Night 1

I came through the door and looked around, same as before but only creepier in the darkess. I jumped as I heard a phone ringing, I figured it was for me so I carefully wound my way around the dump to find the phone. I then came to a room that said "SECURITY" I figured this was the spot and entered to pick up the phone. "Hello?" A voice awnsered from the other end of the line. Out of curiosity I replied "Hello?" "Well, you must be the new night guard, so then... welcome to Fazbear's Fright where we try to get the best responses from our guests buy, well... scaring them" This was a VERY unusual call to be getting from a horror attraction manager. "That's right, I was always intri-" as I began talking he interrupted me in mid-sentence. I then realised that it was not a phone call, but a recording. I quickly grew silent to make out what he was saying. "This night should be eerily quiet, um... we're actually shipping in a new animatronic tomorrow... they say that he was called, um what was it?" He stammered and then grew to a conclusion. "Umm... Springtrap! Springtrap was his name and they say he was never actually given a proper night mode... so yeah, that's why you're here... and by night mode, I mean actually walk around..." I grew silent, what would he do if he found me? "Yeah, well your first night should be VERY easy so i'll call you tomorrow, good night." A sound played which indicated that he had hung up the phone as did I. I quickly got to work, figuring Springtrap would be here tomorrow night...
