Chapter 6

This chapter is my favorite so be prepared for a lot to happen in a short amount of time.

(Time skip to when they arrive at the aquarium)

Vance and Bruce walked through the door to see a long line ahead of them. Vance figured it would be crowded but not as crowded as it was since it was Thursday.

"I'll pay today," Bruce said to Vance. He didn't want Bruce to pay.

"I'll pay, I invited you out!" Vance exclaimed back. Bruce was persistent in paying him. Eventually, Vance won and paid for their tickets.

"Can we go look at the koi fish V please!" Bruce was giving Vance puppy dog eyes. Vance would let Bruce do whatever as long as he was with him. Bruce told him it was the new exhibit that's why he wanted to see them especially.

"Let's go!" Bruce yelled as he took off running he slowly ran behind. Vance couldn't keep up with him; he questioned why he was so fast to himself.

"We're here! Look how pretty they are!" Bruce exclaimed, turning to Vance, their faces inches away from each other. Vance backed up away from him.

"Sorry about that Bruce," Vance said. Bruce accepted the apology. About 5 minutes later a sea of people came on in and Vance lost Bruce. Vance found himself at the back panicking about where Bruce was.

"Bruce! Bruce!" Vance yelled while hyperventilating he knew he was having a panic attack.

"V! Are you ok!?" Bruce was panicking; he didn't know what was happening.

"Bruce?" Vance looked up to see him. Vance lunged at him holding him in a close hug. Bruce just hugged back accepting it. Vance calmed down about 5 minutes later.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Bruce questioned. Vance thought about thinking of what to do trying to remember what exactly happened to him.

"I mean all of a sudden I saw a sea of people and then I was pushed around and I lost you so I started panicking." Vance rambled on. Bruce grabbed Vance's hand and led them back to the front near the koi fish. Vance looked down at their hands and blushed at it.

"Are you sure about this?" Vance questioned. Bruce asked why and Vance just stared at their conjoined hands.

"It's fine! I promise." Bruce said with a smile. Vance let out a smile as they stood up looking at the koi fish Vance decided to rest his head on Bruce's shoulder. All of a sudden Vance felt Bruce's head rest on top of his. They stood there for another good 5 minutes like that.

"Can we go to the fish tunnel?" Vance asked. Bruce nodded. They walked over to the fish tunnel which wasn't far. When they arrived their hands were still locked together.

"Look at that fish!" Vance pointed at a nice blue fish smiling at it. Bruce glanced at him and started also pointing out fish. They spent fifteen minutes just pointing out fish.

"V thank you for inviting me!" Bruce all of a sudden wrapped his arms around Vance's neck pulling him in for a hug. Vance was taken aback by the hug but then wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist.

"No problem." Bruce let go and so did Vance. Bruce smiled and then they continued to point out fish for another 5 minutes.

"Wanna go to the seahorses?" Bruce turned towards Vance smiling. Vance nodded in an agreement. Bruce grabbed Vance's hand and led him the way through the crowd. They arrived at the glass between them and the seahorses.

"Look at the blue and yellow ones!" Bruce pointed at them. Vance turned his head and saw them. Then he looked down at their hands and realized something. He was wearing a blue hoodie while Bruce was wearing a yellow sweater.

"They look pretty." Vance looked at Bruce and smiled at him. They looked at the seahorses for a long while and they thought they were all so pretty.

"Let's go to the sharks next!" Bruce smiled as they walked off to the sharks.

I honestly found it hard to find a place to end this chapter. It was a chapter that I had a harder time writing because I talk about Vance a lot more than I usually do.
