Chapter 12- Rivals, Practises and Pure Classics

Time seemed to pass by quickly and before I knew it I was standing beside to hockey field once more, yelling at the team to run faster. "You guys better start picking up your feet before your lazy asses start dragging on the ground." I felt a sense of guilt tugging at my heart as several of them glared at me from beneath the strands of hair that were hanging in their eyes. I knew that they were all hating me, again, but I couldn't help it.

I watched carefully as they ran the last lap and came to a halt in front of me, all panting heavily. Their hands instantly dropped to their knees and to my dismane some even gagged whilst looking at the ground from some tranquillity. "Ok, you're done for the day. Coach said that everyone can go to the showers so long," a loud grateful sigh could be heard among the group as they picked up their bags with a groan, and dragged their feet to the locker room. None of them looked at me, only grunting a goodbye as they passed.

"You really know how to drill them." A voice says behind me, I spin around to see who it is and a small flutter of hope rose in my stomach at the sight of Coach.

"At least they'll be fit," I replied nonchalantly, but I could suppress the hopeful feeling still present in my stomach.

"I hoped you enjoyed yourself yesterday," at those words my hopeful flutter turned into a tight knot. How did he find out? Probably seeing the shocked expression on my face he answered my question," I have a slight tendency to look at the camera footage every now and then. That happened to be this morning in fact."

"I'm really sorry Coach. We were-" he raised his hand to stop me mid-sentence and a soft chuckled escaped his parted lips. His eyes turned up as he smiled down at me and for a moment he looked like a happy old man only looking for some company in life. Like my granddad.

"Don't worry dear, I'm used to the team sneaking onto the pitch. Since you are basically a help Coach at the moment I will give you the spare astro key, but only the astro key," I nodded my head vigorously at his words until everything settled in. 'Help coach'. That was all I actually was, I wasn't part of the team nor would I probably ever be. He lied. Not that it surprised me much, who would want a girl on their team especially in college. I sighed and for the first time I felt myself accepting my fate.

"Thank you Coach. I'm going to practise now if that is fine with you," I said with a small smile on my face. A small fake smile, but by the smile duplicated on his face I could tell that I fooled him. He bid me farewell before his figure retreated back to the safety of his office. A soft irritated huff left my lips as I grabbed my stick from my bag, walked towards the goalbox. I dropped the ball on the ground and without another thought I grabbed my stick and swung it slightly behind my back before it soured forward and hit the ball with a force. I watched in satisfaction as it sailed through the air like a bullet, coming to a firm stop in the corner of the goalbox.

"Quite the arm you got there," I felt the irritation seep back into my system at the voice of the devil himself. I looked up at the sky, took a deep breath and turned around to meet those irritating green eyes.

"What do you want Ryder. I thought you'd be in the bar by now hooking up with yet another victim," I scoffed and watched as he ran a hand through his brown locks. He gave me a sheepish grin, it was the first time he actually seemed to show a descent expression while I was in the vicinity.

"I wanted to join you. I'm not in the mood for those leeches in the bar," a snort accidentally escaped my mouth at his words and so with an eye roll I hit him the ball.

"You better not mess up my groove," I gave him a very serious look and for a moment he looked taken aback by it, but the expression was soon replaced by a toothy grin.

"Like you actually have a groove Johnson." I merely roll my eyes at his childish remark, watching as he skillfully plays with the ball on his stick.
"We going to play or what?" He questions with a mischief look burning in his eyes. I cock my head slightly to the side, analysing him before snapping out of it and giving him a mischief smile in return.


It was only after an hour has past that I realise how late it has gotten and unfortunately for me I told Gary that I'll jog home.

"I think we should call it a day," I mutter softly. Ryder looks up at me, the smile dropping from his face, but he still nods in agreement. I pick up the ball and make my way to my bag, placing it inside along with my stick and shin pads. Ryder's soft footsteps could be heard behind me as he gathers his things as well. I pull out my phone to start typing in the number, but Ryder stops me. "I'm driving you."

"No" I state firmly without giving it a second thought. There is no way that I'm spending more time with him than what was needed. Sure this afternoon was fun, but that was a one time thing.  My mind soon shifted into a universe where Ryder and I was first, and I felt the shiver instantly pass down my spine at the mere thought of something like that.

"Stop being a stubborn ass River. Just let me drive you home. Gary and Hein would probably kill me if they think that I left you here. You know how protective they are so instead of seeing it as a nice gesture from my side, maybe you should see it as a way of sparing my life."

"But I don't like you being alive at all," I said calmly and crossed my arms over my chest. I understood what he was saying and to be honest I would much rather be driven home now than walking there. The only problem with the whole driving situation wasn't that I had to spend another five minutes in a car with Ryder, it was more about the person driving the car. I wouldn't trust that irresponsible boy even with a single penny and to be honest he would probably lose it after a few minutes.

"River,"He sighed and I could see that he was mentally and physically drained at this point. His eyes were sleepy and his hair stood up in different directions, and running his hand through it also didn't help. He picked up his bag and started walking towards the parking lot. My thoughts were scrambled inside my head and I went over every scenario in my head in the time it took him to reach the car. With one last irritated huff I grabbed my bag and jog out of the clubhouse, he was just reaching his car but stopped at the sound of my footsteps. He spun around and gave me a smug smile, and I already started dreading my decision. Was this really such a good idea?

He also didn't seem tired anymore, and to my utter dismane I realised it had all been an act. I loud groan escaped my lips as I glared into the pits of his dark, empty soul before spinning around and locking up. He was casually leaning against the side of his car with the same smug and amused expression plastered all over his face like a mask at a spa. I really hate him.

"You really can't resist me. Can you?"

"Unlike your petite, little penguin victims at the bar I actually can." I huffed and climbed into the car. I was shocked to find the interior completely spotless and everything seemed neat and perfectly in place. This was a new scenery for me since Hein tends to mess up everything he comes in contact with and Gary can't seem to clean up fast enough.

"At least those penguins give me something in return for the ride," I scrunch up my nose at what he is implying, my hand already reaching up to free myself from the depths of help. "Ok sorry, I'll shut up now. Will you just at least thank me for giving you a ride," we pull out of the parking lot at those words.

"Thank you," I mumbled in return, turning my face towards the window to look out. I hear Ryder shuffling beside me and before long the sound of the radio fluttered into the awkward air between us. Let it be from the Beatles flood into my ear, causing my head to snap towards Ryder-who was trying desperately to take out the CD. "You listen to the Beatles?"

"Yeah," he mumbled softly, scratching the back of his neck as he does so. Never in my life did I think that I would actually have something (interesting) in common with Ryder, other that hockey of course.

"Finally someone else that gets it," I nearly exclaim relieved, surprising Ryder in the process and to be honest surprising myself a bit as well.

"What?" He looked dumbfounded and I could see that he was trying very hard to piece this puzzle together while still keeping an eye on the road. His leg was jumping up and down in anticipation as he turned his head towasrds me now and then to emphasise his need for me to reveal the answer quicker. We were nearing my apartment now and I knew that I needed to finish this conversation before then.

"No one understands the pure art of classic songs like Let it be. Finally someone understands the poetic wonder behind the words of those before us."

"Wait you listen to old music," I nod eagerly at him, showing the most excitement I've ever shown whilst in such close proximity with him. "Beegees? Beach Boys? CCR? Bryan Adams? My chemical romance? Cat Stevens?" I continued to nod my head as he listed the names of famous old artist. By the time he had stated a long list we reached my apartment. I once again thanked him for the ride home, grabbed my things and stepped into the apartment building. The sound of his car driving away was the last thing I heard before the door firmly shut behind me.

"You're back?" Gary questioned from the couch as I stepped into apartment. Hein was nowhere to be seen, but from the smell circulating the air I could deduce that he was in the kitchen trying to make us some dinner.

"Obviously," I reply sarcastically and sat down beside Gary. He slung an arm around my shoulder, and I immediately cuddled into his side. His clean warmth wrapping around me like a blanket, I could feel the long awaiting fastigue setting in.

"Your dad called. He wants you to come home Thursday. Tim is apparently sick and you know how he can't handle that kid," Gary stated as a matter of factly. I sighed and sat up, leaving the warmth behind.

"I should probably go then," I ran my hands down the length of my face in frustration, not having the strength to deal with this too at the moment. "I'm going to take a quick nap. I have the night shift again today so please wake me up around nine and don't even dare making a noise." I warned, standing up from the couch to give the same speech to Hein before walking into my bedroom for that nap.

Another one. Hope you enjoyed it. What do you think about the whole situation with coach?

Vote and comment c.f.

