Chapter Two

         The sun was shining perfectly leaving a warm temperature through the air. The sky was clear and you could hear the happiness talks in everyone's voices. I would say today is perfect, but I'm about to talk to the guy who almost killed me so maybe not so perfect.

Am I this stupid?! He could kill me right here right now, but I'm still waiting for him! I started to stand up, but then I saw Ground Zero come out. I realized he didn't look so scary wearing his uniform, almost cute. I swear to god I did not just think that. OMG KILL ME NOW OH MY GOD OH MY GOD-

"Are you okay?" Ground Zero asked as he sat across from me on the tiny table.

"Pshhh yeah I'm fine," I said trying to keep my cool. "I was just thinking that it would be kind of weird if I called you your villain name so what is your real name?"

"I'll tell you just please promise not to turn me in I can't lose another job-" I'm pretty sure he didn't mean to say the last part because after he said it his face turned a soft shade of pink and I started laughing.

"Why would the all powerful all scary Ground Zero need a job in the first place?" I asked through my laughs.

"I don't know, to pay for my food, my apartment, and live?!!" He almost shouted. Luckily we weren't around too many people so he didn't draw too much attention to us.

"I'm still very confused." I laughed again a little making him even more annoyed.

"Even though I'm a villain I'm not some petty thief. Plus even if I was one I wouldn't be able to live incognito." He tried to reassure me.

"Are you sure because I just think that you're too much of a good person to steal!" I said happily which made him blush from embarrassment.

"What did you even want to fucking talk about anyways?" He sighed.

"I just wanted to know why you're here and not causing terrible mayhem. Again it still doesn't make that much sense. I also have another question, but I'll ask it later-" The last part of what I said confused him, but I wasn't ready for him to know what I really wanted to ask him.

"Ok fine I'm not giving you my whole life sorry, but I'll give you this since I fucked up your ribs," he sighed.

"I believe that the hero system is corrupt and shouldn't exist, but that also means I'm not just some villain doing evil for evil. So I want to still be a good citizen so I still have a job and a place to live and pay my taxes and all that shit." He explained. I was surprised by his answer, he didn't seem like the type of villain who paid his taxes.

"Ok I guess I know what you mean, but how do you keep a steady job with being a villain all the time?" I asked and he sighed again. I felt like he kept calling me stupid just with his dumb sighs.

"Actually the villain part isn't the hard part about keeping a job it's the 'I'm mean and scary part' that makes me lose most of them." He mocked the mean and scary part, but I could totally see why he would get fired for that and I started laughing again.

"YOU THINK THAT THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY!?!" He shouted. I nodded. I don't know why I was so calm, this guy could and would kill me, but I just don't feel like he would.

"Can I ask you another question?" He rolled his eyes and nodded and I smiled.

"Why didn't you just kill me when we were fighting? It would've just been easier plus I wouldn't be in your way anymore." I blurted it out and I realised my mistake, but I guess there was no going back now.

"I didn't kill you because," he sighed as he turned away from me. "I guess I respect you..."

"You what?" I asked, surprised. I didn't think I heard him correctly.

"I said I respect you!" He looked at me and both me and him were blushing at this point. "Most heroes would've given up at that point or left or some shit, but you fought till the very end. You were ready to risk your life and I think that's a real hero and that's why I didn't kill you." He said. I couldn't believe that he thought me of all people was a good hero.

"I failed you got away, that's the least of a good hero in my opinion." I said.

"A hero is someone who risks everything to do what's right. And what you did was heroic even though your version of right was stupid-" He gave me a smile and I felt a lump in my throat. I felt like an idiot after that fight, yet here's the guy who actually beat me saying I did good.

"Thank you," I was about to say his name, but then I remembered I never actually got it from him. "What's your name anyways? I never caught it."

"Katsuki Bakugou." He said. "And yours?"

"Ochako Uraraka."


Our conversation was cut short by a ding from Bakugou's phone. He looked at it and then muttered shit to himself. He stood up and started walking. I stood up and started walking next to him.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked looking down at me. From this point of view I could see how much taller than me he was.

"You're the one who abruptly left, I was just wondering why." I replied.

"Don't you have better stuff to do? Like your hero duties?" He questioned me. Man he really didn't want me following me, but that made me want to do it more.

"Actually I don't because you broke 3 of my ribs remember? So I think I have a right to follow you." I told him, sticking my tongue at him.

"Tch, whatever..."

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm getting evicted from my apartment and I need to pack up my stuff." He sighed and at first I felt genuinely bad for him.

"I'm so sorry.. why are you getting evicted?" I asked sincerely.

"Well I kind of," He turned away from me. "Exploded a hole through the wall because I was mad-" after he said that I couldn't help, but start laughing.

"Well that's a first!" I said as I gave him a small punch in the shoulder.

"Actually I've been kicked out of two other apartments for the same reasons," he blurted out, but I don't think he meant to because of the embarrassed look on his face afterwards.

I couldn't stop laughing after that and fell to the floor, but immediately felt a rush of pain to my side when I fell. I just had to land on ribs didn't I?

I was wincing in pain when I saw Bakugou lend out his hand for me to grab on to. I grabbed on to it and stood up, but felt like I couldn't stand on my own as I was gripping onto Bakugou's arm.

"Here," Bakugou said as he repositioned his arm so I was almost hugging it. "Just hold on to my arm while we walk, you can sit down when we get to my apartment." I nodded and felt my face flush up.

We were about a block away from Bakugou's Apartment, I was still holding onto his arm even though I was no longer in any pain. I simply just liked holding his arm. He was warm and I felt safe holding on to it. Also he overall smelled a lot like caramel and I liked it...

We came to the door and I let go of his arm as we walked inside the building.

"It's about fucking time! Now pack your shit and get the hell away from here." A guy at the reception desk yelled at Bakugou. I'm guessing he was the owner of the complex.

"Sit your ass down I'm going, I'm going." Bakugou yelled back as he started walking up the stairs. I closely followed him.

The apartment was very small and I wouldn't be surprised if someone had told me it was a motel. It was old and crumbling and didn't seem to be the best place to live, so why did Bakugou live here?

We went inside his room and it was a small one bedroom apartment with a brick wall or at least I think it was a brick wall. The walk pointing outside was completely blown up.

"You, did that?!?" I said shocked pointing towards the wall.

"Yup." He said as he started gathering up his clothes.

"I didn't expect you to live somewhere so..." I was trying to find the right words when Bakugou interrupted me.

"Disgusting? Yeah it wasn't my first choice either, but as a guy who's been evicted from a lot of places and fired you get a reputation, plus with apartments costing a fortune this is the best place I could get, but it's home." He sighed. I felt really bad for the guy now. My apartment was sort of small, but it wasn't this bad. I even had an extra room for when my parents would come and stay over.

"Ok, what do you need help packing?" I asked.

"You're hurt and these are heavy boxes you can't just sit in that arm chair." He told me. I gave a shark sigh and sat down. The chair was stiff, but compared to the rest of the place it was really nice.

Bakugou's room, to my surprise, was completely clean. There was nothing on the ground and all of his clothes were folded neatly too. I really didn't expect him to be someone who liked to keep his room clean.

He eventually put all of his belongings into one trash bag, I guess he didn't have that much stuff to begin with.

"So where do you go now?" I ask him as we walk out of the apartment complex.

"I'll probably just hop around since there aren't any apartment openings for me."

"So you're going to live with your parents?"

"Nope." He replied coldly.

"Friends?" He shook his head.

"Then what did you mean by hop around?!" I asked him.

"Ya know hoping from park bench to park bench." He replied and I immediately punched him in the shoulder.

"You can't live like that!" I scolded him, but then I thought of his situation. He didn't really have anywhere to go and if there was somewhere he wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Then what should I do, Round Face?" He asked. I looked up at him and probably made one of the stupidest and dumbest mistakes of my life.

"You can move in with me!" I smiled at him as his face flushed up and he got visibly angry.

