A love letter

Dear A,

I know your name. At least, I did. It starts with S, I think. I cant really be sure. It doesn't matter, anyway.

You never paid much attention to me. You treat me normally, like I'm just another of the girls you meet everyday. Distant smiles and careful words weave a thin mask between us when we talk, binding my hands when they yearn to reach for you. You pull away when I near you, hesitate when I talk to you, turn away when I stare at you. We dance delicately around each other, a slippery dance of quick glances and cautious words and careless love. You pretend we aren't soulmates, act like we aren't born to be together. It used to be cute, but now it's just irritating.

You talk to me sometimes, presumably about ordinary things. I don't really know. I usually tune you out after the first few words. I'm not rude- your words are just insignificant. All that matters is you. I'm mesmerized by your perfection, spellbound by your beauty. When you turn to spare me a glance, your sparkling eyes capture me, hold me entranced in silent admiration. I could stare at you forever, intoxicated by happiness, drunk on love.

It rips me apart to be away from you. That's why I take all those photos. They are but pale imitations of you, superficial mockeries of your flawlessness, but they keep me through those long, dark nights when I lie awake wishing you were next to me. They are souvenirs of all the moments made special by your mere presence. I have hundreds of them- you laughing, running, reading, dancing. But the best ones are always of you smiling. You have a stunning smile, one that could light up this whole universe. That easy, entrancing pull of your lips never fails to make my heart go wild, throwing itself against my chest like a fettered bird desperate to be free. That's why I am perfect for you- I can keep that smile on your face forever.

I want to help you. I've been quietly helping you all along, though you may never have realized it. I understood something about you the very first day I met you, something even your parents didn't- you are too good for this world. It's a place of sadness and hate and anger, a coven of tears and hunger and brutality, none of which you should be thrown into. The universe doesn't deserve to see you every morning, trustingly falling into its cruel embrace.

So I try to help. I make it my mission in life to protect you from the peering eye of a cruel world. But I couldn't always defend you. I would have, would have protected you with every inch of vitality in me, if you had let me. Sometimes, though, you didn't. You think you can take care of yourself, when, really, you cant. You're too innocent for it, a naïve butterfly flitting from flower to poisonous flower, drunk on the treacherous honey waiting to kill you.

You spurn my warnings. Take social media, for example. I begged you to stop throwing pictures of yourself into the waiting arms of a vicious world. Nobody except me deserved to see you like that, grinning trustingly into the camera. But you wouldn't listen, never did. You paid for it, though, I later learnt, as you confessed to me in a deceptively calm voice trembling with apprehension, that you were receiving anonymous threats on your accounts. Ten days later, you deleted all your accounts, too petrified to keep up the charade of openness.

Nobody at school likes you. They pretend they do, and you're taken in by the enticing lies, but its obvious to me. Their simpering giggles and sickeningly sweet compliments as they fawned over you hurt me worse than insults ever could. They weren't true friends, just fakers with an image to keep. They didn't love you, wouldn't stick with you through thick and thin like I would. I told you to stay away from them, be wary of their false smiles, but you just laughed me off and twirled away, joyous and confident and pure.

Then something happened that showed you what they really were. Rumors sprouted from thin air, spreading like an insidious virus, sullying your name. Your reputation crashed and those who had grinned at you before edged away before you could accost them. Their mocking laughs and glaring eyes follow you on your lonely path through the school. The girl you gave a rose to a week ago merely sneers at you, wanting nothing to do with an outcast. I traipse along a little behind, a silent wraith, just close enough to show you I'm always there.

Things escalate when the entire school believes you were the one to tell the school how some students cheat during class. I know you didn't. But no one else agrees. They turn silent when you enter a room, the dangerous silence of a pack of wolves before they descend upon a helpless deer. You receive dark, violent hate mail. You find insults scribbled on your desk. Finally, you leave the school, unable to bear the pressure of their hate. I visit you in the evenings then, quietly watching you while you talk.

But you still treat me like I'm ordinary, pretend I'm nothing more than a friend. I cant help but wonder how much more it will take for you to know that I am the right choice. I've been with you all along, loved you without condition. You are perfect for me.

Even when you pretend you don't return my feelings. Even when you liked someone else. Even when you only ever walked with your head down, trying to block out everyone else. Even when I had to pretend I cared about your stupid problems.

Even when I sent you threats on all your accounts. Even when I spread little rumors about you. Even when I whispered to the class that you were the one who exposed the cheating. Even when I sent you hate mail. Even when I wrote insults on your desk.

Even now, I still love you. You love me, too. And I will do whatever it takes to make you realize it. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list.

This letter is a confession, a warning, a second chance for you. Do you love me back?

Please say yes.

So this is actually a letter I wrote for my English homework. I was supposed to write a love letter to somebody, and I decided to take a slight twist on it. My teacher would understand...right?(I really hope she does)

Tell me what you think!
