Excitement and Falling Stairs?

(AN) Hello people! I just wanted to thank everyone who reads my crazy short stories about the FG Squad! I hope you enjoy this chapter of the FG Squad Adventures!


9:15 A.M


Koala and Turtle have arrived together at Panda's house. (BING BONG) " Hey yall!" Panda says greeting them. Turtle slips inside Panda's house along with a duffle bag carried on her shoulders. "Hey Koala, come inside already!" Calls Panda from the kitchen. "Well..... could you help me carry my bag?" Yells Koala anxiously. Panda heads over to the door and sees Koala with a GIANT suitcase. "Koala! What do you have in there?!" Screams Panda. " I brought extra pillows, blankets, and some snacks just in case we get hungry. And of course I brought my stuff too!" Koala says excitedly. "O...kay then...." Panda says trying not to laugh. Koala and Panda struggle to get the suitcase inside but then... "Hey kiddos! We should start putting your stuff into the car so when the other 2 come we will be ready to go!" Says Panda's mom. "Oh come on seriously?! We finally got the bag inside!" Groans Koala. "Well, you better get to work on them muscles!" Turtle says laughing. As they put their bags in the car, Tiger's car pulls up into the driveway. The girls run over to her and give her a group hug, squealing. "THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME! " Turtle squeals. "I barely had enough time to put on makeup! I woke up and started listening to "Sledgehammer"!" Exclaims Tiger. " Yep, that sounds just like you." Panda says snickering.



Everyone is out on the driveway waiting for Monkey until.... "Hey there he is!" Says Koala pointing at his car. "OMG IS THAT A CAST ON HIS ARM?!" Panda screams. "(GASP) THAT IS!" Turtle says worried. Monkey gets out of the car while dragging along a big suitcase as big as Koala's! "Hey you guys! I think you guys noticed my arm..... Well last night, I forgot to put something in my suitcase and ran downstairs but when I did.........." Monkey says but gets interrupted. " OMG DID SOMEONE PUSH YOU DOWN THE STAIRS?!" Asks Tiger. "NO.... I fell down the stairs because I thought there was a bee chasing me. NOW DON'T LAUGH BECAUSE WHAT I AM ABOUT TO TELL YOU IS PRETTY EMBARRASSING!" Monkey says. "Go ahead you can tell us. We promise we won't." Panda promisingly says. "Well...... the "BEE" turned out to be a fly that was buzzing around the house.." Monkey says whispering. (3 seconds of silence later) Panda starts lauging which then EVERYONE STARTS LAUGHING LIKE CRAZY! After 2 minutes everyone stops laughing and files into the car. The mall is about 45 minutes away from Panda's house so everyone decides to talk about what they are going to do at the mall and hotel. "I practiced my "TACO MOVES" for a bit last night!" Turtle said proudly. "We know how good you can dance! I bet rehearsing in the mirror went great!" Tiger snickers. " Hey so who is this guy that owns the hotel we're staying in?" Asks Koala. " Oh well his name is Ryan J. Houghton and is the proud owner of the Hotel suite that we are staying in for free!" "Ooohh! His name is so fancy!" Calls out Monkey. "There has GOT to be a pool there too!" Exclaims Panda. "Oh yeah! I hope everyone brought there bathing suits because.... there is an indoor swimming pool with 4 water slides!" Squeals Turtle. "OMIGOD IT'S A DREAM COME TRUE !" Squeals Panda. " Oh man! My brother should have came with us as our dancer for the concert!" Sighs Koala. "Why?" Asks Monkey. "Because he could have twerked for us!" Laughs Koala. "Hey did everyone bring what they were told to? The fog machine, microphones, and food? Well nevermind the food because I already know the answer to that one!" Says Panda. "I brought everything." Answers Monkey. "We did too." Tiger and Turtle say in unison. "Great!" Squeals Panda. " Hey you guys, why don't you listen to some music. After all, there's no music playing!" Says Panda's mom. "I have our Taco Song CD!" Says Tiger excitedly. " Well what are you waiting for?! Pop that thing in!" Panda says. Tiger puts the Cd in the CD player and everyone sings along to their song. "Sooner or later, people all around the world are going to be listening to OUR musc in THEIR cars!" Koala says. Everyone sings along and do their usual crazy stuff. Dancing in their seats and waving to strangers in their cars. Monkey waved at a lady with her daughter in the car. The little girl waved back! "OMG THAT LITTLE GIRL WAVED BACK! NOBODY HAS EVER WAVED BACK BEFORE!" Cries Monkey. "Lucky! Whenever I wave at somebody, they give me this werd look on their face and drive away!" Panda says laughing. Before everyone knew it, they finally got to the mall. Everyone thanked Panda's mom and got out of the car with their things. Everyone starts running to the front of the mall where the door is. " These people are going to remember us and our singing from this day all the way until we become famous. Today's performance can change our lives forever..." says Monkey whispering. "Stop trying to sound so inspirational. Shut up and lets go inside!" Turtle says laughing with the others.They open the door to the place where everyone will remember their names forever.........


Will the FG Squad finally get their time of fame like they said? Will they be good enough for the audience? Will Tiger ever lose her sass? Will Turtle ever be able to dance as good as she says she can? All but the last 2 questions will be answered in the next chapter of the FG Squad Adventures. :)-
