
Gloxinia sat in the sacred tree, the hum of a summer night buzzing around him Gerhard had her head in his lap the steady slowness of her breathing making it clear she was asleep. However Gloxinia was anything but, his thoughts were racing

"Didn't expect to see you here" king commented floating down
"Harlequin!" Gloxinia exclaimed, looking at him "I'm glad your here"
"I- I wanted to talk to you about something"
Gloxinia looked down at Gerhard, her hair slightly blowing in the breeze
"You love Diane right?"
"How- how do you feel when she smiles at you" Gloxinia tensed up, ready for the laughter that would've come from one of the Ten Commandments, instead, King sighed and sat across from him
"Let's see, well the first thing that happens is my heart starts beating really fast" Gloxinia froze "then I get butterflies in my stomach, My face gets hot and my palms get sweaty" king looked up to see Gloxinias face

A mask of shock
"But that doesn't make any sense..." Gloxinia murmured under his breath
"Are you okay King Gloxinia?"
Gloxinia stood up, carefully as to not wake his sister
"Thanks Harlequin, I need to be alone for a while" and with that he flew away
