sandshrew vs dipplin

Emma arrived at the park among with detective Yates and two police officers to see one of dipplin standing behind the tree at 5 feet away.

Emma: "so this is applin new evo form what you talking about right."

detective Yates: "yup."

Police officer #1: "correct kiddo."

She got sly grin on her face while pull out pokeball on right hand begins toss it in the air and called out her pokemon, "it's showtime, sandshrew!" He come out from pokeball to outside having Pokemon battle against wild dipplin when Emma called out attack, "use dig!"sandshrew dig underground towards dipplin in few seconds and come out of surprise to deliver fury swipes on dipplin cause heavily critical damage make dipplin fainted on cue for Emma pulled out another pokeball and tossed it straight to fainted dipplin begins floating in Mid-air started captured dipplin to went inside pokeball begins start come down to the grass perfectly and started it lock up with dipplin inside that's surprised Emma and begins shoutout of joyful, "ALRIGHT I CAUGHT DIPPLIN!"

Jimbo: "way to go kid."

They walk up to her as detective Yates said to Emma with surprised, "what are you going to do with dipplin, kiddo?" Emma said to them with excitement, "show Pokemon professors at section 17 to look and examine dipplin for a bit."

Detective Yates' "that's great I guess."

[New chapter is out for today]
