Chapter 20: Acceptance

"For you are the love of my life... and though we met through a training accident, I knew instantly, that I had to have you, (y/n). My heart will always belong to you- and no one else. Those who say otherwise are blind to what true love really is. For 6 years, I'm now asking you: will you continue to be the love of my life, and the hero the people truly deserves?" 

Todoroki was on his knees, holding out this velvet box. Nestled in the box laid a diamond ring. The ring itself was made with a glistening silver that shone like the moonlight. Multiple diamonds were embedded inside of the silver, but the largest of all was in the center, pointing to you.

Where this proposal took place was out in the open where civilians saw their heroes in the center of the city square. The moon was high; the streets that were once busy now slowed down to see this incredible arrangement. 

A bright smile expanded on your face as those words began to echo in your ears. There was only one option to choose: "Yes, Shoto..."

This huge burst of happy cries filled the air as Todoroki ran the diamond ring up your ring finger. At first, it felt a little awkward to wear, but you wanted to wear it proudly. All of a sudden, Todoroki pushed against you, landing a kiss on your lips. His hands quickly grabbed yours as he smiled gently.

"I love you, (y/n)... and I'll love you forevermore."

A warm blush fell upon your cheeks as he says those words ever so gently. His words were true to the heart. "I love you too, Shoto Todoroki." When you said that, you fell into his body, feeling his warmth warming you up on such a beautiful night. 

Hand in hand, the both of you walked off away from the city center. A few heroes were aligned on the buildings, watching at such a beautiful sight of an engagement. Especially those who were in the 1-A class of U.A., because they wanted to see a story that began back in U.A., and wanted to see how it began to end. 

Towards the edge of the city, the heroes all gathered and started to shout praises of the new chapter of this love story. Endeavor was at the end with Todoroki's mother, Rei. They slightly held hands, smiling gently to both of you. Fuyumi was standing between them, chuckling softly at the new addition to the Todoroki family.

"So... you finally did it, Shoto." Endeavor says gruffly, looking towards you with those eyes. Those eyes that he once disproved of you, has now changed. "You better take good care of her, Shoto. She has miraculously changed my mind."

"Like I would do anything otherwise." Todoroki says, kissing your lips once more. "After all... this little affair isn't over quite yet. (y/n), let's go to the tallest building, alright? Just you and me. Hopefully no other heroes would disturb us." That last piece acted like a threat to all that he stared at.

*   *   *

"Shoto," you say with a chuckle as he brought you up a building that completely overlooks the city, "what are we doing here? A late night picnic? Again?"

He chuckles, sitting on the edge, beckoning you to come closer. You do so, sitting next to him overlooking the city. "(y/n), I wanted to bring you up here because... I... no... we're gonna do one of the greatest missions. We're gonna participate. Since we're practically the unstoppable hero couple, we can-"

"Actually... I was hoping I can take some time off..." You looked away with a heavy blush falling on your face.

Todoroki looked surprised to hear such a request. He grabs your hand gently, pulling you closer to him. "Feeling sick or something? How much time do you need to take off? Can't have my partner away from me too long." He says with a small smirk on his face. But you returned that same smirk.

"As until the baby arrives."

Once those words were said, it sent a shivering shock down Todoroki's spine. "No... r-really?!"

You smiled, leaning your head onto him. "Can't wait to see what kind of father you'll be soon, Shoto. That also means we gotta find a name for this little one."

"Slow down, (y/n), slow down." He chuckles softly. "I just proposed to you, and now I hear I'm gonna be a father soon? Everything's just moving so fast... first of all... when did you find out? I need to know this..."

"I only found out just last week. But we were too busy doing hero missions... I just lost track of time of when to tell you. Now... if you say it's a big mission, I don't want to risk it now. And since we have the time to talk now... now was a perfect time."

Todoroki just chuckled softly, kissing your sweet lips. "Well... I'll be disappointed during the time when you're taking time off, because I won't have the amazing hero by my side. But... I'm glad that we'll be a proper family... and that... I can't wait to see..."
