

I noticed everything. I just acted like I didn't.

- Unknown -


"Agents, if you think that locking me in an interrogation room while you hide behind two-way glass is going to break me, you're sorely mistaken," Lexa exclaimed. She'd been in the 6x9 room for nearly three hours now; the only reason she knew was because of the clock they purposely left up. It was funny to her that they assumed such tactics would have a positive effect.

The lock on the door clicked and Lexa crossed my arms over my chest. When it opened, Agent Stiles came in with a bulging file. He dropped it on the table in the center of the room, but the blonde didn't move. She'd done this before; she wasn't going to react or reveal anything. They were going to have to tear answers from her mind with something stronger.

"Lexi, we understand that this is hard for you. The truth and all," he began condescendingly.

"Call me Lexi again and I'll give your partners a real reason to arrest me," Lexa threatened, effectively cutting him off. Stiles just smirked at that, like he knew it was coming.

"We have a real reason to arrest you. You're a serial killer. The evidence is in the file," he stated smugly.

"I do believe I'm entitled to a phone call, Stiles," she told him. Her expression was unsure, but her words were sharp. Stiles cleared his throat, uneasy, though he dared not show it.

"We don't give serial killers a phone call," he substituted. Lexa fought off the laugh that came up, but couldn't fend it off for long. The bark of her laugh echoed in the small space while the brunet agent sitting at the table glared in her direction. She took steps toward the table before planting her palms against the edge and leaning towards her fellow agent.

"You keep calling me a serial killer, but I haven't seen any evidence or arguments in favor of that accusation. So, unless you want me to rain hell on you and the rest of IA, you will drop these obscene charges and release me from your custody. Are we clear," Lexa said. Her tone left no room for arguments.

"The evidence is being reviewed by my superiors as we speak. You'll be rotting in a maximum prison by tomorrow night. So, no. I'm not dropping these charges or releasing you from my custody. Your attempt at a threatening demeanor may intimidate some lackluster men, but I am neither, Lexi. Have fun rotting in a cell for the rest of your life, Lieutenant," he spat before he plucked the file from the table and stepped out of the room. An hour later, Agent Hunter came in the doors with a phone.

"You asked for a phone call," he said gruffly. Lexa didn't give any indication that she'd heard him speak as she walked over to the phone. She dialed a number that looked unfamiliar to the blue-eyed agent; he'd gone through her phone records and never come across this one.

The phone rang once. Twice. Three times. Just as she was losing faith that the line would ever be picked up, she was proven wrong in her doubt.

"This is Joe," came the greeting.

"It's Lexa McGarrett."

"Aren't you supposed to be dead, Little McGarrett?" It took everything in her not to laugh at the nickname originally coined by her friend and fellow SEAL, Freddie.

"Things have changed. I need a favor."

"What can I do for you?"

"I need you to get JM and LA to Quantico. Tell them to bring the cavalry. They'll know what it means."

"I'll get the message out."

"Thank you, sir."

"Good luck with the feds, kid."

"Don't tell him, okay? I don't need him dying just yet." Joe chuckled beneath his breath at hearing that.

"No can do. He's here with me."

"Then make sure he stays out of it. I've got this one covered and I don't need him screwing it up."

"Heard that, Lexi," came a distant shout.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it."

"I'll get them to Quantico by tomorrow morning." Then he hung up. She handed the phone back to Agent Hunter with a quick thank you and moved to sit in the corner furthest from the door. The blue-eyed agent watched her curiously. He couldn't tell what she'd been talking about with whomever she'd been on the phone with, but something in his gut led him to think that it would not be good for him and his partners. Not good at all. Possibly career-ending.


Word Count: 759


hey readers! I know that this was a rather short chapter, but I wanted to isolate this part to give me the opportunity to make the next chapter a lot longer than it wouldv'e been. So, she's called Joe (from H50) for help and asked for the cavalry. The way things are going. It appears that Lexa will either be on her way to prison or walking free within the next 24 hours. That time will be stretched out as much as I can get it. Also, apologies for the lack of Derek and Lexa, but there will be some next chapter if I can work it out correctly. Hope y'all are all staying safe during this whole COVID-19 thing.

- Alice -

P.S. What should their ship name be? I kind of like Dexa, but I'm open to other ideas. If you have any, feel free to comment or message me.
