Failed Imagine #2

A frustrated huff leaves my lips as I throw myself onto Kendall's white suede sofa. Why she went with an all-white color scheme, I'll never know. Looking through my camera, I shut my eyes and hold in a sigh. My pictures came out horribly. The lighting is all wrong, there's too much glare in some of them, and the majority are blurry.

"What's wrong, babe?" Kendall asks, sitting next to me. I've never been one to buy into all those reality shows so before I actually met Kendall, I thought her and her entire family were fake and just overall attention-seeking assholes who were full of themselves. However, my Sugar is one of the sweetest people I've ever met (no pun intended). She's become my best friend in the short amount of time we've known each other and she's probably the only reason I have the job I do.

"My pictures came out awful..." She and Cara are two of the only people who know that if I wasn't a model, I'd be on the other side of the camera.

I lay my head on her shoulder and she wraps an arm around me, running her fingers through my hair and lightly rubbing my arm. She knows being caressed always relaxes me. "I'm sure you're just having an off day. Everybody has them. Take a nap, maybe it'll help."

I sigh and nod, kissing her shoulder and then her cheek as I stand. "I'm gonna make some tea, want some?"

She nods and gets up to follow me. Without looking at my music, she puts my phone on shuffle and hooks it up to her speakers, laughing when Don't Wanna Dance Alone starts playing. "Which one are you hung up on?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I feign ignorance, taking two mugs down from the cabinet as the water starts boiling.

"Bullshit, you've been obsessed since they formed. You've gotta be hung up on at least one of them."

I mumble something as I take two tea bags out of the box and she leans closer. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

The water starts boiling and I mumble it a little louder while turning down the heat. "Still can't hear you, babe."

"Dinah! It's Dinah, okay? They're all gorgeous and I'm sure they're all amazing, but something about Dinah just..."

She looks at me and breaks down in laughter again, nearly falling off one of the stools lining her kitchen island. "You're in love with the baby of the group!"

Rolling my eyes, I put the tea bags in and, after adding honey to sate her sweet tooth, hand Kendall her mug. She finally calms down but the smile never leaves her face. "Why don't you ever talk to her? I'm sure you follow her on Twitter and stuff. Plus, they use the same photographer we do here in LA, you could go stalk her while they have a photoshoot."

I smack her shoulder lightly but smile a little anyway. "Easier said than done, Ken. I may seem confident because I allow other people to take pictures of me half naked for a living, but I'm actually a very insecure person."

Her eyes soften and she entwines our fingers, bringing them up to kiss our tangled hands. "Honey, you're wonderful. I may not know everything about the gorgeous Y/FL/N because we've only known each other for, like, seven months, but I know enough. And, for the record...if you weren't my best friend and my feelings were different, I would go out with you in a heartbeat. Dinah doesn't know how lucky she is."

I see the love and adoration in Kendall's eyes, even after only seven months, and my heart skips. Moving around the island, I walk into her open arms and rest my forehead against her shoulder, shivering slightly as she runs her fingers up and down my back comfortingly. "Thanks, Sugar. I needed that."

She kisses my head and leans hers against mine. "Anything for my Spice."

Dinah POV

My body bounces as I land on the hotel bed, a groan escaping only to be swallowed by the pillow. We're promoting our album and Will's making us do a photoshoot as well as a couple of interviews tomorrow. Camila giggles from the bed next to mine, phone in hand, and I can only imagine what kind of Camren stuff is happening right now. "What's up with you, China?"

"I don't wanna do that photoshoot's too early in the morning." My words are muffled by the pillow but she's so used to this, I'm sure she understands.

"I heard Cara Delevingne, Kendall Jenner, and Y/N Y/L/N are doing a shoot at the same time as us."

My head snaps up at the mention of Y/N's name, popping my neck in the process and I wince. Camila looks over from her phone with a raised eyebrow, probably hearing my neck pop and she smirks. "Little eager to possibly see your crush, huh?"

"Shut up..." I get up and plop down next to her, craning my neck to look at her phone. "What kind of Camren stuff is happening over here? You've been glued to your phone since we separated from the girls."

Her cheeks get a little red and her phone chimes, indicating a text message. Without thinking twice about it, I take her phone and use the bed to propel myself faster towards the bathroom. Right before Camila catches me, I shut and lock the door, hearing her frantically pound on the wood separating us.



"Did I have to wake up this early?" I sleepily ask Kendall, practically falling asleep against her. It's 7 in the freaking morning, if they want the best results, work between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm.

Kendall puts an arm around me, pulling me against her and rubbing my exposed arm with her thumb. They have us in our underwear, which is stupid considering we're endorsing perfume, and it's freaking cold in here. Have to stay warm somehow. "I didn't wanna wake up either, especially after how late we went to sleep last night, but such is the sacrifice of being a highly-requested model."

I sigh and rest my head against hers, only being level to her because we're sitting down. Bitch is crazy tall, standing at 5'10 while I'm at a measly 5'3. I feel short compared to her and Cara, who stands at 5'8, but there's an advantage to having tall friends. They can reach the tall things so I don't have to break my neck standing on a chair.

I feel her giggle and lift my head, raising an eyebrow at her. "What's so funny?"

"The Fifth Harmony girls just walked in. They can't stop staring at us and Tanned Brown Eyes just smacked Green Eyes."

I look over and sure enough, Camila's chastising Lauren. However, I don't pay any mind to them after I lock eyes with Dinah. She seems a little surprised and embarrassed by me looking at her, but she smiles at me and I feel myself smile back; adding a little wave in because I'm socially awkward and I don't know how to handle people, even though I'm a model. Kendall notices and smirks, nudging me into breaking eye contact with the girl I've been crushing on since X-Factor.

"Sorry I'm late, my lovelies! But I'm here now, so your day just got better!" Cara's voice brings my attention away from glaring daggers at Kendall, almost falling off my chair when she jumps onto my lap.

"Good to see you too, Cara." I chuckle, my arms naturally finding their way around her waist. Cara's flirty with everybody, it's just her personality, but she's especially touchy feely with me and Kendall. I think it's a best friend thing.

Cara turns in my lap and leans back against Kendall, making sure we can both hear her but nobody else can. "Y/N's future wife is here and she did NOT look happy about me being up on her woman."

Kendall and Cara smirk as I look over to the girls, seeing Dinah glaring our way and Lauren seemingly teasing her. Before I can say anything, Jason, our photographer, makes his way over to us. "Alright, ladies. Are you ready to get started?"

We get up and walk to our places, following the photographer's instructions to the letter. Of course, the three of us can't be serious for more than 5 minutes at a time so it takes us much longer than it should've, but it was fun and that's all that matters. Jason's used to us, so he isn't upset when we mess around and that's why he's our favorite.

"Dinah couldn't take her eyes off of you, Y/N." Cara mutters, trying to keep her voice down as if we're talking about something much more serious than my crush on Dinah.

Slipping my arms through my jacket sleeves, I let out a small sigh at the warmth. "If I wasn't trying to be professional while you two were screwing around, I'm sure I would've been staring at her too."

Kendall pouts but giggles when Cara picks me up and the two run with me out of the studio. "Onward! To victory we ride!"

Dinah POV

"Why don't you just go talk to her?" Lauren asks, probably noticing the way I'm glaring at Cara.

I turn to look at "Planet Green Eyes" and shake my head. "I wouldn't know what to say."

"Dinah Jane Hansen not knowing what to say? Call Ariana Grande, it's gonna snow in California!"

Camila, Ally, and Normani laugh softly, not wanting to mess up the shoot that's now started. I smack Lauren's arm but smile anyway.

Throughout the shoot, my eyes constantly find their way back to Y/N. Cara and Kendall kept messing around and Y/N would join in more often than not, but you could tell she wanted to get it over and done with. Afterwards, they walk to their chairs while the photographer, Jason, motions us forward.

" of you, Y/N."

My ears perk up, wondering what they're talking about. "If I wasn't trying to be professional while you two were screwing around, I'm sure I would've been staring at her too."

Turning to look at the three models, I'm debating on whether or not to go talk to Y/N like Lauren suggested when I see Cara swiftly pick her up and run out of the studio with Kendall close behind, yelling "Onward! To victory we ride!"

The girls look just as confused as I feel and we all look to Jason when we hear him chuckle. "Those girls are the most childish trio I've ever had the pleasure of working with."

"Are they always this rowdy?" Ally asks.

"If it's just two of them, they're usually well-behaved...unless it's Kendall and Cara."

I clear my throat, asking the next question. "So, none of them are dating each other? I heard somewhere that Cara and Kendall were a thing but I've also heard that Kendall and Y/N are dating and some people say Y/N and Cara are...I just wanna know what's what."

Lauren smirks at me, Camila mirroring her look while Normani and Ally look to Jason for an answer. "I know for a fact Y/N's not dating either of them. Kendall and Cara have too much fun teasing her about this crush she has on...someone." He pauses, eyes lingering on me before he clears his throat. "But I wouldn't put it past Kendall and Cara to have something going on."

We nod, getting in position as Jason tells us what to do.
