Hello!! It's been a loooong time that I haven't updated and I'm sorry about that! I did promise I was going to try and keep a regular schedule for updating so I'm really sorry.

I was finishing up my summer class alongside moving apartments, having no wi-fi for a while, losing the entire story as something happened with my computer, rewriting a couple of chapters (still have some more to finish. I had almost finished the entire story...😢😭), going through stuff in my personal life...yeah. A lot. 😥

But it's finally here and I made sure it was an extra long chapter since I made everyone wait.

Also...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 200 VIEWS 😁 I honestly didn't think this story was going to get any love and was considering abandoning it. But I'm glad to see some people enjoy it. Anyways, thank you again! I'm sorry! And enjoy this chapter!

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Namjoon's POV

It was another boring morning for me at work. I was helping my father with some paperwork of the company, but I was in no mood whatsoever to do it. All I wanted was to have some time for myself today and possibly hang out with Yoongi. I knew I couldn't get away from my father though. He would make sure I was working extra hours today. With another sigh, I continued organizing some papers from the bank.

There were too many accounts that had opened recently and the employees were just throwing the paperworke wherever they saw a space on the cabinets. It was understandable. Now-a-days we were busier than ever. As soon as anyone walks in all that can be seen are the employees walking back and forth trying to deliver the best customer service ever. More people got hired for that same reason and I even did some of the interviews. Even with that, the business was still a hectic.

"Have you found someone yet?" my father asked breaking the cold silence between us. I knew he would be asking that. He always does and it's frustrating.

"No, not yet" I responded blankly focusing on the job.

He sighed stopping his work, "You need to find someone son. I have to retire soon and the company is going to be yours. You will not be able to operate it unless you are married! It will look bad on the media and papers if I pass it on just like that...we can't have a bad image spreading now."

The papers that were in my hand were thrown to the floor as I looked at him angrily, "who says I need to marry in order to operate a company?! I went to college, graduated top of my class while working here with you, and now you want me to marry? What else could you possibly want after?! I earned all the skills and experience I needed! You didn't do half of the things I did to get here! And why should I marry? So my relationship ends up all fucked up like yours?!" A hard sting ran across my face as I realized he had slapped me. I smirked looking at my father.

"Watch your mouth!" he yelled back looking red from the fury. "You know why I left your mother! Don't bring her up ever again!"

"Are you sure she didn't leave you? Maybe you have become delusional now..." I whispered at him.

"Shut up Namjoon!" he yelled again. By now I felt that everyone outside these doors heard the fight.

I looked at him, my eyes piercing his stare. "It's the truth. You are so focused on me marrying someone who I will probably not even like" I chuckled, "It's ridiculous. I can manage this company by myself if you still want to give it to me. I don't need to hurt a partner for my own ambitions and interests."

I stood up from the chair fixing my tux, "I'm done with work for today. Please get home safetly" I turned around leaving his office as he called me to come back. If my mood was horrible at the beginning, it's even worse now.

Walking to the parking lot, I got in my car and turned it on leaving the building. As soon as I was on the street, my phone rang. I quickly picked it up looking at the ID while paying attention to the road.

Flower Boy Jin.

I quickly answered it without a thought, "Hey Jin, what's up?" I asked trying to keep my voice neutral.

"J-Joonie" I heard him sobbing on the other line, "a-are you f-free right now?"

"Yeah, I am free. What's wrong Jin?" I asked scared.

He started crying again on the other line rather loudly, "c-can you c-c-come o-over to my p-place?" he said in between breaths, still crying.

"Yeah, yeah sure. Where do you live?"

As he kept crying, he gave me the address trying really hard to calm himself. "I-It's in F-Flower P-Parkway...The B-Blossom apartments" he took a pause; soft sobs coming out from his mouth, "B-Building 12, apartment 201"

"Hey, it's okay. Stop crying. I'll be there in a second alright? Don't worry" I stepped on the gas going quick in between cars evading them easily.

"O-Okay" he said softly. It broke my heart just listening to him. He didn't have that happy tone he usually had. His voice was just shaking from all the crying he had probably done beforehand. He sounded...broken.

I heard when he hung up and I put my phone away. I was nervous. This felt so familiar to me. I was fearing that maybe he was going to do something bad. Something Yoongi would have done when he had depression. Maybe is just my head bringing back bad memories.

As soon as I stopped in front of his apartment, I got down after turning the car off and ran to his door. I quickly knocked, putting the alarm of the car just in case. In all honesty, the place didn't look friendly at all. It did seem like a bad neighborhood.

The door opened slowly a few seconds later. I sighed in relief as soon as I saw the soft pink-hair peaking through the door. Knowing my thoughts were not real, I quickly walked in hugging Jin tightly. And he broke down even further in my arms.

"It's okay. I'm here now" I told him while drawing circles on his back. My shirt soaked with tears as he cried while hugging me tightly and soon enough his cries became louder. I closed the door with my foot and held onto him.

"Let it all out. It's okay. I'm here and nothing will happen to you alright?" I kept telling him, trying to calm him down while rubbing his back. He looked so vulnerable. I never thought that an angel like him could look so broken.

I looked around his apartment noticing the poor conditions it was on. The wallpaper was falling off the walls, the carpeting had too many old stains, the roof had water stains from water leaks that had probably occurred in the past, and the place just looked dark and in horrible conditions for him to be living in. From where I was, I could see the kitchen which had old appliances and old stains everywhere. Maybe even mold? And then there was the living room that seemed to have a worn out couch and a rug that was breaking apart. On the front of the couch was an old TV box and in a corner was a small table with a laptop. The place was so small too. How could someone live here?

A few minutes later he was calm. Not completely, but it was something. He hiccupped every now and then from crying so hard. His grip was still tightly grabbing my shirt as he tried to hold on.

"Let's go sit down to talk" I told him and picked up from the floor bridal style walking to his living room. He was heavy, with his broad shoulders and those muscles, but I was able to carry him no problem at all. He held onto my neck like a baby as I sat him down. I sat next to him keeping him close, seeing how he had no intentions on letting go.

"What happened? Talk to me" I asked him almost in a whisper as he settled his head on my chest. I rested my chin on his head as I snuggled him close to me.

He stayed quiet for a second before deciding to talk, "I-I'm being evicted in a few days i-if I don't pay for my rent. I-It is m-months overdue b-by now...I h-haven't even paid for the rent of the shop...a-and I think I m-might g-g-get a l-letter f-from them soon t-too." he hid his face in my chest. "I d-don't know what I should do. I feel as if I have to s-sell the shop. I can't pay for everything at once. A-and I need a r-roof over my head" he started sobbing again.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry anymore" I cleaned the tears that kept sliding down his face. "Don't sell your shop. It's your favorite thing in the world, and I'm sure of that. I could help you pay for your rent. You can pay me back if you want later on okay?" I said. I really didn't want him to sell his shop. I could tell it was too precious for him to do so. And it was precious to me as well.

He shook his head trembling, "N-No...I d-don't want you to p-pay all that money. I-It's not fair...I s-should just sell the shop. It's better o-off that way anyways..." he wiped his tears away sitting up, some tears still falling.

"Then come live with me" I told him out of nowhere. "You can pay me something if you want. We can be roommates. You can keep your shop too. I could pay the amount you owe so you can get back up on your feet."

"R-Really?" he looked at me with surprised eyes. "I c-could live with you?"

I nodded, "Yeah. If it will make it easier for you I wouldn't mind," I smiled. "Plus, it would be nice to share my apartment with someone. It gets boring living by myself."

"B-But I'll be a b-burden to you. I don't w-want that"

"You won't be a burden. I would gladly take you in Jin. Like I said, it will be fun to have a roommate" I said.

He looked down to his lap with sad eyes, "I...I'll think about it..." he said quietly.

"It's okay. Take your time, just let me know your decision when you are ready" I hugged him again towards me. "Just don't sell that shop. That's where we first met, and it should stay there for a long while. It's our memorable place"

"Okay" he said quietly closing his eyes. "T-Thanks for coming all the way here...were you at work? You seemed too well dressed."

"I was leaving when you called me," I chuckled. "It's okay though, I'm happy to be here right now. It looks like you needed me too."

He smiled lightly, "thank you Joonie...really." he hugged me tighter.

"You're welcome Jin. Anything for you." I smiled looking at him.

Jin's phone started ringing breaking away the calm atmosphere. He broke away from the hug and looked at his phone on the table in front of us. He picked it up looking at the caller and froze. He just stared at the screen with a blank expression on his face.

"Jin? It's everything okay? Who is it?" I asked him noticing the look on his face. He was scared.

"I...umm...give me a moment" he stood up from the couch and walked to his room closing the door behind him.

I didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was it sure made him scared and nervous. I wonder who called him. Maybe it was Jimin. Maybe something happened between him and Yoongi? Or it could be another one of his friends...?

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Jin's POV

I stared at my phone as it kept ringing. The caller ID was clearly seen, Kim Woo Bin. It was him. He was back. Was he expecting me to come back to him?

He was my ex-boyfriend. The one that took all my money and decided to run away with it. The one person who said they would love me unconditionally but ended up leaving to follow his own corrupt ambitions. The one who made me close myself to others. I wanted to pick it up, but at the same time I knew I should't. He would try to get back into my life and ruin it again.

But...I wanted to hear his voice...Maybe he changed. Maybe.

"W-Woo Bin?" I picked up, surprised at my own fragile voice.

"Hey baby. I haven't heard of you in a while. Listen...we need to talk...I need to settle some things with you. I need to explain myself. Could...we possibly meet?" he said on the other line.

" We don't need to settle anything. You don't need to explain anything. You should know by now we are over.... I'm not meeting with you" I said sitting down on my bed, forgetting about the man outside of my door.

"Listen baby, I know I did it wrong but we can work things out. I'm sorry. I miss you."

"No we fucking can't! You left me Woo Bin! You left me all alone and broken and fucked up! You decided I was not enough! I gave you too many opportunities before, even after you cheated on me countless of time, even after you stated abusing me, but you still decided to leave because I wasn't satisfying you!!" I felt as tears started to stream down my face once more.

"Don't do this baby. Please. Give me another chance. I swear I will make it up to you. You picked up my call because you wanted to know what I wanted, no? You felt something. Let me explain." he said calmly.

"N-No! I-" I took a pause trying to calm myself again. "I don't want anything with you anymore. J-Just leave me a-alone!" I heard the door of my room open. I quickly looked up noticing Namjoon standing in front of the door looking worried. His eyebrows were wrinkled as he stared at me.l

I looked back down wiping away the tears, "Baby please. I love you too much. I can't stop thinking about you. Everyday that has passed without you is horrible. It hurts me so much not being able to wake up next to you. To see that adorable smile of yours, to see how much you cared about me. I miss you. I was so happy when you helped me get out through that drug addiction shit. I was happy I had someone next to me no matter what. Even after I was horrible to you, yout stayed by me. Even when bruises seemed to appear in your body. Please. Just one more chance" he said again. His voice. It sounded like a true apology. Maybe he was sorry. Maybe I should give him that chance.

"W-Woo Bin...I-I" I wanted to say yes. My heart was telling me to say yes, but my head was telling me to stay away from danger. I felt the tears fall to my lap as I began to sob.

Before I could hear him say anything else, or say anything myself, the phone was taken away from me. I looked up to see a very angry Namjoon.

"Whoever you are, this is a bad time to be calling. Or actually, don't call him at all. He clearly doesn't need someone like you hurting him" Namjoon said, a stern look on his face. He chuckled, "I would love to see you try, dumbass" he hanged the phone and quickly threw it next to me on the bed.

I looked back down to my lap playing with my fingers, biting my lip to silence the whimpers.

"Who was that?" he asked sitting next to me.

"T-That was my ex-boyfriend" I said quietly. He didn't know I was gay. In fact, no one really knew. The only person I ever told was Jimin, but that boy can be forgetful sometimes. But he felt like he could trust Namjoon. Even if the younger might feel disgust towards him now.

"Well, he is an ass and I'm glad you guys aren't together" he sighed and hugged me.

I looked up at him from the hug, tears still staining my face. "Y-You are not d-disgusted? O-Or surprised?" I asked.

"For what? I don't care if you like boys, or girls, or even plants. You like whoever you want. I would never judge someone because of that" he smiled. "Plus I have a super gay friend. I don't think I could be disgusted. Ever." he chuckled.

I relaxed on his arms and hugged him back. "Thank you Joonie. Really. I'm glad you were here with me. My life seems to be falling apart..."

"No problem. And it may seem like it's falling apart, but hang in there okay? That is just the thing about life, it pulls you down to the core of the earth but then you get picked up by gravity and suddenly everything is better and you are still alive" he started tracing circles on my back like earlier. He knew very well what he was doing as I felt even better.

"So philosophical" I laughed.

The phone started ringing again. I stared at it knowing already who it was. With a sigh, Namjoon took the phone and turned it off, not breaking away from the hug.

"No need to leave it on while I'm here" he placed it on the side once more.

"Let's do something!" I told him after a while breaking away from the hug. Even though he smelled really damn good, I couldn't hug him forever. I could lose it if I hug him any longer. I was so temped to kiss those lips. Even his dimples drove me crazy. He drove me crazy.

"What do you suggest?" he asked.

"Hmm" I looked at the bed and clapped my hands together, "We can make flower crowns! I have some plastic flowers and all the utensils we need to make them" I smiled brightly getting up from the bed. "Come on!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.

And I swear I could see a pink tint appear on his cheeks. Or I could be hallucinating...

- -

Namjoon's POV

I quickly followed him back to the living room. His smile finally appeared on his face after all the crying. I knew he was probably still hurt about everything that had happened that day, but at least he was starting to smile.

He let go of my hand and went to a closet getting some things out.

"So, how do you even know how to make flower crowns? I thought you specialized more in bouquets" I asked him sitting down on the sofa once more.

"I decided to learn after a little girl asked me if I knew how to make them. She is a fan of flowers and flower crowns were her favorite. All she wanted that day was to buy flower crown made with real flowers" he laughed at the memory, "I haven't seen her for a while now. She comes in every now and then to buy them" he came back setting the supplies down on the coffee table in front of us.

"That's sweet of you" I smiled looking at the different flowers he set in front of me.

"Thanks" he said with a small smile and a light blush on his cheeks.

He was adorable. Whenever he was smiling, or talking about the things that he loved the most. Everything about him was adorable. Maybe I am falling in love...

"Alright now, I will guide you through it" he said and we started making the flower crowns.

I took off my vest before starting to make the crowns as it had started to get a lot warmer. Or maybe it was just me. He read the instructions as I tried my best to follow them. It wasn't difficult. I just didn't have any experience with flowers or any of the tools we were using. Other than the hot glue of course. A lot of things have broken in my apartment. I have learned after countless of hours I have spent gluing things together. But in the end, more than half of the things never work the same again.

After a while, we were both done with a mess surrounding us. I ended up sitting on the floor next to him with a lot of plastic flowers, sticks, and little decorations next to us. All the tools we used were scattered on the table and there was even a mess of hot glue and pieces from the flowers everywhere. We left a big mess. His flower crown turned out better than mine. It was perfectly symmetrical with really pretty pink flowers. Even though Jin kept saying mine looked good, I still believed it was really crappy. I wasn't good at art. Only at music and banking. And even at that I sucked sometimes.

(Jin's Flower Crown)

(Namjoon's Flower Crown)

"Stop complaining about it Kim Namjoon. It looks just fine!" Jin yelled at me as I kept bothering him about the fact that his crown was crap compared to Jin's.

"I can't! Your's looks a lot better! You have the experience and I don't, and why are you calling me by my full name?" I protested again looking at the crown.

"I don't know! Why are we talking so loudly?" Jin said back.

"I don't know either!"

Jin laughed throwing his head back. He then grabbed the flower crown from my hands and put it on my head, a smiled making its way up his lips once more.

"You look adorable! You look like a flower boy!" he squealed. "Show your dimples! It will make you look cuter!"

I couldn't help but chuckle as I stared at him.

"There we go!" he laughed looking at me with those adorable brown eyes.

"You look like a princess. Hmm...maybe I should call you that. Princess Jin" I told him, still staring at the beauty in front of me.

"Maybe I should call you flower boy fact, I should change your name on my phone to that" he smiled, staring back into my eyes.

"Maybe you should. Or maybe I could be prince charming. That way it goes better since you are the princess, plus you are flower boy Jin on my phone" I said out of nowhere not processing my words. As soon as I said the prince charming part I regreted it.

His faced flushed out of nowhere as he started at me surprised. "W-What?" he asked.

"Yeah, your name is 'Flower Boy Jin' on my phone, look!" I took my phone out showing him, deciding to avoid the real answer to his question.

"A-Aish, not already told me about that" he said looking somewhere else.

I smiled, "oh...I did, didn't I?" I stayed looking at him. He was really red now and nervous. He was a beutiful mess. My beutiful mess.

I scratched the back of my head, "Jin?" I called out to him causing him to look at me.

"Y-yeah?" He said softly.

I took this as an opportunity and got closer to the pink mess. Before I could even register properly how I was doing this, my lips touched his.

He was as surprised as I was. His eyes didn't close immediately and he didn't kiss back either until it registered on his head what was actually happening. As soon as he relaxed, I closed my own eyes and kissed him sweetly. Our lips moved in sync as our breathing increased. His soft plump lips felt amazing on mine. They felt so delicate I was scared I would harm them. My hands made their way to his waist, and soon his hands moved to my neck trying to get me closer. I bit on his bottom lip causing him to gasp. My toungue invaded his mouth and soon we were fighting for dominance, something I quickly won since he gave up. The kiss kept on going like that. A mix between sweetness and passion.

We broke apart trying to catch our breath before we would pass out. His cheeks were red once more and I could feel mine become warmer. My forhead touched his. His eyes slowly opened and looked into mine. They were shinning more than ever now.

"J-Joonie?" He said, looking for answers in my eyes, as if they held any.

"I think I have fallen for you..." I whispered caressing his cheek.

I had fallen for Kim Seokjin, the flower boy, the princess.
