One City, Two Heroes

Peter was in Starlight City for a few months, and he can easily say it's completely different from Central City. In this city, Peter plays by Oliver's rules but still refuses to kill. Oliver honors his request and never forces him to make that call, and Peter doesn't stop Oliver from making the call himself. Peter even changed his old costume with help of Felicity Smoak, who helps Oliver.

Now the new suit now instead of a mostly red and blue suit has been changed into a full red and black suit with eyes that adjust with his senses that causes them to open and close with his actual eyes. The suit was also updated to withstand more force than his previous and is harder to damage so he doesn't need to constantly need to fix it. Even added a voice modulator to disguise his voice just slightly.

After finally returning to Central City, he got a report of a fire on western and 3rd in downtown Central City. As he makes his way inside, he starts evacuating the people inside and hears a mother yelling for her kid and gets her out of the building when suddenly a blur of lightning enters the same building and people are getting pulled out of the burning building out of thin air. "Okay...what the what, did I miss something?" Peter asks no one in particular being confused out of his mind about what he just saw.

In an alleyway on the other side of the city, Barry comes to a stop and pulls off his mask and is shocked to what he saw. "Oh my gosh, I just saw Spider-Man up close. And he has a new suit!" Barry states in shock and excitement to seeing him. "What else you got for me, Cisco?" Barry asks them back at S.T.A.R. Labs. "Barry, it's Caitlin." Caitlin says back into the comm. "Hey, Caitlin. How's your day?" Barry asks the doctor who doesn't seem happy. "Get back to S.T.A.R. Labs, now." She commands him and Barry starts to do so, but is getting a headache while he tries running and shakes it off and runs.

Peter makes it to Jitters to get some coffee before returning to work and starts searching what he can on this new guy literally running around. He finds out there's been recent sightings of someone running faster than the naked eye can see, leaving nothing but a red streak.

"Okay, who and or what are you?" Peter asks as he tries getting some answers when he sees his friend Caitlin Snow coming in and she seems to be having a bad day.

"Caitlin Snow." Peter says and Caitlin turns to see him and she smiles at him.

"Peter, where've you been?" Caitlin asks as she gives him a hug happy to see him after almost a year apart.

"I was coping with what happened." Peter explains to her and they start catching up when Caitlin notices his laptop. "What are you looking at?" Caitlin asks him and Peter closes it a little too quickly. "It's nothing. I've just...heard recent stuff about some blur around the city. Wondered what was happening while I was gone. Seems I missed some things even when Spider-Man was gone for a while." Peter explains.

"Yeah, things have been getting weird since the particle accelerator exploded." Caitlin says as Peter gets his coffee and Caitlin gets some sorta alert on her phone. "Oh, no. I've gotta go." Caitlin states and gets up to leave. "Well, it was nice seeing you. Maybe we can meet up again soon." Peter says as she starts leaving.

Peter wonders where she's going, but knows he has to get to his job before he's in trouble. He turns to the tv to see that there was an attempted robbery that was stopped by the blur.

"You lies to us." Caitlin tells Barry as she checks on him after he explains that he fainted while chasing a new metahuman. "How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells? We're you're doctors. God knows what's going inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing cardiopulmonary failure or a transient ischemic attack." Caitlin states and Barry didn't understand a word of what she just said and turns to Wells in his wheelchair. "Mini stroke. Probably not." Wells explains and he looks back at Caitlin.

"You of all people know in science, we share. We don't keep secrets." Caitlin tells him and walks to check on his vitals. "Wow. I haven't seen anyone make her that angry since Ronnie." Cisco says and follows her.

"Ronnie was Caitlin's fiancé? The one that died the night of the explosion?" Barry asks Wells and he concurres. "He is...missed." Wells says.

The three of them are watching Barry run on Cisco's specialized treadmill and wait to see what's wrong and Wells sees something. "Look at the glucose levels." Wells tells Caitlin and she realizes what's wrong. "It was so obvious." Caitlin states. "Barry, I think we know why you keep-" Wells starts off saying as Barry passes out and falls into the boxes Cisco patted up for him.

Peter swings around Central City to keep an eye for more crimes and anything to do with that blur. Once he sees his work is done for the night, he makes his way to his aunt's house since he hasn't seen her for a long time and promised he'd stop by that night.

He makes it to her door and hides his costume under his clothes and knocks.

A few seconds later, May opens the door and sees her nephew. "Oh my god, Peter!" She shouts and quickly hugs him. "Oh, it's good to see you too, aunt May, but I need to breathe." Peter tells her as she is using a death hug he's all too familiar with and she lets him go.

"It's been so long, how was Starlight City?" May asks him. "It was nice, I picked up a few things." Peter tells her. "Well, come in. I've got dinner ready, so you're on time." May says and leads him in and Peter really missed his friends and family while in Starlight.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry wakes back up and they help him stand. "I passed out again?" Barry asked them. "Total metabolic failure brought on by acute hypoglycemia." Caitlin explains why he fainted and he understood. "I'm not eating enough." Barry recaps what she said. "So an I.V. bag and I'm good to go?" He asks them and Cisco chuckled at that.

"Try 40." Wells states and Barry sees the billions of I.V. bags he needed to keep him alive. "Guess you were thirsty." Wells tells him. "We're gonna need to fashion you a new diet based on your metabolic changes." Caitlin tells him. "I've done a few calculations. You need to consume an amount equal to roughly 850 tacos." Cisco explains and starts rethinking. "Unless we talking cheese and guac, which is like a whole other set of equations." He states and starts rethinking his calculations.

"For Mexican, I recommend Tito's." A new voice says and they look to the doorway to see Joe. "On brucker Avenue? Best burrito in the city." Joe tells them.

"Detective West." Wells says looking to him happy. "What brings you to S.T.A.R. Labs?" Wells asks him wondering why the man would be here of all places. "When I couldn't find you at your lab, I started doing a little research. Turns out there's been reports of a red streak around the city that isn't anything to do with Spider-Man. He's been stopping muggers, rescuing people in burning buildings." Joe explains to them and Wells looks to Barry confused.

"You didn't tell him we were working together?" Wells asks Barry. "Joe, I can explain." Barry tells him. "You already have a job in law enforcement, Barry. I suggest you get back to it." Joe tells him and Caitlin gets an text on her phone and looks to see what it is. You know, you missed out. I told a chemistry joke at Jitters, I got no reaction.-Peter. It reads And Caitlin let's out a small chuckle at the bad joke, without a doubt being from Peter and she sees everyone looking her way.

"Sorry, bad timing." She apologizes to them and sends a quick text back saying it was terrible, but still funny. "Detective. We all want what's best for Barry." Wells explains to Joe.

"If you wanted what was best for Barry, you'd try to talk him out of this lunacy instead of encouraging him going out there risking his life." Joe states to Wells.

"You saw a man control the weather." Barry interjected to Joe. "What are the police gonna do against someone like that?" He asks Joe. "I mean, since the accelerator explosion we suspect there may be more like him."

"And you're gonna do what? Catch them? You think because you can run real fast you're invincible? You're not!" Joe tells Barry getting sick of this argument.

"Spider-Man does the exact same thing as I do, I don't see you trying to stop him from jumping in the front of a bus." Barry replies to Joe. "Spider-Man isn't my kid." Joe justifies to him.

"I'm not your kid, Joe. And you're not my father." Barry states getting a get shocked reaction from Joe. "My father is sitting in Iron Heights, wrongfully convicted. You were wrong about him. And you're wrong about this. I can't help him, but if I can save someone from a burning building or stop some armed thieves, I'm gonna do it! And you can't stop me. So don't try." Barry tells him and Joe sees he isn't changing his mind.

"You think you're so smart. All of you. But you don't know what you don't know. And I hope you're clever enough to figure it out before somebody gets killed." Joe tells Wells and the others and leaves.

Barry takes a minute to realize what he said and Wells turns to Caitlin. "So, Dr. Snow, who were you talking to?" He asks her and she looks up from from the computer to see them qll looking at her wondering who could make her laugh like that.

"It was a message from Peter Parker." Caitlin explains and Cisco lights up to hearing his friends name after almost a year.

"Mr. Parker's back in Central City?" Wells asks her, as a smile appears on his face.

"Yeah, we ran into each other at Jitters and talked for a while before I was called back." Caitlin tells them. "He just sent a bad science joke, thinking I needed a pick up." She explains , happy to have her friend back.

Peter is doing his normal Spider-Man routine after his dinner with May and runs into some deal going on in a dark corner. "Where's the rest of your crew?" The man asks the second masked man. "Just me." The hooded man says as he removes the hood.

"What do you want, Black?" The other man asks and Peter assumes that's his name. "The only thing I still want in life...your boss dead." Black says and Peter remembers the attack that occurred earlier that day. Multiple men attacked and stole some things, nothing too big, but was mad at himself for not being there.

"It's not my fault you and your team moved too slow. I told you where Stagg would be, not how long he'd be there." He explains to Black. "I need his full itinerary." Black states. "And security access to his office and home." Peter then realizes he's planning to assassinate this Stagg person. "I've got a reputation in the security business. It's one thing if my employer gets iced. It's another if it happens in his bed."

"You'll do what I ask, Mr. Java." Black states to him and Java just punches him. Peter doesn't know if he should intervene or not since it doesn't seem to be anything he can accuse him for yet. "What the hell are you gonna do to me without your army?" Java asks Black and starts walking off.

Peter then watches in shock as he watches Black doing something and starts separating from himself copying himself multiple times. Now Peter decides it's time to intervene.

"I am an army." Black tells Java and all of him begin to beat him to death. Peter webs one of them and pulls him out of the way. "Hey! Hasn't anyone told you copying is bad for you?" Peter quips as they all turn their attention to him. "Okay, this was a bad idea, wasn't it?" Peter asks as they all began to gang up on him and they keep duplicating him and Peter just fights his way free and runs. He knows he's gonna need backup in order to stop this guy. He just shoots a web to get away when a gunshot goes off and Peter feels a sting in the side of him. He looks to see a bullet went straight through him and he's going to need to need to patch himself up when he gets back home.

Next day at the CCPD, Joe enters Barry's labs to give him the evidence. "Come to yell at me again?" Barry asks Joe. "Simon Stagg's Head of security was beaten almost to death last night." Joe explains to him. "It would seem Spider-Man was there or something, stoped him from dying. He was put in a coma, not waking up any time soon. They found this blood and some skin samples. Hopefully their of the killer. See if you can find a match." Joe says and starts to leave.

"Can't be a coincidence that Stagg's benefit was attacked last night." Barry states and he agree. "I'm going to interview Stagg now." Joe explains where he's headed. "I'll come with you." Barry offers. "Your job is here, stay in here and do it." Joe tells him and he leaves and Iris comes in confused on what's going on and Barry's test is done and he gets the information on the blood.

"Okay, that's weird." Barry says as he sees the information he's getting is coming from a human and a spider. "This blood that was taken from the crime scene where an attack took place last night, this has traces of steatoda nobilis in it." Barry tells Iris and she's confused.

"Okay, and what does that mean?" Iris asks him not following him.

"Well, It has traces of spider and human DNA. Spider-Man was sited at the crime scene, I think this is a trace of his blood." Barry explains to her as he sees nothing matching in the database. "So, What does that mean?" Iris asks him, not understanding.

"It just means we can't find the criminal with the blood sample." Barry says and looks into the skin samples and gets something just as strange. "Okay, that's impossible. These skin cells must belong to the murderer, but these cells are naive. Stem cells that they can replicate and become any cell the body needs. They only come from babies." Barry states, confused on the data he's getting today, from spider DNA, to baby DNA. "This means your killer is what, a newborn?" Iris asks him.

At his apartment, Peter finishes up patching himself back up after checking his wounds for infection and he's going to be okay. He finally drops onto his bed ready to sleep when his phone goes off. Peter moans in anger and decides to see what it is and he sees he needs to get to work. "Note to self-get a doctor." He tells himself as he could get someone else to help him, better than doing it himself and wasting all night.

"You honestly think that someone wants to kill me?" Stagg asks Joe and Eddie as they walk through his facility. "Were not sure, mr. Stagg, but an event you were being hinders at was robbed at gunpoint." Eddie explains to Stagg.

"And your head of security was found beaten near dead this morning." Joe also says, explaining. "I am a scientist and a philanthropist. We're not often the targets of assasains." Stagg tells them.

"Well, what about lawsuits?" Joe asks and holds a file in his hand. "You've got about 20 of those pending against you."

"It is a sad fact of life, that when you earn a lot of money, people who haven't think they can take it." Stagg says.

"People like this Danton Black?" Joe asks and holds a photo of said man to him. "You fired him and now he's suing you."

"Unfortunately, our working relationship wasn't successful, but I can assure you both of one thing. Danton Black is not a killer. He's a clinical researcher, not a criminal mastermind." Stagg explains when suddenly men with masks and guns start shooting at them and they run for cover.

At the precinct, things are going crazy and Barry wonders what's wrong and he sees Singh. "Captain, what's going on?" He asks Singh.

"An armed gunman is shouting up Stagg Industries." He explains to Barry and keeps walking. "Joe's there." Barry says and runs into his lab and grabs his suit.

Stagg Industries, Joe is working a plan as he tries shooting the men and it's not working. "Get him out of here. I'll cover you." Joe tells Eddie and they're ready and then Joe stands to shoot Black's men as Eddie runs with Stagg.

Joe shoots them and Black takes off his mask and begins to duplicate himself again. Joe watches it happen and they start advancing towards him. A web comes in and pulls the guns out of their hands and Joe looks to see Spider-Man who made his way inside himself.

"Run!" Peter tells Joe when a flash of lightning comes in and Joe ends up outside and Peter looks to see Flash. "Whoever you are, give yourself up." Barry tells them.

"Sorry, we're not going anywhere." One Black says and they all say at the same time, "not until Simon Stagg is dead." And Peter looks a little creeped out.

"You guys all practice that, like in a mirror or something?" Peter quips when Barry speeds and knocks some of them out, just for Black to keep duplicating and Peter shoots a web at his back and pulls him towards, causing Black to copy himself several more times. They all start fighting off Barry and Peter at once.

Peter dodges most of the punches, but there's too many of them and they eventually get the upper hand. Peter tries taking as much as he can as Barry is pinned down and can't get up. Peter quickly switches his webs to taser webs and shoots at the Black's causing them all to fall and Barry takes this moment run.

One of the Black's aren't affected, being the main one and Peter watches as he creates multiple him's again and knows he has to think of how to stop him. With that in mind, he makes his quick get away as they start shooting at him and Peter is quick to dodge them all and makes his way out.

Peter keeps swinging and finds an abandoned alleyway and drops to the ground and pulls off his mask in a quick motion and starts heavily breathing and feels his wounds. He's got something broken, but knows his powers will deal with that themselves. Peter then looks to a reflective surface and sees the bruises left from the fight. "Where do these guys keep coming from?" Peter asks and starts walking to find out what he can on this attack of the clones. But first, he needs to pay a visit to the only doctor he knows. Caitlin Snow.

"Mr. Stagg, I wish you would reconsider our offer for protective custody." Joe tells Stagg at the CCPD. "Danton Black has proven he is willing to kill, and he's got...friends. And they're all dangerous."

"I've increased my security, detective. I hope Black comes looking for trouble. Because he'll find plenty." Stagg states when they hear slow clapping and turn to see Wells down the hall. "Spoken like a true philanthropist." Wells says as he moves closer to them. "Or is it humanitarian? I'm sorry, I can never remember which one you're pretending to be, Simon." He tells Stagg.

"Harrison, don't get up." Stagg mocks Wells and his wheelchair and Wells mockingly laughs as he gets into the elevator and leaves.

"Another fan of yours, Doctor?" Joe asks Wells.

"Can we talk, detective?" Wells asks.

At her apartment, Caitlin is looking at the blood samples from Black that Barry got on his suit and it's not enough to work off of when a knock comes on her window. She gets confused when she turns to see Spider-Man leaning against her window.

Caitlin looks in shock and opens her window to help him. "What are you doing?" Caitlin asks the masked hero. "How do you know where I live?" She keeps throwing questions at him and sees he's holding his ribs. "Oh my god, you're injured." She realizes and helps him inside her apartment.

"Yeah, some whack-ado was copying himself over and over. I took a big beating from him." Peter states and she helps him to the couch and looks over his injuries. "Is this your blood or his?" Caitlin asks him as Peter pushes his emblem on his suit and it releases part of the suit for her to inspect him.

"It's his." Peter tells her as she starts cleaning his bruises.

"I kinda miss your old suit, I have to say." Caitlin says, trying to start a conversation with him, not knowing it's her friend under the mask.

"I just thought it was time for a change after the accelerator." Peter informs her. "You know, I never got to thank you back then. When you saved my life." Caitlin explains and Peter knows she's talking about that day back when they were in college. "And you'll never have to." Peter replies to her.

"Back to my question, how do you know where I live?" Caitlin asks him. "Tell you the truth, I saw you walking into the front door of the building, spent the past few minutes looking for the right place. One guy thought I was some drunk in a mask." Peter says and she chuckles at that.

"So, you happen to know who it was who was beaten me?" Peter asks her and she bites her lip and Peter and Ronnie are the only ones who know what that means. "His names Danton Black. He was affected when the particle accelerator exploded, him and others were given abilities like yours." Caitlin explains to him. "His power is being able to replicate spontaneously."

"Got it. He can make clones of himself as much as he wants." Peter recaps what she just told him. "And there's something else. When I was fighting him, I saw a guy in some red skintight suit. You know anything about that?" Peter asks her and she freezes up for a second.

"He's...someone who was also effected. He can run fast, decided to throw in the towel earlier today. How do you do it?" Caitlin asks Spider-Man.

Peter looks at her confused on what she means. "What?" Peter asks her as she finished bandaging him.

"How do you always go out there and keep fighting, even after everything? Half the time, the city hates you and wants you gone." Caitlin explains to him and Peter now understands what she's talking about.

"I lost someone close to me once because I decided not to use my powers. It was at that moment I realized I was given powers for a purpose." Peter says and starts breaking down remembering his uncle. "It's just...I used to look out to the city and see nothing changing. Crime was every other day, death was the next. So when you can do the things that I can, and you decide not to do anything with what you're given...when things happen and you could've stopped it, it's on you. I didn't ask for these powers, but i choose to be Spider-Man." Peter explains and sees her looking surprised. "That's why I dawned the mask, why Spider-Man exists. Why heroes exist. We hate to stand by and watch people get hurt and can't get up, when we can take the hit and keep going." Peter finishes to her.

"So you're doing this to honor the people you lost?" Caitlin asks him and he nods his head left to right. "I'm doing this to protect the people I love." Peter corrects her and she's finished with his wounds.

"Well, you're patched up and good to go, I would suggest you take it easy on the swinging though." Caitlin says and Peter gets up and heads towards the window.

"See you later, dr. Snow." Peter says as he runs and leaps out the window and swings home.

Later on, she goes back to S.T.A.R. Labs to look at the blood samples more closely when she did something to cause an entire clone of Black to grow. Caitlin then calls Barry to come back and he speeds in and sees him.

"Barry, it's okay." Caitlin tells him as Barry goes up to Black. "It's not okay! Black is here, and he's just...standing there. That's not him, is it?" Barry asks them.

"It's one of his replicates." Wells explains to Barry as he looks over the duplicate. "How did you get it?" Barry asks them.

"I grew him." Caitlin says with pride. "I isolated a sample of Black's blood from..." She stops and wonders if she should say it was from Spider-Man and he's against it, "your suit to see if I could trigger the in vitro cultivation process and learn how Black multiplied. So I exposed the target cells to a protein gel, and they began replicating." She explains and Barry is trying to get a reaction from Black's duplicate and he's not budging.

"Why isn't doing anything?" Barry questions her as he waves his hands in Black's face.

"We did a brain scan. Involuntary motor functions are active, little else." Wells explains from across the room. "We think it's acting as a receiver." Cisco also explains.

"The clones are an empty shell without Black. We were reviewing the footage from Stagg industries and saw when Spider-Man shot him with some sorta taser, they all fell. Shut down the real Black, they all go down." Caitlin tells him.

"How can we tell who's the real Black?" Barry asks her. "That occurred to me giving your own passing out. Black has limits, consoling all of those clones must require a tremendous amount of physical strength. So, look for the one showing signs of weakness or fatigue." Caitlin suggests to him when Black suddenly comes to life. Caitlin screams as gunshots come in and they look to see Joe with his gun raised as Black falls.

"Any more of them?" Joe asks them and Caitlin answers for them. "Nope."

"Why did it start moving?" Barry asks Wells. "The prime. My guess Black's on the move now. This one heard the summon to battle." He explains.

"And I know where he was summoned to. Stagg industries." Joe tells them as he puts his gun away.

Back at Peter's apartment, he is watching the interaction after hacking into the security cameras to see what they learned. He knew Caitlin knew more than she was letting on about this red blur. He didn't expect him to actually know enough other. But after hearing where he's heading and what to look for, he bets into his suit and makes his way to Stagg industries.

At S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry gets into his outfit and gets ready to fight Black as he also makes his way to Stagg industries.

At said industries, Black has a dozen copies of himself and they're making their way through Stagg's new security and their way to him. Stagg exists his office to check on what happened and sees Black.

"Hello, Black." Stagg says calmly.

"Goodbye, Simon." Black says and all of them raise their guns and Peter pulls them of their hands and Barry speeds in and takes Stagg out of the building and comes back. Peter looks to Barry as they stand back to back and see the army of Black's around the building. "I know what we have to do. We just have to sniff him out." Peter tells Barry and he nods in agreement.

"I know Stagg stole your research, but that doesn't give you the right to murder." Barry yells to Black. One of the duplicates shoot at them and they both use their reflexes to dodge the bullet.

"You go high, I hit low." Peter tells Barry and he nods to run off to stop the Black's from above and Peter takes them down from the ground level. Peter sees one and webs him and grabs another and throws them at each other, taking them both down.

"You think this is about my job?" One of the Black's ask them as Barry speeds around and grabs another one. "This is about Elizabeth." Another Black explains.

"She was my wife." A new Black states and tries shooting Peter and he webs him to the wall.

"She had a degenerative coronary disease." Another Black states. "She'd been on the transplant list for years, but...Time was running out."

"So if I couldn't get her a new heart..."

"You were gonna grow her one." Peter realizes while sneaking up on one of them and takes him down. More see him and start shooting at him and he runs for over as Barry speeds in and takes them down for Peter.

"I was so close. Until Stagg stole my research. So he could reap the glory. And I got to bury my best friend." Black tells them. "Now...I'm alone." He states sadly.

Peter starts to feel bad for him. Since he lost his best friend in the explosion. "I understand how that feels." Peter shouts while hiding from the clones. "I lost people close to me, also. But I never used it as an excuse to hurt others." He tries reasoning with him when they watch the prime creating more duplicates. They all start beating up Barry and Peter leaps up and gets him out of there, fast.

"Remember, Barry. Find the prime." Caitlin says to Barry.

"There's too many of them to fight." Barry says as Peter stands back up. "We don't need to fight them all. We just need to find the prime like they said." Peter says and Barry looks confused. "You heard them?" Barry asks.

"Super hearing. But that's not the point right now, we need to take him down. We can do this together." Peter says and helps him stand up.

"Together." Barry agrees as an army of Black's come running at them. "I'll take them, you locate the original." Peter says and starts shooting taser webs and everything he can as Barry speeds through them all and finds the prime and hits him against the wall. He looks to see all of the duplicates fall and some land on Peter.

"Sadly, not the most uncomfortable position I've been put in." Peter quips and Barry laughs. "It's done." Barry tells them as Black stands back up ready for another go when Peter webs him to the wall, stopping him from duplicating again.

"Don't want him going anywhere." Peter jokes and walks up to Barry. "I don't think we were properly introduced. I'm Spider-Man." Peter introduces himself holding his hand out to him.

"I'm...a work in progress." Barry jokes and shakes his hand. "Yeah, I can see that. Look, your heart is in the right place. You just need to learn to swim before you jump into the deep end. With the right training, you could do the impossible." Peter tells him and starts walking towards the doors.

"I'll see you out there, Lightning Strike." He tells Barry, saying the first name that came to him as he continued his way out.

"See you around, Spider-Man." Barry says feeling on top of the world with that compliment. "By the way, I'm loving the new suit!" He yells to the web swinger as he exits the doors and swings off.

"Central City police officials are now confirming former employee Danton Black was behind the attack." The news report is telling them while at S.T.A.R. Labs they're watching it.

"If it weren't for Spider-Man there's no telling what could've happened to him." Barry says to them. "He even told me that collar hes wearing will prevent him from duplicating himself again."

"Spider-Man. The city's great hero. The man who lost everything and used it as strength." Wells says as he watches the footage someone took of Spider-Man swinging away.

"You ever wonder who he is?" Cisco asks as he takes a drink from a slushee. "Why would anyone care? He's a hero, that's all we need to know." Caitlin replies to Cisco, but to tell the truth she also was curious.

"Okay, Well, at least Multiplex won't be able to hurt anyone else." Cisco states naming him. "Told you I'd come up with a cool name." He tells them and they agree it's a cool name.

Barry is back to working in his lab when Joe comes in with multiple boxes of pizzas. "Pepperoni, olives, and jalapeños." He tells Barry and he digs into the pizza.

"You were wrong." He tells Barry and Barry looks to him.

"I have been wrong a lot this week. You're gonna have to narrow it down." Barry explains to Joe. "You said one of the reasons you're helping people is because you couldn't help your dad." Joe then shows Barry's information he left on finding out who killed his mother he dug up himself.

"You can help him. We can." Joe states since he's now on board with Barry being a hero. "We're gonna catch who or what killed your mother that night. And we're gonna get your dad out of prison. Together." Joe clarifies to Barry.

"Joe, what I said about you not being my dad...I was wrong." Barry tells Joe and he smiles at him. Joe starts tearing up when suddenly Barry's computer goes off.

"What's that?" Joe asks Barry as he moves to the computer and he's shocked.

"Oh, my god." Barry says as he looks at the information. "When you brought that blood sample earlier, it wasn't Black's it was Spider-Man's." Barry tells Joe as he moves up to the computer and sees what it shows.

"And apparently when I left, I must've started running a search because it's been running blood samples from everywhere. And it came up with a match." Barry says as he pulls up the file and it gives them information.

Peter Parker-age 25.

"We know who Spider-Man actually is without the mask?" Joe asks Barry as he seems to be in thought. "Joe, earlier today Caitlin said she had a friend named Peter Parker. He left the city for a while and just came back recently." Barry tells Joe in shock.

"You think they know he's Spider-Man and just didn't tell you they knew another powered person?" Joe asks Barry.

"I mean, there is only one Peter Parker in the database, it must be their guy. We can actually find him if we need to figure out." Barry says in amazement.

Back at Stagg industries, Wells pays a surprise visit to Simon.

"Wells? Who the hell let you in?" Stagg asks Wells as he shows up out of nowhere. "You been having a party out there?" Wells asks, regarding the bodies. "Well, I'm sure you saw on tv, a for,we employee tried to kill me." Stagg tells him as he takes a drink.

"Former employee with the ability to replicate. Facing off a man with spider abilities and a man who could move at super speed." Wells states smiling.

"You've seen them too, haven't you?" Stagg asks Wells. "Indeed, I have." Wells tells Stagg.

"Extraordinary. You know, I honestly thought Spider-Man was some hoax. Something someone made up to get attention. I never imagined seeing something like that up close. And the second one. The power he possesses, it's like the gods of old. It's like mercury on earth. Can you imagine if you could control his power?" Stagg asks Wells as he approaches him. "If you could..if you could harness it, you could change what it means to be human. Spider-Man and the man in the red mask are keys, keys to changing everything we know. And I'm gonna get them."

Wells then proceeds to take off his glasses, ready to respond. "The man in the red mask. He's called the Flash. Or at least he will be." Wells tells Stagg as he stands up and towers him.

"What the hell?" Stagg asks as Wells stabs him with a knife. "Forgive me, Simon. I'm worried you will think this is personal, it's not. It's just that the man in the mask...the fastest man alive...he must be kept safe." Wells says and sliced his throat.

"And I'm gonna need Spider-Man for what is yet to come."
