Chapter 25

A few months into their marriage she realized that there was a deep connection between them that she had overlooked. Shivaay being her husband and advisor held a special place in her heart. His unwavering support and understanding had transformed their relationship into a beautiful bond filled with love and trust.

With every passing day Annika had learned to appreciate the little moments they shared together. From the early morning quarrels on alarm disturbances, which was always set up by Annika - who never woke up to that, instead it was him to wake up early-, to cozy nights spent cuddling on the sofa seats while Shivaay at times tutoring her, their relationship had blossomed into something extraordinary.

Shivaay's warm smile and his ability to make her feel cherished had melted away any doubts she had about their marriage.

While they had been living in seclusion for months Annika had finally come to the realization that hiding from the world was not the solution. Ever since her infamous split with Atharv, Annika had been disturbed by the thought that people might judge and comment on her getting married too soon after that split.

She even had changed her phone number and details in hope of avoiding their mutual friends.

However now the time had come for her to face the world with confidence and embrace the joyous moments that life had to offer. With a newfound courage Annika made the decision to reactivate her social media accounts, after months.

As she opened her Instagram profile she was greeted with a flood of notifications messages and missed calls. Among them there were a couple of messages from her ex-boyfriend, Atharv, dated back from the past eight months to recently four months prior. However Annika knew that she had left that chapter behind and decided to ignore his attempts to reconnect.

Instead, she took a moment to reflect on the beautiful memories she had captured with Shivaay.



Livin' is joyous.»

@SSOberoi could have posed better like a gentleman. *Sigh!*

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Choosing a picture where their smiling faces were mirrored in the frame she uploaded it with a caption that resonated with her newfound perspective on life: "Livin'g is joyous."

Annika had come a long way from the conflicted woman who once questioned her marriage. Now with a heart full of gratitude she was ready to embrace the future alongside her beloved husband, Shivaay, cherishing each moment with a genuine smile on her lips.

"I'm home Annika-" She heard Shivaay's familiar sound of footsteps, echoing the evening, towards her after a busy day at work. "Also got your favourite dark chocolates."

"Wait! What are you doing!" Shivaay who had walked into the living room from his work was little surprised to see her so engrossed in her phone. With a bubbling curiosity, he peeked to have a glimpse of her screen, only to watch her upload a picture of them together.

"Any problem?" Annika raised her head and watched him drop many polythene bags on sofa seat, beside her. "You being in the picture? Umm I mean are you okay if I update this ? Since you are that private person. Once you said your photo was misused."

"Nope. No issues" Shivaay shrugged his shoulders. "Just astonished to see your gram account. About that photo, at the profile being circulated is for another day to hear. Young girls these days! They don't even leave their young and energetic professors!

Annika laughed at his usually grumpy face. "Would you get freshed up first or have coffee?" She asked later grabbing his laptop bag and couple of files in his hands.

"I smell awfully bad. I will freshen up." Shivaay wrinkled his noses just by imagining the sweat that rolled in the evening. "I brought every stuff you asked for. Tomatoes, paneer, methi, cooking oil and curd."

"Milk? At least have you got ashirwad atta?"

"Oops!" Scratching his back of head, Shivaay looked apologitic for forgttening. "The store was being restocked so I might have forgotten."

"I reminded you a number of times. Didn't I? Texts! Voice messages! Ek laathe ho toh dusra bol jate ho. Kaise sambhalu aapko! I was supposed to help you with coffee but you have forgotten. Ab khaana kya kayenge?"

[Trans- You get one and forget another. How should I deal with you!]

[Trans-Now what would we have for dinner?]

"How much will you scold this poor man?" Shivaay attempted to pout, however it definitely didn't look good instead Annika had a hard time suppressing her laughter.

"Stop pouting! You have become lazier than ever. Every morning you shout on top of your lungs in search of one or other things. Yesterday that nosy neeche wali aunty came to me and asked if I was okay and treated well since the man I was living with is always loud." She huffed glaring at him.

[Trans- Downstairs Aunty]

"You are behaving like a typical wife!"

"Ha ho mein typical biwi! Biwi ho mein!" Annika scrutinised him, narrowing her eyes.

[Trans- Yes I'm a typical wife. I'm your wife.]

"Annika! Where is my watch? What about my bike's keys! I guess I lost it!" Shivaay rolled his eyes seeing her imitate him, from the every morning shehganiyas. "And what about the breakfast thing? Ohhh my god Annika you have stored oil in puris instead of oil dispenser. I'm not having it!"

Saying so, Annika twisted her mouth recalling his everyday tantrums.

"Accha chalo baba. Let's go to grocery store." As the evening sun began to cast long shadows across the bustling city, he knew that he had to make amends. Determined to rectify his forgetfulness and salvage the day Shivaay suggested to his wife Annika that they embark on a leisurely walk to the nearest store. "And have something while returning home."

[Trans- oh come on.]

"Abhi? It's almost time for dinner. And I have prepared mattar ke sabzi as per your request, abhi waste ho jayega. "

[Trans- Now?]

[Trans- peas curry as per your request, now it would go waste.]

"Refrigerate it. While coming back, pani Puri ya chat ka kar aayenge. I believe that would be light food before we sleep."

[Trans- we will have some chats or pani Puri.]

"You have learnt various techniques to calm me down every time with some or the other issues and eateries."

"I wish to live a long life." Chuckled Shivaay. "Chalo let's go out."

Within few minutes, Shivaay freshen led up and returned donning a powder blue round necked tee paired with black shorts. He grabbed the flat keys gesturing her to lock the doors, as he helped himself with the flippers.

Minutes later, as they strolled hand in hand the cool breeze swept through their hair offering a gentle reprieve from the sweltering late summer heat. Shivaay couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds that surrounded them. Pedestrians hurriedly scurried by their footsteps echoing off the pavement while the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted delicately from nearby cafes.


He missed his coffee.

Looking at his longing facial expressions which had some remnants of deprivation, Annika laughed out aloud. "It's almost night, caffeine isn't good."

And to this Shivaay nodded in understanding.

They continued to walk without any talks. The silence between them was absolutely flawless in its own way.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead as if urging Shivaay to break the silence. Summoning his courage he turned towards Annika and with a softness in his voice that could only come from recognizing his own fallibility he said, "the flat lease is going to expire in exactly four months. The owner had texted me notifying this. What should I do?"

"What can I say? It's not like it's my decision matters. You earn the bread breaking your sweat and blood. Its-"

"Ofcourse it does. Your decision matters. You are the lady of our home, and nothing can be decided without your inputs. We are husband and wife, there must not be any conflicts on accounding. Whatever we earn we invest to our progress and development. So 'your money' isn't in my dictionary. Mind it ha."

Annika's eyes softened as she looked into Shivaay's earnest gaze. A flicker of excitement and belongingness danced across her face. Understanding those mere simple words were insufficient Shivaay reached out to gently touch her hand.

"Let's make it right Annika. I have always dreamt of having a partner who is equal to me. Growing up I have seen many relatives of mine who had that patriarchal thought. Maa, even though she behaves strong and unbreakable, she is scared of papa. Papa's decision matters the most in the home. But let's make this right," he whispered. "Together."

"But log kya bolenge? They will say that I am making you dance on my fingers. Mere Ghar se phone aayega. Maa and baba will be-"

[Trans- But what will people say? We would be getting phone calls from my maternal family.]

"Bohut bolti hein aap." He shushed her by placing his index finger on her lips, gesturing her to Stop blabbering. "People speak. It's our duty to make them speak. Ha so let them sprout nonsense. It's not like I'm not dancing on your tunes. It's a fact."

[Trans- You speak a lot.]


"See it's not that hard to accept. I accept that I am whipped. And whenever you are around I have that confidence like I have this world under my foot. It's the similar confidence, papa exhibit when maa is glaring at others."

Annika's cheeks burned with a deep shade of red as her husband's admission of being whipped for her echoed. It wasn't something she expected him to say so openly and yet she couldn't deny the flutter of pride that welled up within her.

Her husband Shivaay was known for his strong and independent nature. He was a pillar of strength at their home and his work place. But ever since they had met, Annika had discovered a softer side of him, a side that thrived through their deep bond. It was a side that had grown stronger over the months enabling him to express his vulnerability and devotion to her without hesitation.

As Annika thought about it, memories flooded her mind reminding her of the countless times Shivaay had put her needs above his own. He would surprise her with little acts of kindness going out of his way to ensure her happiness. From taking her to ice cream dates to showering her with affectionate displays of love he was constantly reminding her of his unwavering devotion.

Their journey together had not been without challenges but it was in those moments that Annika admired Shivaay's resilience and commitment. He never shied away from standing up for her supporting her dreams and being her rock when the world seemed to crumble around them. It was in these instances that Annika knew she had found a partner who would always be by her side no matter what.

And now here he was openly admitting that he was whipped for her. It wasn't a phrase she particularly liked as it held connotations of control or submission. But she understood the sentiment behind his words - that he willingly placed her happiness above his own and that her smile was enough to melt away any traces of reluctance.

The depth of their connection was undeniable and Annika felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. To have someone who was with her unconditionally, who cherished every part of her, was a gift she would forever treasure. As the heat of her blush subsided she met Shivaay's eyes and they shared a knowing smile.

"Chalo blushika! My blushing queen. The grocery store is a few steps away."

[Trans- let's go]


Upon their return from the store Shivaay noticed a gleam in Annika's eye. With a mischievous smile, he gently nudged her towards a roadside stall known for its delectable pani puri.

As they indulged in the crisp tangy bursts of flavor laughter filled the air replacing the heaviness that had consumed them earlier. Shivaay's teasing sparked playful banter between them their closeness rejuvenated amidst the chaos and ordinary beauty of everyday life.

"So what's your plan?" Shivaay asked before stuffing his mouth with a Pani filled Puri.


Annika waited for a couple of seconds, as he swallowed or chewed his Puri.

"I was talking about the flat lease." Shivaay mumbled before grabbing Annika's dupatta from her shoulder and wiping his mouth.

Horrored with his moves, she pushed and then glared at him. And as a response he just smiled at her sweety and proceeded to pay the bill. "Bhaiya ek aur sweet wale Puri dejiye na please."

[Yrans- brother one sweet Puri please.]

"Jaldi bolo!" He urged Annika after chewing the Puri that was handed over to him by the vendor.

[Trans- Speak up.]

Thinking about a few minutes Annika asked. "Can't we renew the lease agreement?"

"I already thought of this but unfortunately he is only wishing for monthly rent this time. And if rent is considered in our monthly expenses we are considered as poorest of all."

"Hahaa! It wasn't funny!" Annika exclaimed. "As if the rent is more or less than my high heels. My heels are almost nine thousand!"

Seeing her exclaimed expression, Shivaay gave a deadpan look. "Actually it's almost twice of your heels price."

Thinking it as a typical joke, Annika laughed it off. Regardless of that, when she saw his expression unchanged she realised that she had laughed too soon.

"At this point, you can pay the same amount for EMI after purchasing a flat at a decent place."

"Exactly my point." Shivaay agreed to her.

"Come we will walk back home. Mummy ji and Uncle ji can also advise about this." Annika said. "Also let's have faluda."


"Pretty please." Annika pleaded with her big wide and innocent eyes.

"It's cold."

Annika twisted her mouth and stomped her foot against his and hurried towards their apartment.


As they walked back to their apartment groceries in hand and hearts in sync Shivaay's forgetfulness had transformed into a catalyst for growth and deeper connection.


The next day, despite Shivaay's suggestion Annika found herself conflicted. The idea of reaching out to her ex-boyfriend Atharv to discuss what went wrong in their relationship seemed intriguing yet a bit daunting for her. She had already moved on from her past and was fully devoted to her husband and advisor Shivaay and his loving family.

Annika had learned to appreciate and cherish every moment embracing the present with a smile on her face.

Shivaay being a loving and caring husband understood Annika's hesitation.

"This is your life to live." He had told her the other day.

During another conversations with him, he had shared his insecurity of being ditched again. And she assured herself along with him.

He had only suggested reaching out to Atharv because he believed it might help Annika find closure and bring even more happiness into their marriage. However he respected Annika's decision knowing that she had already moved forward from her past.

"I don't believe in love neither have expectations. Nonetheless I might have trust and faith in myself for trusting you. I'm really invested in you." He had confessed. He enveloped her in a comforting embrace assuring her that he valued their bond and was committed to their journey together. He promised to be her pillar of strength through all the ups and downs to always support her dreams and aspirations.

As the days went by Annika continued to ponder over Shivaay's suggestion. Memories of her time with Atharv resurfaced making her think about the unresolved issues they had. She wondered if a conversation with him would alleviate the lingering questions in her mind. Despite wanting to focus on her present life with Shivaay Annika couldn't shake the curiosity that gnawed at her.

Encouraged by Shivaay's reassurance Annika made a decision. She would reach out to Atharv not because she harbored any romantic feelings but to gain closure and find peace within herself. It was a difficult choice but she believed it would ultimately strengthen her bond with Shivaay.

With Shivaay's guidance Annika drafted a heartfelt message to Atharv expressing her desire to meet and discuss the unresolved issues from their past. She mentioned her willingness to forgive and move on emphasizing that her intentions were solely based on finding closure rather than rekindling any romantic connection.

Atharv surprised to receive a message from Annika after all this time agreed to meet.

So here is the update that I had kept delayed. I apologise for that.

I had been under the weather, I have been visiting physiotherapy every week since I was clumsy enough to hurt myself.

Also is there any particular scene you want to read? If yes do comment down the details, I will try my best to cover them up.
