Jason's POV

Okey so I may have start staring at Piper a little bit, when she stepped out of her Cabin and took my hand. But oh my Gods, she just looked so beautiful, that I couldn't help it. Ahh!! Maybe Thalia's right about how  I stare at Piper not that I'll ever actually tell either of them that.

"Umm, Jason where are we going exactly?! You do know where we're going right"... Piper asked me raising one of her eyebrows questionly. She just  looked so cute with that expression on her face, that I couldn't help but the cup the side of her cheek  in my hand and silence her with a kiss right there in middle of the path we had been walking on moments before.

 I was about to pull back and apologize, when I felt Piper's lips moving against mine. I pulled her closer me, and rapped my arms around her waist. And I could feel Piper rap her fingers in my hair. Our lips were moving in perfect sync, as the kiss because deeper. Honestly I wouldn't have really minded I if we never stopped kissing. But unfortunately we both eventually had to so we could breathe. When we finally broke apart we were both smiling and breathing hard. "So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend!? I asked her hopefully. Instead of answering me immediately she pulled me close and gave me a quick but sweet kiss and her face beaming at me. " Only if you'll be my boyfriend!!" Piper answered me smiling. I pulled her to me again and gave her a soft kiss. I think I can live with that." I told her feeling more than a little smug.

A/N: but neither of them noticed that Leo had gotten the whole kiss on camera and was silently walking up the path on his way back to camp.
