7. Look Out!

Jason's point of view:

I glanced down at my shoulder to find a sleeping Brooklyn purring gently. She looked so at peace but somehow she still had her signature thoughtful expression. The way her she pouted ever so slightly just gave her a beauty most girls just don't have. 

"Time to wake up Aussie," I murmured as I gently shook her shoulders.

"Don't call me Aussie," she said with a slight smile tugging at her lips whilst moving from a sitting position to one that consisted of snuggling up in my bed.

I laughed softly at her remark and scooped her up in my arms despite her weak protests. Gently, I placed her on my windowsill and began gathering her things.

"I could do that myself you know, you don't have to do everything for me Jason," she complained whilst attempting (and failing) to stifle a yawn.

"Brooks... you're practically falling asleep, it's not really that big of a deal," I picked up her denim shoulder bag and began to place the equipment we would need for 'The Games'  in it, "Since you so inconveniently fell asleep we'll have to plan a planning session for during school."

"It's not my fault I fell asleep."

"Oh really."

"Yeah, you're just so warm and cuddly. It's like hugging a big teddy bear!"

I rolled my eyes playfully and handed her bag back to her.

"Are you sure you'll be alright heading home on your own?" I asked.

"Yes Jason, bye."

She slid off the windowsill, opened the window and then carefully slipped out without making a noise, taking care not to disturb my father who might be in the living room. I watched her until she was on the ground and then we waved goodbye to each other. Flopping onto my bed I allowed myself a few minutes of rests until I heard several scared yelps coming from the street. I rushed to my window and from what I could make out in the poorly-lit street were two figures - one obviously overpowering the other. As my eyes adjusted to the light I could see the taller figure's slight limp and the reflection of the street lamps in their glasses: my father.

Despite the autumn chill I rushed out into the night in just a short sleeved t-shirt to face my father and whoever had been unlucky enough to cross his path. As I raced along the narrow street I could see the silhouette of a girl writhing about in my father's grip. Please don't be Brooklyn, I begged inside my head, Please don't be her.

I rugby-tackled my father and the sudden shock caused him to let go of the girl and fall awkwardly to the ground. Roughly, he shoved me off of himself, got to his feet and drew out a gun.

"Jason! Look out!"

Desperately I tried to wrench the gun out of his grasp but my attempts were futile and he pushed me to the ground.

"I won't let you lead my son astray any longer girl!" he laughed maniacally whilst taking aim - directly at Brooklyn.

Silently I got to my feet and grabbed a baseball bat that had been lying by my head. I stalked over to him and dealt him a blow to the head that would surely leave him unconscious and with a concussion, but not before he had pulled the trigger.

I turned around and dropped the bat in horror.

"Oh god Brooklyn!"


A/N Hello guys! Sorry for not having updated for 3 weeks. I've been a little busy trying to get birthday presents for my friends (that I was making by hand) finished. I'll try to stick to a more consistent schedule from now on. What do you think happened to Brooklyn? Do you think she got shot? DO YOU THINK SHE'S DEAD?!!! Comments your thoughts down below. Byeeeee! 💜💜💜


"Cause I'm with you til' the end of the line" - Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes
