~Chapter 9~

Neema pov

We flew sky high with Ghizel and the wind felt so good! It was so cool!

"Wow! This feels great don't you think sis?" I asked and turned my head to look at her as she held her hair to keep it from flying over her face and her eyes narrowing because of the wind.

"Yes, this does feel great! But isn't your hair in the way? I know mine is!" She said pouting and yelling when her hair was in her eyes.

"I need a new hairstyle! And my bangs are in the way! How come yours don't? This isn't fair!!"
She pouted even more, but I couldn't help laughing at her childish attitude. "I don't know either!" I said, still chuckling, and she followed suit. "Human children," Ghizel suddenly spoke to us and our attention went to him.

Suddenly, Ghizel spoke up. "I sense the fire dragon's presence in you. Yet both of you don't have a pact with him. Do you?"

"Nope," I replied, while my sister shook her head. "Guess not."

"We heard Sol's voice from the orb earlier!" I exclaimed, pointing to my backpack and my sister's earrings. "He said that if we had the orb, we can talk to all dragons!"

Author note: this was the same day they were given the orbes if you are confused.

"Yes. Our pack shall welcome the two of you as dragon maidens." Our eyes grew wide as he said this, and after a while, we landed on a field full of pink, white, and yellow flowers. We immediately played with the flowers and made flower crowns together with my sister. We gave them to the dragons, and one of them ate the flower crown!

"Yummy!" said the dragon as he ran away. "Hey! Come back here!" I said and chased him. "Wait, are we playing tag?" another dragon asked. "I wanna play too!" the other dragon said excitedly. As we were playing tag, my sister was making flower crowns and didn't notice that we were playing, but I didn't interrupt her. She has always loved flowers since she was little. But her love for animals is even stronger! Maybe she's tired today since so much happened. She has low stamina, so I'll leave her alone.

As we finished playing tag, I called my sister, but when we found her, she was asleep. I didn't wake her up and decided to put her on Ghizel's back because we were actually going to another place!


As we reached our destination I saw so many dragons! Dragons were swimming flying and drinking! I pointed at a dragon that was swimming in the water and Ghizel dropped me on top of it the dragon didn't mind at all of me being on top of it as I lay down dipping my toes under the water. As ghizelf flew on a rock and landed on it as he secured my sister with his wings so she won't fall while she slept.

I sighed in relief and closed my eyes. "This feels so nice."
As I sat up from my spot I saw another dragon and decided to prank it. I splashed water on it and I immediately got karma after. There was a big wave of water coming straight into my face and I was soaking wet head-to-toe. My face was burning red. "COUNTER ATTACK!" then all of us were playing with water splashing all over and the water almost splashed my sister. Luckily Ghizel covered her with his wing to stop the water from splashing her.


To Dan and Gwynn

(They were talking about the two twins)

"The one whose names were Lady Nefertima and Lady Y/n guessed Ghizel was the leader. He's extremely proud and won't let anyone onto his back..." Dan said while sitting on a log while Gwynn was standing beside him.

"So what the heck is going on? He was so calm around Lady Nefertima and Lady Y/n.." His hands went to his head and scratched his head out of frustration and confusion.

"MAN! I'm never going to get over this!"
"You heard about the fire dragon, didn't you?" Gwynn asked.
" Yeah, he was summoned during an exam at the academy, right? I could see him flying back to the Northern mountains from here."
And then flashback from where he saw the dragon going back home.
"I wish we could've been there though!"
He stood up from the log and crossed his arms.
"I heard that there was some girls formed a pack from the fire dragon, too...Wait."
he said while putting his index finger on his chin.
"Didn't lady Nefertima and Lady Y/n mention something about a orb?"
Gwynn looked at him with furrowed eyebrows sweatdrop-ing and Dan continued talking.
"it's a legendary
Magical item that allows you to communicate with dragons. If she's in possession of an artifact that only primordial dragons can create..." "Lady Nefertima and Lady Y/n is now said to be the fire dragon's masters." Gwynn told Dan.
"I knew it!"
"Except they haven't formed a formal pact." Gwynn said.
"But still... little girls like them? I can't believe it..."
Dan said sweatdrop-ing "I wasn't convinced myself, but..."
He stopped when a voice shouted "We're back!"
The two of them looked at the direction of the voice and saw The royal tiger was there and Lady Nefertima and Lady Y/n was on the tiger! Except lady y/n wasn't awake though she was still asleep on the tigers back As the dragons were on their left and right. Two on each side and Ghizel and another flying dragon flying above them. The two men went wide eyed and yelled.
as Neema was waving at them she said
"He came to pick us up!"

"she commands his highness holy beast aswell as the lindblooms and lindrakes...just who is this girl?"
Dan said still wide eyed as Nefertima shouted
"we got to give lots of head pats and floofings! although some of it were me since my sister slept the whole time but It was awesome and so much fun!" She stated smiling as the episode ended here.


Alright if you guys enjoyed this chapter please vote and follow me if you want me to make more stories like these! I'll be posting maybe every other day and I promise this time! Well unless if I get grounded you never know! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I gotta go since I didn't eat lunch yet and it's almost 2:30 pm SO BYERSS and don't forget to comment okay don't be a shy reader HEHEHEH

