the wedding

✧*̥˚ chapter one *̥˚✧

On the eve of the proposal, Minho found himself standing in a garden illuminated by the soft glow of fireflies. The air carried the scent of blossoming flowers, a delicate tapestry of nature that mirrored the emotions swirling within him.

Jisung, his heart aflutter with nervous excitement, joined Minho under the starlit sky. The dance of fireflies painted a magical backdrop as Minho took Jisung's hand.

"Jisung, from the moment our worlds collided, I knew you were the missing piece to my kingdom," Minho began, his voice a gentle caress. "Will you join your flames with mine and become my eternal partner in this dance of life?"

Jisung's eyes sparkled with joy as he nodded, and Minho slipped a delicate ring onto his finger. The merging of their kingdoms had found a physical embodiment, a symbol of unity that transcended the elements.

As the wedding preparations unfolded, the Fire and Water Kingdoms collaborated in a harmonious dance. The once distinct realms now interwove their strengths, creating a celebration that reflected the diversity and unity within Eldoria.

Changbin and Hyunjin, the kings of Ground and Air, took charge of orchestrating the grand ceremony. Felix and Bang Chan, now inseparable, coordinated the enchanting decorations that fused fire and water aesthetics.

Jeongin and Seungmin, representing Air and Ground, were entrusted with crafting a melody that would resonate with the hearts of every attendee. The kingdoms, once divided by conflicts, now worked together seamlessly, guided by the love that emanated from Minho and Jisung.

The day of the wedding dawned, a tapestry of colors painting the skies. The ceremony took place at the confluence of the Fire and Water Kingdoms, a symbolic gesture of their newfound unity.

Minho, dressed in regal flames, stood at the altar adorned with water lilies. Jisung, in hues of serene blues, walked down the aisle with a radiance that rivaled the morning sun. Their eyes met, and the world around them ceased to exist.

As vows were exchanged, promising a lifetime of love and unity, Eldoria witnessed a transformative moment. The merging of the elements heralded a new era, where the barriers of tradition and prejudice crumbled in the face of true love.

The festivities continued long into the night, the air alive with laughter and the gentle melody of love. Minho and Jisung stole moments between dances, their gazes locked in a language only they understood.

In the quiet of their chambers, Minho pulled Jisung into an intimate embrace. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow as they shared sweet kisses that spoke of a love that had conquered kingdoms.

"I never thought a mere dance could lead to such an extraordinary love story," Minho whispered against Jisung's lips, his fingers gently tracing patterns on Jisung's skin.

Jisung, his heart full, responded with a tender smile. "Our love is a dance of its own, an eternal waltz that defies the boundaries of time and space."

As the days unfolded, Minho and Jisung embarked on a journey as rulers of a united realm. The merging of their kingdoms created a harmonious balance, where fire and water coexisted in perfect equilibrium.

Each night, unable to contain the love that filled their hearts, Minho and Jisung found solace in quiet moments. Forehead kisses became a ritual, a symbol of reassurance and unwavering devotion. In the hushed stillness, they whispered promises of eternal love and a future where their kingdoms thrived as one.

The embers of love that once flickered in the midst of conflict now burned brightly, illuminating the path for a united Eldoria. The leaders of Air and Ground, Fire and Water, found inspiration in Minho and Jisung's story, fostering connections that transcended elemental boundaries.

And so, in the realm of Eldoria, where fire, water, ground, and air converged, Minho and Jisung's love became a beacon of hope. The unity they forged extended beyond elements, creating a legacy that would be celebrated for generations to come.

As the sun set on Eldoria, a world now bathed in the glow of love and unity, Minho and Jisung embraced the promise of a future where their love would continue to burn brightly—an eternal flame that had conquered kingdoms and sparked a new era of unity and happiness.

˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗

word count : 706
