Chapter 21

Last one today!!! I was supposed to update another one but I fell asleep so this is it for today but yaay 3 in one day, surprise!!


**| Victor's POV |**

Not long after Sommer left, we all piled into the two SUVs and followed after her. I kept my phone in my lap as I directed Owen to the right place. I could feel the increase in energy and tension in the SUV and inside of me. We were so close now.

"Take a right at the next light," I told him as I tried to figure out where she was going in such a hurry. She knew something we didn't and now it was a race to solving this first because I had no doubt that her game was to hurt this woman. We needed to find Sang before she did.

And if Sang was hurting children...killing them...I couldn't really get up the energy to care. But if this woman really was Sang like North believed....

None of the scenarios were good.

"Two blocks, take a left," I said and glanced outside, at the night life in Lübeck. People waited outside to get into clubs, others stumbled around on the streets, laughing. There were even others hiding in the shadows, part of the underbelly of the city. Every city had an underbelly and apparently we stumbled into it. This should have been a simple tracking of a person but everything quickly became complicated and we never had a chance to just stop and think.

"How's North," Nate asked. He was in the back seat with Luke and Kota. The others were in the other SUV, speeding behind us.

"Trying to get Sean to drive faster," Luke replied, his voice sad.

"They can't go faster than us since they need to follow us," I said, understanding why there was a slight tinge of fear in Luke's voice.

My right leg shook and I placed my hand on my knee in hopes of stopping it. Didn't work.

We were so close. The end was coming.

I gave Owen more directions until he pulled up a couple houses down from a nice two-story house. It was one of the locations that should have a white picket fence and a couple with two and half children. All the curtains were drawn closed, but the front porch light was on and so was a light on the first floor in the house.

Sommer wasn't in sight but what I assumed to be her car was in the driveway, parked behind a light grey car.

"Pass me my laptop," I said to Nate. There was some rustling before he handed over my laptop. I quickly lifted up the screen and got to work.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked.

"He's going to try to get into their security cameras. There are some put up around the house," Kota said absently. A moment later I could hear a whisper and I knew he was counting.

"Let me know when you get in," Owen said and I almost smiled because there was no if in his statement. I was getting in, just a matter of time.

My fingers flew across the keyboards as I squinted at the screen. The darkness made it harder for me to focus on the screen and I didn't have my glasses, but it didn't matter, just a small annoyance I easily ignored.

"She's coming out," Nate warned and my head snapped up. He was right.

Sommer stalked out of the front door, her hands in fists at her side, her long blonde hair flowing behind her as she went down the stairs and toward her car. A man came out onto the porch, shirtless. The porch light lit him up. All I could make out of his features was that he was just a little over six feet tall with black hair.

"Here," Luke said, passing forward binoculars. I didn't ask why he even had them with him as Owen took them and looked through them. A moment later, he lowered the binoculars and passed them to Kota who used them before looking at Owen through the front mirror and nodding.

Sommer finally decided to back out of the driveway and she turned to face us. We ducked down as she drove by, speeding up quickly and then disappearing down the road.

"Lucian, Nathan, I need you to put a tracker on the other car in the driveway. I think this is our man," Owen said. "Victor, keep working on the cameras. I want to know what is in the house. Keep an eye on where Sommer goes too. We don't need her circling back. Kota, update the others."

"Should they follow Sommer in case she goes to where Sang is?" I asked.

Owen shook his head. "She doesn't know. That's why she left angry."

I didn't say anything else, focusing back on my tasks. Nate and Luked moved around in the back seat until finally silently leaving and using the shadows to stay hidden. I went back to work, desperate to get eyes inside of the building. A few minutes later, I released a sigh. I was in.

I turned the screen so Owen could see. Kota leaned forward between the two front seats to look too. The man was in the kitchen, throwing some things into a cooler before disappearing down the hall and into his bedroom. Another camera was in there and we watched as he stuffed a duffel full of clothes.

"He's running," Kota said.

I nodded in agreement before sending off a text.

Victor: Hurry, he's packing to leave.

I didn't get a response back, which I was expecting. I could see them moving around in the shadows, staying low. I only spotted them because I knew they were there.

"Where is Sommer?" Owen asked.

I clicked a few buttons. "Still headed away from us."

He nodded as I switched it back over to the man's security feeds.

He was in the foyer now.

"Come on," I whispered, nervous. I looked out the window, ignoring the way my heart pounded against my chest with nerves. They were huddled near the back of the car, on the other side so it was hard to spot them from the house.

They needed to move faster. The man was moments away from leaving and the two of them were still at his car. They could not be caught.

My mind flickered through possible distractions. Maybe I could make his alarm go off by accident. That'll distract him. But it'll draw attention to him too. We needed him to leave, we needed him to take us to Sang. I didn't want him sticking around, especially if Sommer was planning to come back soon.

The man lifted up the bag and grabbed the handle on the cooler and was ready to come outside but then paused for a moment. He put down the bag and disappeared in the bathroom. There wasn't a camera in there so we couldn't see what he did but it gave Luke and Nate the opportunity to sprint back to the SUV and climb inside. Not even a second after they closed the doors, breathing heavily in the back seat, the man opened the front door and made his way to his car.

"The tracker is in place," Luke said. I looked back at him and couldn't stop myself from smiling as a response the massive one on his face. He was on an adrenaline high right now.

The man loaded up the car and turned it on. He sat there for a few minutes before pulling out of the driveway and driving away from us.

Owen waited until he got to the end of the street before turning on his car and following behind. Sean followed close behind us. When we were too far away from the car or couldn't see it, I would tell Owen where to go. We didn't want to get too close because the traffic was light this late at night and we didn't want him knowing we were following. No doubt he was on alert after being visited by Sommer.

The drive was long as we headed out of Lübeck and into heavily forested area.

"Do you think he's going to meet up with that fighter chick?" Luke asked.

"I hope so," I replied, turning in my seat to look at him better.

"Do you think she really killed children? That she kidnapped them?"

"According to the rumors Sommer was telling us, it's a strong possibility," Kota said, his eyes focused on the passing scenery.

"And you think this woman is Sang? North's Sang?" Luke asked and I released a breath, telling myself to not get frustrated with him for asking questions. This was Luke, it was what he did. And it was hard to get mad at him with the way his vulnerability seeped into his questions.

"No matter what we find out tonight, we will deal with it," Owen said.

Luke leaned back in his seat, wedged between Kota and Nate. His arms crossed over his chest as he closed his mouth. I could see the million questions he held in. I straightened in my seat and told Owen to take another turn. This one we almost missed because it wasn't so much a road as a dirt trail with tire tracks dug into it.

I really hoped Owen was right, that we would be able to deal with whatever happens tonight. For North's sake.
