Chapter 5: The Fight

Chica: After a long day we went to bed, I had a dream of me and Chici fighting! I woke up from the nightmare and looked at Chici, could this possibly happen?
~The Next Morning~
Toy Chica/Chici: Foxy was cute, but I know he hugged Chica yesterday during the power outage. I talked with Foxy about this and he said he didn't like Chica in any sort of love way he was trying to make Chica feel better. I rolled my eyes, I know he likes my sister. I cracked my knuckles and walked over to Chica and punched her.
Chica: "Oof!" I fell to the ground, he pushed her fist into my face which ached! I got up holding my right eyes, "Chici what's wrong?" She can really hurt when she's mad. "Oh you know," she punched my nose. She knows Foxy hugged me and made me feel better yesterday.
~To be continued~
