Chapter 5- Level 5

Y/N pov:

Eina: "Another hard day at the dungeon, Y/N-san?"

Y/N: "There is no need for "san", how many times have i told you that Eina?"

Eina: "I am sorry, but you are really famous around the Orario. You know breaking all the records."

It's not that i don't understand, but it really got annoying over time.

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah. So anything new here at the guild?"

Eina: "I am really not suppose to say."

Y/N: "I got it."

Eina: "But..."

There is something?

Eina: "Are you close?"

Y/N: "Eh?"

Eina: "I mean to level 5."


Does she think because it's been a year since i became level 4, that i am close to level 5? I mean she is not wrong.

All my stats are high A, with only Dexterity being at low A.

Y/N: "Well, that's a secret."

Eina: "Fine. I hope you have a great day Y/N-san."

San again, huh? It's hopeless at this point.

Y/N: "You too Eina."

With that little talk, i exited the guild building.

Once out, i went towards the manor. As i walked through the busy streets of Orario, only laughter was heard.

How nice.

Children happily running around.

Yet here i am, looking at them with envy in my eyes.

How i wished i was this happy at that age, but looking at there happy faces only brings me the sadness of the old days.

But i don't care anymore. The past is the past, i will move forward and do what i can. 

I can kill somebody, they can curse me to death, all of that simply doesn't matter.

Yet one thing is certain in my heart. I will never ignore the cries of helplessness, the same cries i once let out.

Suddenly i heard a quiet sobbing, with the hearing of level 4 i easily picked it up. But before i moved towards it, i looked around.

There were many famous faces, level 3's and 4's around. Yet even as they heard it, they did nothing.

I know that not all adventurers are like this, but these guys are truly scum.

But at least they are good at one thing, they can keep remanding me how cruel this world can be some times.

With those thoughts out of the way, i hurried across the roofs of the houses. It took me 2 seconds to cross about 100 meters.

As i jumped there i saw the one that was crying, she seemed like an elf.

She was about to walk away, but i landed in front of here scaring her.

???: "Kya! Who are you!? Are you from enemy familia!?"

Enemy familia? She is an adventurer.

I finally looked her straight in the eyes and saw that it was...

Y/N: "Lefiya?"

No pov:

Moments before Y/N arrived at Lefiya's sobbing. Lefiya came out of the second largest casino that was in Orario.

Reason why an elf like her was there in the first place.

She simply wanted to help her familia with there resent debt that they got themselves into.

Little did she know that this happened from time to time, multiple equipment worth million of valis were destroyed and had to be repaired quickly.

This however made her worry about her familia, not knowing that they could easily pay everything back to the likes of Goibniu familia.

Lefiya really carried about her new familia, even after joining them 2 years ago. She wanted to help in any way possible.

At first she didn't plan to waste much, but due to being an amateur. Employees of the casino quickly took advantage of this and made her not only drunk, but even spend more money.

Making her go into 200 million valis debt.

After she got back to her senses, she couldn't believe what has happened.

She didn't have any way to pay them back, realasation quickly hit her. She became a burden.

Man at the casino couldn't help but laugh at her, after all she was "Thousand Elf" a famous adventurer from Loki familia.

To them embarrassing her, was the same as embarrassing Loki familia. In the sense they were right.

But even as she was there helpless, they went and said to her. That they will tell everybody in Orario that she owns them 200 million valis if she doesn't pay them in the next week. There was another option of course and that was for her to sell her body.

At this she simply sprinted out of the casino crying.

Being a level 3, her speed was no joke.

She quickly found a place with out anybody around and begun to quietly sob.

Lefiya: "How could this happened? Now i have brought shame to everybody! Why did i do something so stupid!? As Riveria-san's student! I-I-I"

She continued to sob helplessly, as she did so terror slowly started to consume her.

Lefiya: "Because of me, everybody will be in so much trouble. Because of me----they will..."

She was trapped.

Lefiya: "I only ever wanted to help! To grow stronger! To reach them! Yet... here i am. Crying... How pathetic can i be!?" she screamed at herself in her thoughts.

Lefiya: "It's best if i just go there and give myself up."

With all that has happened, this was her decision. Her way of asking for forgiveness.

Then suddenly in front of her appeared a man, he crashed right in front of her. Sending multiple pieces of the ground flying in all direction.

Lefiya at this only screamed in shock.

Lefiya: "Kya! Who are you!? Are you from enemy familia!?"

The man in front of her finally lifted up his head and looked at her in the eyes. 

She stood there shocked, but soon she was brought back to reality by his words.

Y/N: "Lefiya?"

Lefiya: "Y/N-san!?"

Suddenly panic started to get a hold of Lefiya's heart and mind once again.

Lefiya: "Does he know!? What i did? Is that the reason why he is here!? What should i do no-"

As she thought all this, she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her left cheek.

She quickly moved her hand to grabbed the spot where Y/N slapped her.

But even after this, she said nothing.

This was the all Y/N needed to confirm his biggest fears.

Y/N: "Is the debt that big?" 

At the mention of this Lefiya couldn't stand anymore and fell on her knees once again.

She looked upwards, there Y/N was looking down at her.

Lefiya tried to say something but only mumbling was heard.

Y/N: "Get a hold of yourself Lefiya Viridis!"

At his words Lefiya looked at him in shock.

Sure Y/N wasn't the nicest guy around, but this was the first time he yelled in this kind of tone.

Lefiya: "I-I-I did something real--ly bad..." she said in a disappointed and week tone.

Y/N: "Tell me everything from the beginning to the end you fool!"

Lefiya calmed down and started to explain what has happened. During all of this Y/N didn't say a single word. He carefully listened to her explain and didn't forget a single word spoken.

After she finished Y/N sighed and said.

Y/N: "I won't lie to you Lefiya. I am greatly disappointed and pissed at you." 

Even as Y/N said this in a calm tone with expressionless face. Lefiya couldn't help but shake in fear at his words. Soon after her own disappointed in herself caught up.

Y/N noticed all of this.

After all this was the thing he knew how to do best. 

Suddenly Y/N spoke once again.

Y/N: "Rise up Lefiya."

Lefiya: "Huh?"

Y/N: "I said rise up! So what if you made a mistake!? You think everybody in Loki familia is perfect! Well i will break your fantasy, they are not."

As Y/N spoke, Lefiya only listened.

Y/N: "What's important right now is to make a choice!"

Lefiya: "A choice?"

Y/N: "Yes. Will you choose to sit down there helpless or will you stand up and move forward?"

Lefiya: "I-I-I can't! After everything i have done!"

The shackles of shame were still heavy on Lefiya's heart.

Y/N simply looked at her. She reminded him so much of his old self from long long ago. He couldn't help but slowly get pissed.

He always hated when children cried helpless tears. Same can't be said about adults. Why? Unlike the children they have seen this cruel world for long enough to make there own choices.

But now in front of him was a young girl, not being able to do anything. What made this even worse was that she was from his familia.

Still he could easily help her, but she for once had to move forward or forever be stuck here.

So Y/N finally found the words and spoke them to Lefiya.

Y/N: "Lefiya listen."

Lefiya looked at Y/N, barely holding her tears.

Suddenly Y/N got on her level, looking her straight at the eyes.

Lefiya feared for the worst, but then Y/N spoke once again.

Y/N: "When you feel it's hopeless, when you think that you lost all. I will take your hand in and we will rise from the dust." he said as he let out his hand.

Lefiya with tears in her eyes spoke.

Lefiya: "But I-I made so much trouble! How can i simply jus-"

Y/N: "Lefiya."

As he cut her in the middle of her sentence, Y/N with the warm smile said.

Y/N: "We all have out reasons, just as we have our burdens. But we must not be ashamed of them. Don't be afraid of it, embrace it and move forward."

Lefiya: "But what if i fail again?"

Y/N: "Even if you fall again, rise up once again. But you forgot one thing Lefiya."

Lefiya: "I did?"

Y/N: "You are not alone this time around."

Lefiya at his words once again felt hope, tears couldn't stop but come out.

She quickly wiped tears away, but they continued to fall.

Y/N still stood there. He said everything to push her forward that he could. Now it was her final call, will she ask for help or not?

Lefiya: "Y/N-san!" she screamed.

Lefiya: "Please help me!"

At her words Y/N couldn't help but smirk some what proudly.

Y/N: "I will gladly do so. Now listen here. I want you to help out our familia members while i pay of your debt, ok?"

This shocked Lefiya and she quickly spoke.

Lefiya: "But! This is my debt! I want to help! I can't let everything to you! It's like i am getting off easy."

Y/N: "Oh no. You have something far worse coming."

At these words, Lefiya felt chills run down her spine.

Y/N: "In 3 days, you will tell all executives of the familia what has happened. But you must also stand your ground."

Lefiya: "Stand my ground?"

Y/N: "Yes. Face their words, disappointment and rage head on. And remember this feeling Lefiya. This won't be the first time you feel like this."

With those words Y/N started to walk away, Lefiya tried to call out to him. He simply didn't answer and went away.

3 days later:

Right now in the captain room of Loki familia, all executives have gathered up.

Even Bete, who usually is frowning around was standing still.

All the attention was on the young elf with orange hair, Lefiya.

Finn: "Loki, why did you gather us all here? And what does it have to do with Lefiya?"

Bete: "Yeah. Why is the 3rd rate here!?"

Loki: "Now Bete, calm down. And to answer your question Finn, Lefiya has something to say to you all." a smile flashed across her face.

Gareth, Riveria and Finn saw this and had full attention on Lefiya.

Tiona: "So what is going on?"

Tione: "Sh! You idiot. She is about to start."

As the silence fell upon the room once again, Lefiya started to tell her story.

Various emotions faced upon there faced.

Ais looked worried about Lefiya, so did Tiona.

Tione was stunned by her stupid decisions, but she still was worried about her.

Bete tried to yell at her mutiliple times, but Loki stopped him with one glare.

Riveria was disappointed by her student actions, making sure to give her even harder training from now on.

Gareth could only sigh.

While in all of this Finn was taking the whole situation in, his thumb slowly begun to act up.

Finn: "Something is missing." he thought.

It didn't take long for Finn to catch up that something is wrong, it was expected from the captain of Loki familia after all.

Still he couldn't pin point what was wrong. His mind started to see every possible way why this was happening.

Yet these questions wondered around his mind.

Why did Lefiya come to them?

Why was she "strong" when admitting her mistakes?

Who pushed her to be this "fearless" now?

Then it hit him.

Finn: "Fearless...! Yes it's him!" he quickly thought.

Finn: "Lefiya."

Lefiya: "Yes!"

Finn: "Is there something you aren't telling us?"

As Finn continued to ask, his thump started to act up stronger and stronger. Something was coming.

Lefiya: "Well... I think i told you everything."

Finn: "Ok. Did you talk to somebody before us?"

This caught Lefiya by surprise. Seeing her reaction Riveria jumped in quickly.

Riveria: "Who is it? Tell us Lefiya."

Lefiya: "It was Y/N-san."

Riveria: "Y/N-" before she could finish Finn hurried outside of the room.

This caught everybody by surprise. They tried to call out to him, but he continued to run.


He figured it out, what Y/N was going to do.

Once outside Twilight Manor, he jumped over the huge gates in one jump.

Loki familia guard were confused by his actions and called out to there captain, but there voices didn't reach him.

Instead he quickly begun to sprinit.

Towards the 2nd largest casino in Orario.

Finn: "It's probably already to late, but if i make it in time i can help at least."

As Finn jumped across the roofs of the buildings, with his level 6 eyes he saw. There were flames.

Finn: "He started!" he said out loud.

Seeing this, Finn was forced to run even faster than before.

But that didn't matter.

Once he reached the casino he looked around.

Rich adventurers and nobleman from different countries were laying around unconscious. Some were elfes, dwarves, humans and etc.

Then there were of course members of Ganesha familia.

After all they acted as guards for these casinos.

Finn: "This is going to cause huge trouble with the guild and Ganesha familia."

After seeing all of this, Finn finally saw him. Y/N was there standing a top of all that ruble.

Finn: "Y/N. Stop."

Y/N: "Yo captain. You are far to early here. I thought that you would be here in an hour or two."

Finn: "Y/N, let go of that man."

Y/N: "You heard the story by now captain. What this scum tried to do, to our familia member."

Finn: "I know, but if you do this. You are going to be in a lot of trouble and you are going to cause the rest of familia multiple problems."

Y/N: "Finn. I won't kill this scum, i never thought of myself a hero either. This is just something that i would do."

Finn: "Not going to kill him? How about you stop using those flames and let go of his neck?"

Y/N: "Fine, but your reputation mustn't be ruined."

Finn: "What ar-"

Y/N: "Don't joke with me. I know you care for our familia, captain. But i know what kind of reputation you build up. Because i caused the trouble, i am going to fix this. And first is by getting beaten by you."

Finn: "Y/N, there is no need-"

Y/N: "Don't worry captain. This is my choice. Better watch out!"

As Y/N said that, he let go of the elf's neck and rushed at Finn. The pallum quickly jumped over Y/N dodging his attack.

Y/N rotated to kick Finn, but he grabbed his leg and delivered a kick with both of his legs to his face.

This was enough to knock Y/N out. After fighting multiple levels 2's and 3's from Ganesha familia and some level 4's. It was only a matter of time before Y/N was going to go down.

People that saw this happened, started to talk.

Man 1: "Did you see that?"

Woman 1: "Yeah. Braver dealt with that crazy guy! As expected of Loki familia."

Woman 2: "So handsome..."

Man 1: "Isn't the man he knocked out a member of Loki familia?'

Woman 1: "No way!"

Man 2: "No he is right, it's that the Flame Demon!?"

Woman 1: "Flame Demon?"

Man 3: "Yeah, he is a member of Loki familia. A level 4 at that! Why did he destroy that place and fight his captain?"

Woman 2: "Still Braver stopped him."

Man 1: "Yeah... But now that you mention it, wasn't Flame Demon called a Crazy Demon as well?"

Woman 3: "I heard that too! They say that his heart is made out of stone."

Woman 1: "No wonder he did something like this. But Braver is really something else."

Man 2: "Yeah! Good job Braver!" he shouted.

Slowly other begun to cheer his name as well.

Finn couldn't help but look at them from the corner of his eyes. He perfectly knew why Y/N did this, to protect his reputation as pallum hero.

After listening enough to other cheers, he got Y/N and placed him on his shoulder.

As he did so Shakti and other members of Ganesha familia appeared.

Finn: "Hi Shakti, we have lots to talk about. Plus this problem child is the one you are searching for, am i right?" Finn said as he played his part of hero.

Shakti: "Yes Finn. Guild requests for him to be capturered after this "little" accident."

Finn: "I see. But i won't allow this. He is my familia member after all."

Shakti: *sigh* "I know, i would do the same. Let's go."

With that both hurried towards the guild.

From that day on, little did Y/N know. That people of Orario would separate into two groups. Ones who hated him for his actions and ones praised him for it.

But one thing was for certain, this day proved that Finn, Braver, carried for Orario and his popularity only rose from it.

Back at Twilight Manor:

Loki: "Geez, you got really injured kid. How am i suppose to update your status?"

Y/N: "Loki, i don't care how you are going to do it. Remember, you always update my stats every 2 to 3 months. That's wh-"

Loki: "What we agreed on, bla bla bla. I know. Let's do this i guess."

Status paper:

Name: Y/N Eld

Familia: Loki familia

Level: 4

Strength: A 897-> SS 1024

Defense: A 878-> S 932

Dexterity: A 832-> S 902

Agility: A 888-> S 943

Magic: A 894-> S 965


First slot: Piedra Del Sol

Second slot: XiuhCoatl

Third slot: Fire control


Heat body

Mad Enhancement

Martial body and soul

Flame Berserker

Development ability:

Martial artist- G

Abnormal resistance- H-> G

Strong Body- I-> H

Loki: "Damn, sorry Y/N. It seems you still can't level up."

Y/N: *sigh* "Damn it. Also, Loki."

Loki: "Hm?"

Y/N: "They are kicking me out right?"

Loki: "!" "Yep. Sorry, they will get you out of the city for a year."

For these last 3 months, Loki familia was in a lot of troubles. They had debts to pay back, they clashed with Freya familia multiple times and now Y/N has destroyed and injured multiple nobleman from different countries.

What made this worst is that some of the guest that were present were royalty.

Orario as a center of the world is in trade with all of them.

But the guild still has to show that they have control over the city.

Plus there are different enemies outside of Orario that wish to deal a blow to Loki familia.

Altena, the country of magic. Quickly jumped to use there connections in Orario to kick Y/N out. Not only do they hate Lefiya and Riveria for being able to use more than 3 magics, Y/N no chant magic got on there nerves.

Even with out these countries wishing for this, guild still would have punished Loki familia in a different way.

But due to the stunt that happened between Finn and Y/N, guild saw an opportunity.

As a newer member of Loki familia, guild could use Y/N to show there power in a way that won't cripple Loki familia.

Loki: "Those bastards. I will make them pay for doing this to my children." she said as she slightly opened her eyes.

Y/N noticed this.

Y/N: "Calm down Loki. Sure this isn't good for me, but this way at least the familia won't be in trouble. Also, i am the cause for this."

Loki: "Either way, guild has gotten cocky. A 1 year banned from Orario? I think i am going to teach them a lesson."

Y/N looked at her and knew there is no stopping this.

Y/N: "I have to brighten up her mood some how, so she won't get us in even bigger trouble." he thought."

Y/N: "If you are going to do that, at least talk it out with Finn please."

Loki: "I do-"

Y/N: "I will do what ever you want."

Loki: "DEAL!"

With that Y/N got up.

Loki: "Where are you going?"

Y/N: "For a walk."

Loki: "Ok, be safe!"

Y/N started to walk around the twilight mansion, his resent stant got him a lot of stares. He easily knew what those meant.

Scum, bastard, disgrace, moron.

Yet, Y/N didn't care.

He continued to walk until he heard a certain werewolf.

Bete: "Weakling. You called that second rate trash for help, both of you are so pathetic."

Lefiya: "Bete-san... No!"

Bete: "Huh?"

From the corner Y/N silently watched.

Lefiya: "Y/N-san... he! He is not trash!"

Bete: "Oi. Who asked for you opinion third rate trash? I don't  fucking care, you all weakling disgust me."

Lefiya looked down and said.

Lefiya: "I will get stronger."

Bete: "Ha! HAHAHA! Like hell you are!"

Y/N: "Lefiya is still scared of Bete, if he continues he will stun her growth. I can't have that happening." as Y/N thought this, he remembered or to be more accurate.

He got an idea.

A way to solve this, to brighten up Loki's mood...

And a way to get stronger.

The pieces were all in place, now it's the time. 

Succeed or fail.

It was one of those two.

Y/N: "Hey! You bastard werewolf!"

Bete turned towards Y/N and smirked.

Bete: "If it's second rate. Who are you calling bastard, huh? Fucking weakling."

Y/N: "You want to duke it out?"

Lefiya at there words couldn't help but constantly look between Y/N and Bete.

Bete: "You think because you defeated those weakling from the Ganesha familia, now you think you can beat me? Hahaha!"

Y/N: "Well they fought me the moment i came up to them, while here you are talking."

Bete: "Watch it, second rate."

Y/N: "Don't tell me that mighty Bete is scare-"

Before Y/N finished, a fist came from his right side. He quickly moved his hands and blocked just in time.

Bete: "You are on, trash."

Y/N: "Let's take this to the dungeon. I am already in enough trouble."

Bete: "Tch! Let's go."

Short time skip, inside the dungeon:

As soon as Bete and Y/N made there way to the open space in the dungeon.

This place where they fought didn't spawn to many monsters, plus what monster would attack these two.

But all of that didn't matter.

It didn't take the two to start rushing at each other.

Words weren't needed, it was simple as that.

The moment they were close enough, they attacked.

It was of course Bete who made the first move. He quickly used his right leg to kick Y/N. Y/N at this ducked down, but as soon as he looked towards Bete another kick was coming at his face.

He moved his hands fast to guard, but due to the power of Bete's kick he was sent flying backwards.

Bete: "Pathetic as always second rate!" he screamed at rushed at Y/N once again.

Y/N didn't respond to Bete's provocations. He was quickly taking all battle information. This was crucial for Y/N, because this was the only way he stood a chance against Bete.

With that, Y/N rushed at Bete as well.

This time he was the first one to attack.

Bete of course easily dodged first strike and counter attacked. At this, Y/N quickly kicked the ground full force.

Due to this, Bete for a moment lost his balance.

Y/N went in and delivered a powerful left punch towards Bete. Bete tried to parry Y/N's punch, but to his surprise he was sent back.

Even if Y/N was a level 4 and Bete a level 5.

With his SS rank strength, Y/N was defiantly superior to Bete in terms of strength.

Y/N: "Tch." 

Y/N hoped to at least deliver a powerful blow and surprise Bete, but he blocked.

Things were about to get difficult from now on.

They continued there fight.

Y/N's powerful fists met Bete's fast kicks.

Blow after blow.

The fight didn't seem to end, neither side took to much damage. Yet one thing was obvious to both of them.

Y/N was weaker than Bete.

Y/N himself admitted so. He didn't want to lie to himself. In terms of duels in general, Bete was probably the strongest in Loki familia.

This is why Y/N wanted to fight him and defeat him.

To grow stronger... to reach level 5.

He knew deep down that his chances of winning were 2/10.

Sure he could use his powerful magic, but there were 2 factors that stopped him from doing so.

One being he didn't want to kill Bete

And the other one being.

Bete is to fast for him to even try and use it.

After a while, Y/N has decided. He was going to get serious.

Fire begun to surround his body.

Bete noticed this. He went in for a kick, but he quickly found himself in trouble.

With Y/N's fire magic, his stats were greatly boosted.

He was now matching Bete's speed, no, he was actually moving faster than Bete.

But that didn't last long as Bete started to use his speed to it's max.

Now once again Bete was faster. Once again they returned back to how it started. Only this time, Y/N's attacks were even more devastating.

Yet he struggled.

Bete was just that fast.

He quickly kicked at Y/N, sending him flying once again.

Bete at this continued he furious attacks, this time Y/N was able to block him.

Y/N, seeing that he was at the disadvantage, used his magic even further.

Fire cracks begun to appear on his body and his hair became flame like.

Bete's eyes widened at this change, but this moment left an opening for Y/N. He quickly delivered a powerful kick to Bete's gut and sent him flying couple of meter back.

As Bete's crushed into a dungeon wall, he started to say something.

Bete: "Chained Fros. The first wound,"

Y/N realised what was happening the moment he heard him say these words. He didn't waste any time and rushed at Bete.

Bete on the other hand continued to chant and fight Y/N at the same time.

Bete: "Gelgja. The second wound, Gjöll. The third wound, Þviti. The ravenous slaver your only hope."

Y/N: "Curse you Bete!" 

Once again Y/N powerful punch sent Bete playing, breaking his bones. Yet Bete continued to chant.

Bete: "May it form a river, mixing in the tide of blood, to wash away your tears. Never forget those irreparable wounds. This rage and hatred, thine infirmity and incandescence."

Magical energy started to surround Bete, this magical energy slowly turned into flames.

This was Bete's mighty magic, Hati. 

Y/N: "Hati! This is the magic that makes Bete probably the most dangerous opponent out there! Hati absorbs magic power and damage! But for Bete to use it, does that mean..."

Y/N thoughts were stopped as a kick from Bete sent him into the air.

Bete: "Denounce the world, acknowledge fate, and dry thy tears. May the pain become your fangs, the lament your roar—and your lost companions your strength."

Before Y/N's thoughts were cut of from Bete's attack, Y/N came to a conclusion. For Bete to use Hati against Y/N, that only meant one thing.

Bete: "Free yourself of the chains that bind you, and release your mad howl."

Bete Loga one of the fastest adventurers in Orario, fastest in Loki familia.

Bete: "O lineage of enmity, pray use this vessel and devour the moon, drink greedily from its overflowing cup. Bare your fangs—and devour all."

Has acknowledged Y/N as a strong opponent.

As Bete finished his spell, fire raged every where.

Bete: "Ready to go for more!"

Y/N at this smiled and said.

Y/N: "Come at me!"

The two rushed at each other, their fire clashed and the whole room was filled by their flames.

Every time either took damage, they got stronger. These two were truly strong and neither of them was going down.

Y/N at this moment truly was thankful that he fought in the dungeon.

Even now with all these magics and skills at play, Bete was still superior to Y/N.

But what if this battle was on the surface under the full moon?

Y/N couldn't even hope to imagen how much stronger Bete would be with his beastification.

But soon those thought disappeared, only there fists and kicks did the talking.

1 day later:

The fight between the two still raged on, the flames stopped adventurers from going down the floor. As soon as guild heard this, they wanted to send in and investigate.

But Loki familia executives quickly took hold of the situation.

And right now the fight were watching all first-class adventurers from Loki familia.

What even more surprising was that even with there bones broken and with so many  injures. Neither Bete or Y/N stopped.

Sure they got slower due to fatigue, but there speeds were still impressive.

Then it finally happened.

Possible the deciding blow was done, Bete slammed Y/N down clean to the jaw.

Y/N was about to hit the floor, but he quickly slammed the ground with his fist and screamed.


With that he rushed at Bete again.


As they got close, Bete delivered a kick to the gut. Y/N didn't even try to dodge, he took it and kicked Bete. Sending him flying upwards.

Y/N was about to jump, but soon fatigue took over his mind. He almost fell, but once again he looked at Bete.

Neither of them noticed the watched, their familia memebers. The only thing that matter was the opponent in front of them.

Y/N clench his teeth and jumped. 

Bete saw this, but before he could move to block any possible attack.

Y/N fist made contact with Bete's jaw.

With that both fell down.

They slowly got up staring at one another.

With there eyes, they were telling each other. Come at me, but surprsingly it was Bete who suddenly fell down.

From the sides Finn, Riveria, Gareth, Tione, Tiona and Ais were shocked.

But not even 2 seconds later, Y/N followed.

They both laid there, dead tired.

First-class of Loki familia quickly came to them and started to heal there wounds.

Gareth: "I will carry them."

As Gareth was about to carry them both, Tiona jumped in.

Tiona: "I will carry Y/N!"

Tione: "Why?"

Tiona: "Hehehe! He fought hard, i want to be the one to carry him! Can i Finn?"

Finn: "Sure."

With that Y/N some how ended up being carried by Tiona.

Back at Twilight Manor, Y/N pov:

Suddenly i jolted upwards, waking up. I quickly looked around and saw that i was in the bed, bandaged up.

I hit the wall, making it crack.

Damn it!

Did i lose!?

I don't remember!


Why can't i rem-

Suddenly the door opened wide, probably made everybody aware that i am awake with that hit, huh?

There it was Loki.

Loki: "You god damn legend!"

Y/N: "Huh?"

Loki: "Also, you are one crazy bastard as well! HAHAHA! Damn why wasn't i dare in person!?"

Y/N: "Wait, what? Calm down."

Loki: "Oh yeah, let's go to the office. You are in trouble so is Bete."

I knew it.

Y/N: "Coming."

Damn it, it's hard to walk around.

Ais: "Big bro?"

Y/N: "Ais."

Ais: "Let me help."

Y/N: "Thanks."

Loki: "I am so jealous! Y/N, i am making you switch places with me."

Y/N: "What? No."

Loki: "Well, i am calling in that deal we made."

I couldn't help but sigh and told Ais to deal with Loki, she looked at me with eyes of betrayed and pouted.


But still did as i asked.

I struggled on my way towards the office.

Until suddenly somebody helped me and to my surprise it was Tiona.

Tiona: "Hi."

Y/N: "Thanks, i really need help now."

Tiona: "We saw it."

Y/N: "The fight?"

Tiona: "Yeah! It- Oh here we are."

Tiona opened the door and in there was everybody. Even Bete was here, he too was bandaged up.

I set down and listened to win.

He, Riveria and Gareth begun to scold us for our actions. I was in trouble the most, with my last stunt.

As everything finished, i asked Loki.

Y/N: "Can you update my status?"

Loki: "Sure, come let's go."

But before i could exit, Bete grabbed my shirt.

Riveria: "Bete."

Finn: "Wait, Riveria."

Everybody watched, until Bete said.

Bete: "Don't get cocky trash. Next time it's going to end differently." after he said that he let go of me and exited the room.

Everybody had a smile on there faces and Loki said.

Loki: "He is pissed and happy. What a tsundere that wolf is."

Y/N: "Loki. My status."

Loki: "Oh yeah, come."

As i entered Loki's bedroom, i laid down and Loki begun.

Loki: "Here we go! Updating now!"

Status paper:

Name: Y/N Eld

Familia: Loki familia

Level: 4

Strength: SS 1024-> SS 1099

Defense: S 932-> S 984

Dexterity: S 902-> S 943

Agility: S 943-> S 975

Magic: S 965-> S 989


First slot: Piedra Del Sol

Second slot: XiuhCoatl

Third slot: Fire control


Heat body

Mad Enhancement

Martial body and soul

Flame Berserker

Surtur Giant- greatly increases user's endurance stat and raises endurance against attack magic. Fire attack magic has 0 affect.

Development ability:

Martial artist- G-> F

Abnormal resistance- G

Strong Body-  H

Y/N: "So, how are my sta-"

Loki: "Y/N-kun! LEVEL 5!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed.

I am sure the whole Orario heard her.

Loki: "Oh yeah, here is your last stats as level 4."

I looked at it and asked.

Y/N: "Such a huge jump in points. Plus this new skill."

Loki: "Yeah, useful right? On the points, i don't know. It's probably because you fought like crazy people."

Yeah, the only possible explanation is that.

Y/N: "So, my level 5 status paper please? Judging by you not asking me for a development ability you picked the only one left?"

Loki: "Yep. Here you go."

Status paper:

Name: Y/N Eld

Familia: Loki familia

Level: 5

Strength: I 0

Defense: I 0

Dexterity: I 0

Agility: I 0

Magic: I 0


First slot: Piedra Del Sol

Second slot: XiuhCoatl

Third slot: Fire control


Heat body

Mad Enhancement

Martial body and soul

Flame Berserker

Surtur Giant

Development ability:

Martial artist-  F

Abnormal resistance- G

Strong Body- H

Magic Resistance- I

Y/N: "Magic resistance! Great! Good job Loki!"

Loki: "Yeah yeah, praise me more." she said with a weird smile.

Y/N: "Don't push it."

Loki: "Hey Y/N."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Loki: "Soon, you will be out of Orario for a year. I have couple of words to say."

It's rare to see her so serious.

Y/N: "I am listening."

Loki: "I know why you did all of this, trying to "brighten" my mood."


Loki: "And thanks for that. Still i won't the guild go of easy, plus jokes on you Finn agrees with me."

My face only had a shocked expression.

Loki: "Yeah, i am not lying."

Y/N: "No way... Well, i guess there is no stopping you now."

Loki: "And the last thing."

Y/N: "?"

Loki: "Once you come back, surprise me!"

I smiled and said.

Y/N: "You can bet on that one."

With that i quietly went to sleep.

PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY DONE MAN. I am so tired. Well that is all for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it, because i had a blast writing this. I got a idea for an allias that i really like! You will see it next chapter i hope! 

Also i would like to hear your opinion on Bete vs Y/N, did you like it? You can be cruel as you want too.

Well, i don't have any thing else to say. Probably because it's 3 am here now and i am so tired...

For that reason, i am sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Word count is 5.8k
