Chapter 3

TW : language, mention of rape, mention of murder, violence

Jake POV

It's been almost two months since I have talked to MC. The FBI was on my tail so I couldn't contact her yet. They tried to contact me several times but every time I managed to avoid them. I needed to find somewhere safe so I could reach for MC.

I checked on her every day. She was back at her home and seemed safe. But I knew she was worried, she always worried. This is why I wanted to talk to her. And also because I missed her.

After three days without eating properly, I went out to buy some food. I was getting weak and I couldn't afford any weaknesses in case I had to run away from the FBI.

On my way back I walked through a dark alley when someone appeared at the other end of the street pointing at me with a gun, "FBI, don't move!"

Shit! I cursed under my breath and turned around to find an escape, but a woman was blocking the way. I looked around me looking for a way out when she said, "Jake, wait!" of course I didn't wait. I spotted a ladder that could lead me on the roofs. If I was fast enough I could avoid the bullets. I was about to climb on it when the woman talked again. "Does Jasper Flint sound familiar to you?"

I frozzed. How did she know him? I slowly faced the woman, analyzing her. She was a little older than me, in her mid thirties I guess. A tall girl with blond hair brushed in a tight ponytail. She could have seemed nice if she wasn't with the FBI. "What do you want?" I hissed.

"Help, " she replied. Help!? Was this a joke?

"And how could I help you?" I asked mockingly.

"You're the only one who can find him," she started. Of course I was the only one able to find that asshole. I always had an eye on him and his organization as I had an eye on the FBI. Both were related and that was what made me sick!

"Stop acting like you're innocent! You're working with him!" I spat.

"Don't you dare say that again!" she snapped back, which caught me off guard.

I sighed, "Why would you want to arrest him?"

"Because he killed my sister," she said with an emotionless voice. I looked at her, raising my eyebrows asking for more. She took a deep breath. "A few years ago me and my team found out who Jasper flint was and what he has done. We collected evidence just like you did. But before I was able to do a thing my sister disappeared. She was found a month later, by the side of the road. It was a warning... I should mind my own business for my safety. She had been raped and murdered because of what I found. I'm sure you know how I felt and understand now why I want Jasper Flint, his organization and all of the people involved with him behind bars."

Oh no, no, no. You are not using the "my sister disappeared" story to get to me. Of course I knew how she felt. I also thought about that when Hannah was missing. What if the kidnapper hurted her, what if he raped her, murdered her. But I didn't know if that woman's story was even real. It could be a trap!

I frowned and looked at her. When our eyes met I gulped. It was like facing a mirror. I could see the anger, the fear, the despair in her eyes. She had the same look I had when I was looking for Hannah. Except my sister was safe and hers was dead. I closed my eyes, "why would I help you? When I find him, you will arrest me as well."

"No," she replied firmly, "I can offer you a deal. You help us find him and then you're free. Free to live the life you want. Free to live a life with MC."

MC? She knew her? Was this a threat? As if she had read my mind she said, "Don't get me wrong. MC has nothing to do with that. I don't intend to involve her in any way."

The woman put a hand in her pocket and handed me a piece of paper. "Call me" I grabbed the paper and read Amanda Prescott. I took a step back and reached for the ladder on my right. As I climbed it I heard Amanda shout "At least think about it!" I didn't look back and disappeared into one of the buildings.

Back to my hiding place I was sitting in my chair, staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what to do. I checked on everything that Prescott told me. She didn't lie. But the danger was real. Of course if I could put Jasper in jail, I would be delighted. It was because of him that I was wanted. I had the file, the file with every crime he committed. And this was not only drug dealing but arms and human traffic. I also had the name of everyone involved in this. There were so many people all around the world, politicians, judges, and so many more. Of course, the FBI was covering that up. And I was the only one with those files... I could have revealed all the information I had but it was me and only me against the FBI. So, I felt powerless.

What was I supposed to do? It could be a trap. Prescott could lure me, to arrest me. But if it wasn't a trap... It was my only chance to live with MC. Was I ready to risk everything I had left for this tiny hope? The answer was yes.

Two weeks later everything was settled. I contacted Prescott again to make the deal. Now I wanted to warn MC about my plan. Well... I didn't want to tell her much because she was so stubborn that she could get involved in this trying to help me.

No, I was just gonna say to her that it was almost over, that we would be together soon. I wanted to see her one last time before looking for Jasper.

So, on the evening of June 12, I came to MC appartenant with the biggest smile on my face, happy to tell her the good news.

When I arrived at her place I immediately noticed her front door was slightly open. My smile faded and I rushed into her apartment. Everything was a mess as if there was a fight here. The dishes were broken on the floor, chairs were thrown to the ground, I spotted a knife covered with blood, lying next to my feet. This couldn't be MC's blood?? I clenched my fists as I felt fear took over my whole body. "MC," I called "Are you there?"

I knew it was a foolish question. Nobody was there. I panicked even more when I saw a hole in the wall. A gunshot!

From the corner of my eyes, I saw MC's laptop on her desk. It was blinking. When I opened the laptop, a woman tied to a chair appeared on the screen. MC! At that exact moment, my phone rang. I picked up carefully, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Good evening Jake, my old friend," said a voice I could easily recognize, Jasper!

"Let her go!" I shouted.

"No, not yet. I need something from you first." I could hear him smiling from the phone. "Bring us the file, and she'll be free."

"What file?" I tried to save time while I was thinking about a plan.

"Don't play dumb with me! Bring us the file or she dies!" he replied angrily. "I thought that seeing your girl tied to a chair would motivate you."

"I don't even know if this is a real recording." I argued.

To my words, I saw two men on the screen. One man with a phone waved at the camera and I heard him say to the other "Wake her up!"

The other man approached MC and slapped her. "You, asshole! Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled through the phone.

Jasper laughed and answered, "I thought you wanted to talk to her." Then he put the phone against MC ear.

"MC, are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Jake? Jake is this you?" she started to sob. "Where am I?"

"Don't worry MC, I'll find you." I tried to reassure her.

"Jake, please, please find me!" She was totally panicking.

Jasper took the phone back, "I'll send you the location. Come with the file. No file, no MC," and he hung up.

I stared at the screen trying to figure out how to react. Jasper came closer to MC and leaned over her. I saw him grab her chin and stroke her cheek with his thumb. "Don't touch her... if you hurt her I swear I..."

MC kicked him in his leg. Jasper lost his shit and grabbed MC by her hair while taking a knife in his pocket and pressed it on her neck. The screen went black. No, no, no! I tried everything to connect to the camera again but nothing worked.

I grabbed my head and fell on the couch. I couldn't breathe. Why was this happening? I sat there for a while trying to calm myself down. Jake, you need to focus. You won't be able to get MC back if you overreact. I took several deep breaths, took my phone and dialed Prescott's number.

Thank you for reading and for the support. If you liked the chapter feel free to vote or comment, this is your humble writer's only payment ❤️
