school building. Since that day, Skylar followed Patrick everywhere. Close to him or in far distance. It didn't matter to her as long as she could see him. But her fellow students also noticed a change in Skylars behaviour. Even more scared of her than they already were, everyone left the hallways as soon as she showed up. And it was better like that. No one should say a bad word about her god. She made sure for that.

One week earlier

"You know this ghostie girl? What was her name again..."

"Sky, uh ... Skylar!"

"Yes yes! She's such a creep. I met her on the hallway yesterday. She stood behind the lockers, stalking Henry and his boys. She whispered one word over and over again. 'God'. "

"Woah, such a creep. Pretty fitting for Henry and his friends if you ask me."

"They all should be expelled from school. This isn't normal anymore. Once in classes I sat next to this Patrick dude and he fucking showed me dead flies he stored in his pencil case! Just what the fuck? And this girl is nuts over him? They should both be locked away in a psych ward far away from Humanity."

"How dare you..."


The girls turned around. Behind them stood Skylar. Anger burned in her eyes. If looks could kill, they'd be dead already.

"How dare you to disrespect god like this?"

Skylar chuckled as she approached them.

"Creep! He's not a god. He's a sociopath! Just like you! You sick fuck!"

One of the girls shouted at her as they backed off slowly.


Skylar smiled.

"He is a god."

Skylar grabbed the wrist of the previously shouting girl and pushed her against the wall. The other girl, too shocked and scared to help her friend, ran away.

"Aww did your dear friend leave you all alone?"

Skylar smirked as she grabbed a hand full of the girls hair and smashed her skull against the brickwall. A loud crack and a painful scream echoed over the empty school grounds.

Blood dropped down the girls head, as she fell passed out on the ground, nose broken. Skylars breath was heavy. What she just did felt so surreal but also so good.

"Nice work."


As she turned around, a creature, looking like a clown, stood there.

"What are you?"

"A friend."


"I can help you."

The clown giggled.

"Sure you can."

Skylar shook her head, turning around

"That girl disrespected your dear god, didn't she? If you give her to me, she won't be able to do that ever again."

Skylar stopped and faced him again.

"And how does this benefit you? Why do you want to do this?"

"Oh trust me, we both benefit from this. You get rid of the ones who disrespect your beloved god and I get... what I want.... And won't kill you.... All you have to do is to bring them to the well inside the old house on the Neibolt street. Also make sure they are still alive. They won't be from much use to me otherwise. And together we show this world it's true god and savior."

Skylars eyes sparkled for a brief second.

"Are you serious?"

"I am. Even if I look like a clown."

He smiled. She smiled.


Skylars hand reached out for his, sealing the deal with a handshake.

"It's a pleasure to make deals with you."

The clown giggled as he, together with the unconscious girl, disappeared.


As the week passed, three more kids went missing. Satisfied, Skylar looked through the new missing posters on the school walls. Her deal with the clown seems to work well. She couldn't wait to tell Patrick what she did.
School was almost over and and Skylar waited excited in front of Patricks locker. As the bell rang, waves of students flooded the halls. And then she saw him.


"Yo sweets, sup?"

He smirked as he leaned against his locker, looking ever so perfect.

"God... I... I did something for you..."

"What is it?"

Skylar fished the missing posters out of her bag.

"Remember them? The... The assholes who always talked behind your back... I... I got rid of them for you... No one shall ever lose a bad word about you... I'll make sure for that..."

Patrick stared at the posters, then at the girl in front of him.

"Did you... kill them?"

"I sacrificed them for you, my god... To worship you... To show everyone that no one shall ever disrespect you... As your cult, as the one you saved, to whom you showed your mercy... your kindness... your greatness.. Everyone shall worship you... I'll make them understand... I'll make everyone understand..."

Skylar was shaking in excitement as she carefuly grabbed Patricks hand and kissed its back, as she slightly bowed down.
Patrick couldn't believe what he just heard. He was in a total extase. This girl never failed to excite him. Also she gave him the hardest boner he ever had. And it became lowkey unbearable. He finally wanted to taste her.

"Tomorrow I will take you to a holy place.. my holy place. Also tomorrow one of these cool kids throws a party. Be there at nine. I've got a lot of plans with you. Understood?"

Patrick smirked as he caressed her cheeck.

Skylar whispered as she got a painful slap on the back of her head. She blacked out for a second but managed to remain her balance.

"Man this took way too long."
Henry and the rest of the gang stood behind her. Patrick laughed as he pushed Skylar to the ground.

"This is were you belong."
Hr chuckled as he pressed his left boot into her back.

Skylar moaned.

Patrick... my god... Let me feel it... more more more...


"Geez you're so sick!"

Henry grabbed her by the hair, pulled her back up and smashed her against the lockers. Belch and Victor catched Skylar and pressed her against the lockerwall so she couldn't fall down again or even try to escape.

"My, my.... you look so beautiful like this..."
Patrick whispered, his hand running through her hair, grabbing her by her throat. She moaned again. Louder. Henry laughed as he punched her in the face, giving her a bloody lip.
Patrick scratched down her stomach with his knife. Slightly bloody strains to be seen.

Yes Patrick touch me! Touch me more! Yes! Please!

She got ripped out of her thoughts by Belch knocking her down with his head. Everything went blurry. All she could see was Patricks heavy breathing. Hell, she loved it.

"See ya tomorrow, sweets."
Patrick grinned as he spat at her.

"What a pleasure."
Henry laughed as he licked his hand and smeared his spit all over Skylars face.

"Thank you..." She moaned as the boys left her alone in the hallways.
Letting herself sink completely down, she whiped Patricks spit off her shirt. Carefuly she put her now spit coated finger in her panties, rubbing her clit with it, massaging his spit all into her special part, faster and faster. Moaning his name, Skylar finally mixed her juices with his spit, feeling for a second like she was flying as she climaxed.

Please Patrick... Let me feel more of you... I need you.. I need to feel you... Please...

Skylar huffed as she stood up. She should get a good rest today. Tomorrow will be a big day, Patrick said. And hell, she wanted to enjoy every second of that.

To be continued...
