Part 4


Y/N soars through the skies of New York in his Human Torch form, flames trailing behind him. The cityscape blurs below as he revels in the freedom of flight. Suddenly, his phone begins to ring, vibrating against his leg. He looks down, perplexed, before spotting a nearby building and deciding to land.


Y/N lands gracefully on the rooftop, deactivating his Human Torch form as the flames dissipate. He reaches into the pocket of his costume and pulls out his phone, answering the call.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Maeve: "Hey new guy, you need to meet me right away. It's urgent."

Y/N: "I'll be right there."

With a sense of urgency, Y/N reactivates his Human Torch form and blasts off into the sky, leaving a trail of fire behind him.


Y/N lands and deactivates his Human Torch form once more. He takes in the scene: Queen Maeve, A-Train, Ashley, Homelander, and a couple of Vought soldiers all standing in a familiar alleyway.

Y/N: "Maeve, what's going on?"

Maeve points to a motionless body lying in a puddle of blood. It's Jack from Jupiter. A-Train kneels beside him, while Homelander pats A-Train's back.

Y/N: "Oh my God. What happened?"

Ashley steps forward, her face pale and her voice trembling slightly.

Ashley: "We think some villain killed Jack from Jupiter. Our men examined the body and said the wounds are fresh. Whoever did this can't have gotten far."

Homelander: "We'll find whoever is responsible and deliver justice."

He turns to Maeve and Y/N, his expression firm.

Homelander: "Maeve, search on the ground. Human Torch, take to the skies and see if you can spot anything from above."

Y/N nods, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation.

Y/N: "Got it."

Homelander then turns his attention to A-Train, his voice softening slightly.

Homelander: "A-Train, I know how close you were to Jack from Jupiter. If you need time to mourn, it's okay."

A-Train's face hardens with resolve.

A-Train: "No. I'm going to find whoever did this and make them pay."

Homelander nods approvingly.

Homelander: "Alright. Help Maeve search on the ground. I have something I need to take care of."

With that, Homelander launches into the air, flying in the direction of Vought Tower.


Y/N flies above the bustling city, his Human Torch form illuminating the sky. Below, the city is alive with lights and movement, but his focus is on finding any sign of the culprit responsible for Jack from Jupiter's death. Suddenly, he spots a suspicious figure slipping into an alleyway.


Y/N lands gracefully at the entrance of the alleyway, his flames extinguishing as he reverts to his regular form. He walks cautiously into the dark alley, his senses on high alert.

Y/N: "Hello? Is anyone there?"

He looks around but sees no one. The alley is eerily quiet, shadows clinging to the walls. Y/N's pulse quickens as doubt creeps in, wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him.

Y/N: "Huh, maybe it was nothing..."

Just as he is about to activate his Human Torch form and take off, a sharp pain suddenly strikes the back of his head.

Everything goes black as he loses consciousness, collapsing to the ground in the shadowy alleyway.


Homelander stands in front of Madelyn Stillwell's office door, a look of grim determination on his face. He takes a deep breath and knocks.

Ms. Stillwell: "Enter."

Homelander opens the door and strides into the office. Madelyn Stillwell looks up from her desk, her expression professionally composed.

Ms. Stillwell: "Homelander, what can I do for you?"

Homelander closes the door behind him, his gaze intense and unwavering. He remains silent, causing a flicker of concern to cross Stillwell's face.

Ms. Stillwell: "Is this about what happened to Jack from Jupiter?"

Homelander: "Who would do that to him?"

Stillwell leans back in her chair, her fingers steepled thoughtfully.

Ms. Stillwell: "I can think of a few people."

Homelander: "So can I. But no one would actually try to kill a member of the Seven, current or former."

Homelander's jaw tightens, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Homelander: "What is Vought going to do about this?"

Stillwell straightens, her tone matter-of-fact.

Ms. Stillwell: "We're trying to find out who is responsible. In the meantime, we're going to keep his death secret. Let people continue to believe he's happily retired. If necessary, we'll tell the public he returned to his home planet."

Homelander processes this, his expression unreadable. Finally, he nods and turns to leave.

Homelander: "Alright."

He walks towards the door, but Stillwell's voice stops him.

Ms. Stillwell: "If you ever need anything, you know where to find me."

Homelander pauses, his hand on the doorknob. He turns slowly, his gaze locking onto Stillwell.

Homelander: "Actually, there is something else I wanted to talk about."

Ms. Stillwell: "Yes?"

Homelander's eyes darken, and he speaks a single name.

Homelander: "Human Torch."


Y/N slowly regains consciousness, groggy and disoriented. He blinks, his vision adjusting to the dim light. As he comes to, he realizes he's chained to a chair. Panic starts to set in.

??? #1: "You're finally awake."

Y/N's head snaps up to see a man with a cockney accent standing in front of him.

Y/N: "What the hell is this?"

Y/N struggles against the chains and tries to activate his powers.

Y/N: "Flame on!"

Before a single flame can cover his body, the man sprays him with a fire extinguisher. Y/N coughs and splutters, the cold foam covering him.

??? #1: "That was a warning. Try anything else, and you'll end up like your buddy Jack from Jupiter."

A woman walks into the room, accompanied by two men. She exudes authority and composure.

??? #2: "That's enough."

The cockney man steps back, but not before giving Y/N a hard look. The woman approaches Y/N.

??? #2: "I'm sorry about all this. I'll make this quick. I need your help."

Y/N glares at her, his anger and confusion palpable.

Y/N: "With what?"

??? #2: "Bringing down corrupt supes. Specifically, the Seven."

Y/N: "The Seven? No offense, lady, but you can go fuck yourself."

The cockney man picks up a metal pipe, approaching Y/N with menace in his eyes, but the woman raises her hand, stopping him.

??? #2: "You don't have to decide now. Take all the time you need to think it over. You can even tell the Seven and Vought about what happened here today."

She pulls out a flash drive and places it on a nearby table within Y/N's sight.

??? #2: "But before you do, you should watch what's on this."

The woman turns and leaves, her two men following immediately. The cockney man lingers for a moment, clearly frustrated.

??? #1: We're really gonna let this cunt tell Vought about us?"

??? #3: "The colonel knows what she's doing."

The man with darker skin said to the one with the cockney accent.

??? #1: "Bloody hell."

He tosses the metal pipe aside and follows the others out of the building, leaving Y/N alone. Y/N stares at the flash drive, his mind racing.


Y/N walks through the doors of Vought Tower, his mind still reeling from the events of the day. He barely has time to gather his thoughts before Ashley barrels towards him, a look of impatience on her face.

Ashley: "Where have you been?"

Y/N opens his mouth to respond, but Ashley cuts him off.

Ashley: "Nevermind. You have an interview tomorrow. I'll text you the details later. Do not be late."

Without waiting for a response, she spins on her heel and marches off. Y/N watches her go, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety. He turns to head towards the elevator when he hears a familiar voice behind him.

Homelander: "Wow, everyone's been trying to reach you."

Y/N turns to see Homelander approaching, his expression deceptively friendly.

Homelander: "What happened?"

Y/N hesitates, feeling the weight of Homelander's gaze on him. He forces a casual tone.

Y/N: "Just been busy trying to find whoever was responsible for what happened to Jack from Jupiter."

Homelander's eyes narrow almost imperceptibly, but his smile remains fixed.

Homelander: "Keep up the good work, Human Torch."

Y/N nods and the two part ways. As Y/N heads towards the elevator, Homelander's expression darkens, his pleasant demeanor slipping away.


Y/N steps through the door of his apartment. He calls out to his sister.

Y/N: "Hey, I'm back!"

His sister appears from the kitchen, concern etched on her face.

Sister: "I've been trying to call you."

Y/N checks his pockets, patting them down with a frown.

Y/N: "I must've lost my phone."

His sister sighs.

Sister: "Whatever. I ordered pizza. You want a slice?"

Y/N: "No, thanks. I think I'm just gonna head to bed."

Sister: "Alright. Goodnight."

Y/N: "Goodnight."

He gives her a quick hug before heading to his room.


Y/N closes the door behind him, his mind still racing. He sits at his desk and pulls out his laptop. Taking a deep breath, he inserts the flash drive he received earlier into the USB port. The computer recognizes the drive, revealing a single video file.

He clicks on the file, and the video begins to play. What he saw left him feeling many emotions, none of them good.

To Be Continued...
