The princess and the Maid

*I couldn't think of a different name...*
*Request by: honeytea123*

This is a genderbent mediaeval au thing so both red and duck are females in this story! Duck is a princess and Reds a maid! Um enjoy!!

Also Idk what to make they're names so it's still Duck and Red!

Ducks pov:

'aggh here we go again another price to try and win my heart-' I thought as I rolled my eyes and looked away from the man in front of me.

"Lovely flowers for a lovely princess~" the prince says to me holding out a bunch of roses.

I look at the roses for a second then take them from his hands. I look at them for a minute then glance over at my parents who looked at as with hope.

I look at the prince who smiling hopefully at me, and without looking I crush the flowers in my hands and throw them to my side with a smile.

The prince gasp and frowns, looking down at the flowers.
The king and queen both get this angry look on they're faces, 'ah I sure love making them do that face!'

After the prince leaves, the queen, my mother, walks over to me and stands next to me.

"Why did you do that? He was a perfectly nice man." She says to me. I just roll my eyes.

"I don't want to be with a prince. I don't want to marry a stupid prince. Why do I have to? It doesn't seem fair that I have to even though I don't want to." I tell her, when my father starts coming over to us.

"Well young lady, because your next to be queen and you can't without your prince to be king." My father says.

"Now stop being childish and pick a prince soon." He says, and with that they both leave me in the main room all by myself.

"StOp BeiNg cHiLdisH" I roll my eyes and sigh, smoothing out my dress.

I hear voices from the direction of where I throw the flowers, 'guess I wasn't alone-', I see two of the maids there.

"Just clean up the flowers and I'll start cooking tonight supper." Said one of them to the other one who I haven't seen before.. She had long red yarn-? Hair? Idk and was pretty tall.

'a new maid maybe?'

"Alright." She said with a pretty monotoned voice as she started to clean the flowers up.

'her voice is very pretty....' I blush a bit as I started to feel bad that she has to pick the mess up- which was new I never really felt sorry before with the other maids..

I walk over to her and start to help pick the flowers up. She at me with surprise.

"Let me help.. I can't just let you pick all this up all by yourself.." I say helping.

"Well- it's my job, it's not your- so you can just go sit down, princess.." she's says taking the flowers out of my hands, well except one. I squint my eyes at her but let her pick the rest up.

After she got done, I walked over to her.

"So what's your name? Your new aren't you?" I ask to the maid.

"Oh. Yes I am new, my name is Red, princess." She says looking everywhere but me. Guess it's kinda weird have a princess you work for ask you name or something?

"What a lovely name! Also don't can me 'pRinCesS' Just Duck is fine" I say rolling my eyes then smiling at Red.

"Alright... Duck" Red says putting her hands at her side, messing with her dress.

I giggle and blushing a bit.

"No need to be nervous around me, I don't bite!" I say to her, motioning her to bend down a little bit.

She does and I put the flower I still had in her hair. Her eyes widen at this.

"There.. a flower for a pretty lady.." I say blushing and smiling up at her.

Red stands up straight and looks down at me eyes still widen, and I think blushing? Idk it's hard to tell-

I open my mouth to say something when my mother calls me to her.

"Come on Duck, we have someone else for you to meet and maybe actually like!" She yells out to me.

I roll my eyes, "I have to go, talk to you later lovely.." I say as I walk out of the room.

Before I leave completely I here Red say, "um Y-you too p-princess I mean Duck...!"

I smile and walk over to my parents rolling my eyes seeing another prince there.

'he won't win my heart.. my heart has already been taken by a certain maid..'

(Okay thats the end! Idk what else to put with this- I think it's cute! Well- I also didn't re-read this so it might not be cute- um whatever! Hope you guys liked it!)

Word count: 836
