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dasha changed out of her pajamas, pulling on jeans and a crop top. she covered herself up by wear the hoodie chris had given her, brushed her hair and touched up her make-up.

it had barely been ten minutes before she heard somebody beep outside. she peered out of her window, and was hit by confusion when she saw matt's van sitting in the driveway. she was confused - why was matt here? dasha needed to speak with chris alone and, as much as she loved matt, she didn't really want her best friend tagging along.

she shut the front door behind her and then walked to the van. she opened the passenger door and saw chris sitting in front of the steering wheel.

''can you even drive?'' she asked as she climbed in.


''let me rephrase it - do you have a license?''

he paused. ''if i say no, will you still go to mcdonald's with me?''


''matt said i'm good at driving!'' he protested. ''that's why he let me borrow the van!''

''but matt isn't a driving instructor!'' she said, rolling her eyes.

chris shrugged helplessly.

she smiled lightly. ''you're an idiot.''

''so, you'll still come?''

''yes, but please don't get me killed.''

''i would never.'' he muttered softly.


the drive was mainly silent, and chris let dasha connect to the aux. after a few songs had played, and a new one began, he realised they were all the weeknd songs, or at least featured him on the track.

''you like the weeknd?'' he asked.

she nodded. ''he's my favourite. i'd die to see him sing the house of balloons album live.''

''is that your favourite one?''


he nodded at her response before driving round to the window. he ordered their food and then joined the queue.ย 

dasha would never admit to him - but he was a good driver. he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as they waited, and she sighed wistfully to herself. he looked so gorgeous tonight.

''are those matt's earrings?'' dasha asked, noticing the similarity.

chris' hand automatically reached for the earring. ''yeah.''

''don't you have your own?''

''i do, but i like these ones.'' he shrugged before smirking. ''besides, they suit me better.''ย 

she scoffed, looking at the small diamonds hanging from his ear. he pulled his hand away from his ear, the back becoming loose, and the earring suddenly fell out. both chris and dasha watched it fall and, at that exact moment, the cars began moving forward, meaning chris had to continue driving.

''shit! matt will kill me if i lose it!'' he muttered.

dasha scanned the car for a few moments, and then noticed it near the hand break. she pushed her hand through between the gap and then grabbed it between her fingers.

''i got it.'' she said.

the cars stopped moving again, and he stopped the car before turning to look at her.ย 


''do you want me to-''

he nodded. ''yeah.''

she moved closer to him, and pushed his hair out of the way. she put the back of the earring on and moved back slightly, but she didn't remove her fingers from his skin as they looked at each other. they kept eye contact, and her hand trailed from his ear to his jawline.

they both began to lean in slightly, and then the brunette girl jumped when a car beeped loudly from outside. chris jumped slightly, and then put the car into drive.

they refused to look at each other - he was blushing completely, whilst her face was turning a slight shade of pink. they got to the window and he undid his own.

''hi.'' the girl at the window smiled.

''hi, sorry about all that.'' he replied, gesturing to the car behind.

''no worries.'' she laughed slightly. ''your total is $14.34.''

he tapped his card, and then lent back in his seat slightly.

the girl cleared her throat. ''this is really unprofessional but, is that your girlfriend?''

chris looked at dasha, who just scoffed. chris didn't do anything for a moment and then smirked. she rolled her eyes before turning to look out of the other window, and he turned back to the girl.

''she's not my girlfriend.''

''well...could i have your number?''

he looked at the girl in the window for a moment. usually, he'd be handing it over with a wink. he didn't like relationships, but he liked the chase. he liked the talking stage. he looked back at dasha.

the girl in the window was pretty, but she wasn't as pretty as the girl who currently hated him.

his girl.

''i'm trying to make her my girlfriend.'' he replied, pointing at dasha. ''she hates me right now, but it'll happen. sorry.''

dasha felt her heart leap into the air and do a somersault before remembering she was supposed to be mad at him. she lent forward slightly so she could see the girl.

''he's lying. he already has a blonde girlfriend...he even bought flowers for her.''

the girl blinked awkwardly. ''right...enjoy your food.''

''thanks.'' chris replied.ย 

he took the bag, dumped it on dasha's lap and drove away.

''you didn't even ask if i could hold it.'' she said.

''i don't care.''

she smiled lightly, she wished they could stay like this. she didn't even know what they were right now - friends or enemies or people who had disgusting crushes on each other - but she knew she liked it. she felt comfortable with him even when they were arguing.

''where are we going?'' she asked.

''i don't even know.''

''you're so weird.''

''shut up! i wasn't expecting you to say yes to the mcdonald's, so i didn't plan any further.''

''you had a plan?'' she echoed, a small smirk on her face.

''don't even think about making fun of me.''

''i would never.'' she laughed. ''not yet anyway.''

chris smiled as he indicated. ''how about we just go to the field?''

dasha felt so much nostalgia, and they weren't even at the field yet. when they were younger, her and the triplets would hang out at the park or the field every day.

dasha and chris didn't like each other even back then and would get into arguments over lollipops or whose turn it was on the swings. they didn't like each other, but they still hung out, because they both loved matt and nick.


dasha looked around as they walked. chris held the bag of food in one hand, his other itching to hold dasha's but he knew she would slap him away. the two of them sat on the grass, the girl folding her legs up slightly as she took her food.

they were quiet for a few moments and then chris cleared his throat.

''can you remember when i pushed you off the swing?''ย 

''of course.'' she replied, tracing the scar on her elbow.

''you cried and ran home-''

''it hurt like a bitch!''

''-i felt so bad about that for weeks.'' he admitted. ''every time i noticed the scar, i felt bad all over again.''

''i hope you still feel about it.'' she joked.

''i never said sorry though.''


''i never said sorry to you. i felt awful about it, but i never apologised, did i?''

''i don't was years ago, chris.''

he paused. ''amelia isn't my girlfriend, dasha.''

she looked at him. ''oh. we're going onto that subject, now?''

''can we?''

she sighed, preparing herself, and then nodded. ''okay.''

''she isn't my girlfriend. she never has been, and she never will be.''

''but the photo-''

''i didn't even know she took that photo!''

dasha raised an eyebrow, not fully convinced.

he sighed. ''we were in the store together, waiting to pay for our things...she must've snuck a photo without me noticing.''

''you were buying her flowers.''

''i was buying them for you, you dick.''

she paused. she remembered him bringing the flowers up to the room. she had no idea why he would do that, but now she knew.ย 

he was bringing them for her.

''you bought me pink roses?'' she whispered.

''amelia helped me pick them.'' he admitted. ''when i asked her if you'd like them, she got all mad. she thought i was buying them for her and i guess she uploaded those photos to try and...break us apart.''

''you invited a girl to pick flowers for another girl?'' dasha sighed. ''you're such an idiot.''

''i know that now, but i wasn't thinking about amelia, i was thinking about...'' he trailed off for a moment before sighing. ''i was thinking about you.''

she felt her heart melt. ''you're still an idiot.''

''i know, dash, and i don't want to lose you because of it-''

''you won't.'' she said lightly. ''i believe you, chris.''

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