Book 2: -Chapter Three

Grace's P.O.V

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied to Ben trying to get out of the lecture that I know he will give me.

"Really? Because if it's a mistake because I can ask for the security footage to find out." Ben told me causing me to sigh.

There was no way I was going to be able to lie and get out of this, "I've been giving my dad Goodness lessons." I said and Ben gave me a disapproving look. "What? You believe in second chances. If it was your parents you would do the same!" I added defensively. 

"Grace, I don't like you seeing him by yourself. I don't trust him. I've heard things about you and him, he didn't seem to care about you on the isle... why would he care now?" Ben stated back. 

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, "Maybe he's trying to change." I told him in an angry tone. He knew that I didn't get angry much but when I did we blow up in big fights. 

"Yeah, like he could ever change." Ben snapped as he stood up from his desk. I looked at Ben as I rose one of my eyebrows. 

"What about me? Our plan was to come steal the wand and I changed." I snapped in a slightly louder and harsher tone than he used. 

"Because you weren't corrupted yet! Your parents are evil and they always will be. Grace, I don't trust him around you!" He yelled as he walked closer to me. 

"Why can't you give him a second chance? He'll stay in the cell, even if he wants something then that means he won't mess me with." I yelled as Ben took a step closer to me. I wasn't backing down until I got what I wanted. 

Ben shook his head, "No way. I forbid you to go back there." He commanded. 

I arched my eyebrow, yet again. "You 'forbid' me?" I questioned. He didn't say anything, "Guess what, Ben." I started as he gave me a slight glare which I returned. "I am my own person, don't ever think that you or your stupid kingdom can rule me. I am the daughter of Gaston and it doesn't matter if you want to accept that because that's who I am. and If I can change... then my dad can too." I finished as I started to turn around but he stopped me. 

He gently grabbed my arm and twirled me back around to face him, "I didn't mean it like that." He told me. I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm out of his grip. I didn't say anything as I turned around and headed for the door. "Grace." Ben said quietly. "Please don't leave." he whispered almost where I couldn't hear but I did. 

I stopped and turned around to face him, "Ben, you have to let me do this." I sighed as I stayed in his office. 

"You don't understand." Ben told me as he walked closer to me. When he got close to me, he grabbed my hand and led me to the couch. "I've always believed in second chances, but Jay had told me what your dad had told you and done to you. I haven't thought of giving him a second chance since I heard about it." 

I grabbed Ben's hand softly, "Just please, let me work with him. Put your trust in me." I begged as I looked up at him with teary eyes. I really wanted a dad figure in my life, I would really like to have a family. 

Ben lifted my hand and kissed it, "Of course." he whispered. i gave him a thankful smile as he hugged me. I hugged back and we stayed like that for a while. I loved moments like these, when we didn't have to worry about anything. 



Sorry for the short update but I wanted to post something to assure that I haven't forgotten about the book. Idk when the next chapter will be out. I am writing so slow for this book and to be honest I am losing all inspiration but I am going to keep writing anyway. I hate ending books early so I will FOR SURE continue writing... I just don't know how frequent. I will for sure update, hopefully, three times a month... that may be all though.

sorry in advance if thats all I update. 
