Lesson 43


One month and two days since YuXin left, one month and two days since my heart was left with a gaping hole that doesn't seem to recover. I've lost the will to fight against my grandpa wishes and agreed with whatever arrangement he's set, much to my mom's surprise. What's the point of resisting when YuXin is already gone. I was more like a walking zombie, putting on a fake smile trying to get through the day while my inside is slowly dying.

More often than not, I find myself staring at Yuxi, reminiscing about the days I've spent with his other twin. "Bro, tone down on your stare, would you?" he sighed, working on editing his photographs while analysing the stock market simultaneously.

"How is it that you're so smart and Yu-.." saying her name brought a dull ache in my heart. "..and she's always struggling with her work."

"Just genes I guess. She's has her own qualities that outshine mine too, like her selflessness and consideration for others."

That was true, it was her selflessness that made me want to protect her even more, yet I'm the one who hurt her the most. When she trusted me with her heart. The pang of sadness slowly envelope me and I choked back on my tears, willing myself not to cry. I fucking miss you YuXin. I covered myself in my blanket, looking at YuXin's photo in my phone as I wallow in my own misery.


A month since I've shifted into the dorm. The rest of the boys were pretty friendly with me, I guess YuXin must have won them over with her easygoing personality. Kun on the other hand, immediately let down his facade everytime he is in the room, a total 180 degree change from his jovial personality in school.

In the room, he's been moping around like a love sick puppy, keeping to himself and simply staring at his phone most of his time. It was hard seeing him in such a dejected state that I felt a tinge of pity for him knowing Yibo has made his move from YuXin.

If only you weren't born as an heir to the most prestigious company.



"Did you hear? There's a student from Reitsu Academy waiting at our school gate."

"Ahh, is he one of the popular ones??"

"I heard from the girls, he's a looker, let's go see!"

The girls were chattering along the corridor after school. Could it be my brother? "Baobei, could it be your Yibo senior looking for you?" Shaking gave me a nudge, raising her brows.

"It could also be Ziyi looking for Xue Er," I nudged Xue Er who slap my arms in protest.

YuYan rolled her eyes, "Lets just go take a look and stop the guessing."

Shaking was right, Yibo senior was standing at the front gate looking uncomfortable from the group of girls crowding around him and swooning in awe. As soon as he spotted me, he walked towards me with a wide grin. His dazzling smile caused another uproar as the girls started squealing.

"YuXin, are you free today? Let's go out to play," he asked.

"Ah.. I'm going out with Xue Er today.." I glanced at Xue Er who was linking her arms with mine. Xue Er cleared her throat and scrutinised Yibo with a solemn look.

"I'll let you have your time with YuXin today, just make sure to bring her back before dinner," Xue Er released her arm from mine and gently nudge me towards Yibo senior.

Yibo held on to my shoulder gently, "Thank you Xue Er, I'll have her back by then."

"We're here," Yibo senior flashed me a smile as we arrived at a shop full of claw machine. Each machine was filled with different adorable soft toys, beckoning for me to collect them. "Senior.. Are we going to play claw machine today?" I looked at him with my eyes sparkling in anticipation.

He took a wad of cash and exchanged a basketful of tokens. "Yeah, today's mission is for you to rescue the soft toys from the claw machine."

Yibo senior and I started on our conquest, inserting tokens after tokens in the claw machine to grab hold of the adorable soft toys within. It was like a dream come true for me to be able to play with the claw machine without any reserve. Soon, we had collected two bags full of soft toys and I was grinning from ear to ear looking at our loots.

"Are you having fun?" Yibo senior asked as he smoothed my hair tenderly as we made our way to a nearby cafe. I nodded my head excitedly, "Thank you senior, this was the most fun I've had in a long while."

He gave me a gentle smile, "I'd do anything to make you this happy everyday." My heart skipped a beat and I could feel a rush of heat rising to my face. It was different hearing Yibo senior being so straightforward about his feelings. Ever since he confessed, he has become more forthcoming in showing his affection towards me, making my heart beat rapidly from his actions. After his confession a few weeks ago, I've been thinking about it. Maybe it's time to really let Kun go..

"YuXin? Are you unwell?" Yibo senior placed the back of his hand on my forehead, bringing me back from my daze.

"Senior.. I've been thinking about your confession.. I don't know if it would be fair for you if you have to wait for me.. But I'm trying to forget Kun.. Its just really hard.." I muttered softly.

Yibo reached out and held on to my hand, gently rubbing it," YuXin, it's my choice to wait for you and as long as you give me the chance to, I will help you to forget about Kun."

"But that would mean that I'm using you."

"Then so be it," Yibo senior looked at me with his glimmering dark eyes with a warm smile "I am willing to be here for you, as long as you say yes."

I nodded my head and glanced at Yibo senior, his gentle and caring demeanor towards me has honestly moved me and I really want to reciprocate to his feelings and effort. "Yes, Yibo. Let's date." I replied, planting my lips on his.


I couldn't contain the joy I felt hearing YuXin's answer. In fact, I've been grinning ever since she said yes all the way till I've reach back to my own dorm.

"Bro, you met my sister? You've been grinning non stop I fear your face would be sore," Yuxi commented when he saw me at the entrance. I nodded my head and shared with him the news.

He gave me a knowing look and smiled, "I'm glad things turn out well between you and my sis. I'm sure you will take care of her well." He held onto my shoulder giving it an encouraging pat.

"Are you going to break this news to Kun?" he asked cautiously. That's right, I'd have to let Kun know, it's only fair to him.. "I'd do that soon."

"Hey Kun, you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you in private." I asked after our evening meeting adjourn in the committee room. He nodded with a slight smile and sat down at the couch.

"YuXin and I are dating now."


I felt a lurch in my stomach, the contents in it threatening to spill out hearing what Yibo said. Its happening for real isn't it? She's really out of my reach now. She has moved on. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath, forcing a smile, "That's great bro, you guys will be great together."

"Are you.. Alright with it?" Yibo gave me a wary look and I waved him off, "Yeah, why wouldn't I? Anyway I'm going to be engaged soon." That's fucking right, being engaged to a girl I don't even have any shred of feelings for while the girl I love is in your arms. My life is a fucking joke isn't it.
