chapter ........

When the world is but a nothing, a black void, a single start is born. They explore the endless void, a void of nothing but darkness.

Soon, they realizes that they are alone, they are by themself, they explored and explored and explored and explored.... nothing....

That's the only thing in the void of darkness, nothingness.

After hundreds, thousands of even millions of years of being by themselves, with no one, with nothing....

They grew lonely...


They grew desperate... they want companion, alive or not....


They grew wanting..... wishing... mourning... crying.....and imagining....

Then something happened....

They can't anymore, they don't want to be alone....

Their desperation grew more intolerable that in their loud cries....they created a life....a light....

A life emerged from the light....a being.... almost similar to them.....a living, moving being...

They were so happy that they even accepted the being, the light. They care for the light, they were by their side all the time, after being together, they weren't sad or too desperate anymore.


Then they think, the void is too empty....too dark...too..... lonely.

So, with the help of the light, they created universes, stars, time, space, life.....death....humans....Gods.

They were content, so was the long as they are happy and content....the light will also be happy and content...

