˚ ✩. 8 .✩ ˚

Um so I'm a dumbass who has plotholes in here. First, no, Marinette isn't a psychopath in this so she doesn't have pictures of Adrien plastered around her room. Second, LB and Chat have their own numbers. So like Marinette has her own number and Ladybug has a seperate one. Same for Chat and Adrien. Bare with me, its the only way to make things logical.

edit 19/3/22 - why was i so stupid to do this god i cant even change it 😭

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Chat Noir groaned in defeat as his character in Super Mega Strike 3 faced the same fate for the fifth time in a row. He leaned back in his chair with a sigh. "Man, she's good," he and Plagg's voiced chorused in his head. "Tell me when you're done loosing, Kitty," Marinette teased, a smug look of triumph clear on her face.

"One more round," he replied fiercely, shooting back up in his seat. "As if you're going to beat me this time," she remarked, setting up for another round. "Oh, we'll see about that," he retorted cheekily; he was determined to crush her this round.

"Ready? Fight!" the computer sounded, indicating the start of the round. Marinette's composure was calm, pressing buttons on the controller as if it was nothing. Chat on the other hand, had a furious look on his face, aggressively punching buttons trying to defeat her.

"Player two wins!" the computer announced, Chat pumping his fist in victory. The girl beside him rolled her eyes. "I let you win, alright, don't get too happy about it!"

The eight round started, now both of them furiously pressing buttons to try and win. Chat, being the cheek he is, had a— well- cheeky idea up his sleeve. "So, Princess do you like anyone?" he asked in a manner so casual it was questionable. "What?" she snapped her head around to look at him, eyes wide, fingers frozen. Quickly using his character's special power, he defeated her. "Player two wins!"

"You idiot!" she exclaimed, smacking his shoulder with her controller. "That's cheating!" "No...it's not..I just asked you a question which just happened to catch you off-guard," he said smirkingly. "And since you reacted like that, I'm assuming you do in fact have a crush on someone? Hm?" he asked, smirk still visible on his face. Marinette rolled her eyes with a blush visible on her face. "No, I don't," she protested, but the truth was as clear as day. "Come on, Princess, who is it?"

"I'm not telling!"

"Aw, why not?"

"Because it's embarrassing!"

"It can't be that bad!"

"No Chat I'm not telling you!"

Chat sighed. "I could help you ya know~" he offered, but she shook her head. "No, Chatòn, I'm not gonna tell!" she said to him again. "Okay fine, but just so you know, you're wasting the purr-fect opportunity to ge the guy!"

"Chat, no it's alright, really. It's not like he's going to return my feelings anyways," she pressed, her features dropping a second before she lifted it up with a long sigh. "Okay so another game?" she asked him. She turned to see he had a look of sympathy on his face. "Why won't he?"

Marinette hesitated. Chat was her best friend right? She could trust her. But she was still doubting it. "Can we, change the subject? I-I'm not really up to talking about this..." Chat felt his stomach drop. "Oh alright. Okay yeah of course so um.." "Great job dumbass, you made it awkward!" he said to himself. "So how about you? I'm sure you have someone," she asked teasingly. "She can switch up really fast," he thought. "Why, of course I do, isn't it obvious?" he said jokingly. "Not to me, who's the lovely lady?"

Chat took her hand and pressed a kiss against her knuckles, looking up and winking at her. She chuckled, getting the joke. "How flattering, I guess you are my knight in shining leather," Marinette said in a voice she assumed a princess would have. "And I shall do anything to see my princess smile," he said in a 'knightly' voice, releasing her hand from his and sitting back up.

"We're just joking around, We're best friends, that's how we joke," Chat reminded himself.

"Oh, well I say, how lovely it is to have a knight as loyal as you," she continued, a hand to her forehead dramatically. "My, what a compliment to receive from such a stunning lady as you, Princess," he also micked her actions, and with that, they bursted into laughter.

"Marinette, is someone up there with you?" her father's voice called from the hallway. "Crap," the two said in unison, Chat stumbling towards her bed and opening the trap door, escaping. "Marinette?" Tom called her name again, sounding like he was closer now. "I'm on the phone with Alya on speaker, Papa!" she called back. "Oh, well tell her I said hi, and keep it down a little will you?" "Alright!"

Marinette rushed up to let Chat in again. "That was a close one," she laughed nervously, and so did he. "Yeah, it really was. You should be glad I have fast reflexes, or that would've been a real cat-astrophe!" he punned, sitting back in his chair. She sat down next to him, rolling her eyes. "You should be glad I'm feline better now, or my parents would be coming in often to check on me," she returned, picking up her controller and setting up yet another round.

"Ah, I see your royal highness is picking up on my habits," he remarked, noticing the pun she'd made. "Well you can't expect me not to, this black cat has been around quite often," she retorted, starting the round.

"I give up," Chat groaned, the bluenette chuckling. "I did say not to get to happy when you won~" she remarked, and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah fine," he said. "Say, I know this sounds weird, but could I get your number? I mean, if something comes up I'll just text you," she asked, and he hesitated before nodding. Making sure he gave her Chat's number, they exchanged, and they each saved their numbers as 'Chatòn' and 'Princess'.

"Well, I guess I'll be heading off, dear princess," Chat said, standing up and bowing playfully. "Till next time, your highness." Marinette laughed.

"Till next time, sir knight."

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