Golden | Keefe

I'm still reeling from my chance meeting with that girl.

Golden. The flecks in her eyes were golden. Golden like pure sunshine.

Fitz casts a concerned gaze at me when I don't reply to his comment about his latest shoot. "Keefe? You okay?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Huh? I snap out of my stupor. "Oh, yeah. You were great, don't worry."

He smiles, flashing a cocky grin when he hears my half-hearted compliment. Really, any compliment is an ego-boost for Fitz. Not that he needs one. I fade back into my memories of Sophie Foster...her flowing blonde hair, sparkling brown eyes...

"Dude, are you sure you're okay?" Fitz waves his hands in front of my face, and I scramble away with a gasp. "Um, yeah," I lie, because how am I supposed to tell her that I'm her soulmate? That ice blue eyes with golden flecks lie underneath those contacts?

Fitz's eyes widen with some sort of realisation. "Wait...did you find your soulmate?" Then he gasped, pointing a finger in my face. "Is it my sister?"

"What?" I yell incredulously, scooting away from him. "No! Biana's not my soulmate!" A lot of curious girls turn their eyes towards me, and I lower my voice to a franctic whisper. "She's not, I swear!"

Fitz shrugged. "Just checking." I blew out a breath. 

Sometimes I really, really feel like strangling my best friend.


"...Marella! You got back with Tam? That's great!"

I hear a familiar voice and see a shock of blonde hair whip around the corner. I stop in my tracks, and immediately I'm transfixed by her beautiful face and the way she laughs.

Fitz eyes me suspiciously. "Keefe...Nothing you want to tell me about?"

I shift my eyes away from Foster and back to him. "No," I say somewhat uncomfortably. 

"Eh, whatever."

But my mind is stuck on her, and I don't hear anything Fitz says afterwards. Oh my god. She really is beautiful.

Stupid. I can't work up the courage to tell her that I'm the one she's looking for.
