a prima ballerina's dream

" how is she? " someone said

" she's stabilized for now but looks like she won't recover from this. We don't have the equipment for it " said a voice that sounded like my brother.

" No! How could you let this happen, my baby! Your a doctor do something. You spineless worm!" I hear my mother say to my brother.

" I can't this is a family matter. I'm not supposed to operate on my own family. Unless you want to get, I fired. " She left cruising my brother wishing she never had a son. My brother walked out after her. I soon heard footsteps come in the stranger grabbed my hand, and that's when knew who it was. I felt tears on my face, but they were not mine.

" I'm sorry . . . I'm . . . so sorry . . . I wasn't . . . Thinking or paying attention . . . To you . . . I guess you're right . . . No one acts like I do I want to tell why. .I saw both my parents die before me just like what you're doing right now. My mother always told me to smile no matter what, but how could I! I was one who killed them! " Blake said I want to tell him not to cry. That I'm going to be fine, but it took all I had just to move my index finger I scratched the back of his hand which made him grab my hand tightly.

" Idiot, " I said in a whippy voice. He then kissed my forehead, my nose, and then my lips.

" I know " he whispered someone else walked in a woman I think.

" five minutes till visiting time is over," she said quickly. Blake then got up and said goodbye to me and left. The nurse came back and put me to sleep that night dreaming of wonderland.

Juliette's dream

" Juliette slow down. " Bridget said to me as I ran to the big oak tree

" Bridget, if I slow down how will get to explore, " I said laughing

" like everyone else child, " Bridget said

" just because your older doesn't mean you can call me a child," I shouted back at her because I was sprinting to the oak tree when I got there I was beaten. I sat down under the tree. We were going to have a picnic there. As I sat there, I stared at the woods that's when saw a man with bunny ears m.

" time to go the tick-tock clock says we shall not be late, " he said to me I got up slowly he then walked over grabbed my hand and said

" finally the fun can being " he took out his cane put it at the foot of the tree then bend one ear and wiggled his nose. A portal opened it was magical. He then tipped his hat.

" look out below, " said the Bunny man when we jumped into the portal. I screamed at the top of my lungs. They said curiosity killed the cat. Well, it looks like interest is going to kill me. The Bunny man then pulled out an umbrella form his hat checked the time we soon were free fall in the sky he then opened the umbrella.

" ah just on time, " he said checking his pocket watch as we touched the ground. I wanted to scream at him, but when I turned around, he was gone.

" hello there ma' lady I have a question to ask do you know the time? " said a man with a funny looking top hat with lots of colorful feathers. I nodded no to him

" I see the Queen holds your tongue, " he said back

"no? " I told him. The white bunny man showed up again.

" she's going to be late, " he said. Wait. What? Late for what?

" couldn't it wait till after tea time. I almost forgot I'm Mad D. Hatter M.D for short " he said bowing his hat to me

" what does the D stand for? " I asked him

" I don't know the Queen took away all our memories, " M.D said taking off his hat.

" I use to be a nobleman, but I have the habit of being late for everything, so the Queen put a curse on me every time I'm late the more of a bunny I became.  My name is Bunny. J don't ask what the J is for I don't know either" B. J said taking his hat off. The teapot began to move until a small mouse popped out. Bridget! It looked like my maid Bridget.

" the Queen turned me into a Mouse because I severed her tea too hot I told her it was hot, but she didn't listen. She burnt her tongue, so she turned me into a mouse " she squeaked. Poor Bridget

" is your name Bridget by any chance? " I asked her

" I don't remember my name " she answered oh I guess I was wrong M.D came up to me and pointed up, so I looked up into the sky I saw a faint smile starting to show soon eyes followed. I could see a whole face it was a boy around my age. The front came closer and closer till our lips touched. I pulled back blushing.

" did you just kiss me? " I said

" that wasn't a kiss I am merely greeting you, " he said I noticed he had cat ears on his head.

" let me guess you don't know your name?"

I asked him" no I do know my name. My magic is stronger than the red Queen, yet I'm weak to you " he said glaring at me, which made me feel a chill down my spine. It was as if he was staring deep into my soul. His eyes were like the sky wide and wondered. At the same time, they saw almost dead like they've seen death itself.

" okay? Who is this red queen? " I asked everyone quiet. Mouse quivered in her teapot the cat's ears twitched.

" oh the Queen of hearts she lives just beyond the forest she can tell how to get home, " said M.D

" wait how do you know I want to go home!" I asked M.D

" M.D used to be one of smartest minds in the kingdom the Red Queen doesn't like people who can oppose her, so she made him mad now he can't even hold a single thought for a second, " said  Bunny.J while the cat guy played peacefully in the fields.

" okay if this Queen is so bad why did you let her be your Queen in the first place, " I said

" we didn't she was a trusted ally to the king and Queen, but when they learned of her plan, she locked up the royal family. The King's son barely escaped when she cast a spell on him turning him into a horrible beast. No one knows where he is?" Said Bunny.J the cat guy crawled on all fours around my dress I felt a strange calling to pet him I touched his hair. It was soft and smooth like silk. I ran my hand down his back. He purred and curled up into a ball at my feet I sat down. He got into my lap the ran my hand down his tail. He meowed.

"you must know how to treat a cat, " he said. The hatter sensed a chill in the air.

" the Red Queen's guards are coming you quickly must go. Cat stay by her side now go " M.D said giving the last of his magic to me forming a necklace around my neck. The cat grabbed my hand to fly me out of there. I held on tight scared to fall.

" don't worry I won't drop someone I like, " he said I suddenly wanted to blush, but I also felt quite disturbed, yet I hanged on even tighter.

" so what is your name anyway? "I asked him.

" just call me the Cheshire cat just cat if you want, " he said smiling. We landed in the garden near a vast castle. His hair shined brightly in the sun. I was hypnotized by his hair that I didn't release that he was on top of me.

" w-wait what are you ..." I said but was cut off by using his hand. He told me to be quiet. Soon after I could hear footsteps, they were guards

" damn cat where'd he go, " a guard said

" I swear I saw him come this way, " another guard said

" damn cat I swear I'm going to kill it, " the guard said

" not if the Queen get to you first. Shh, I hear her calling. We must go quickly." Told another guard, they both, ran off in the same direction. He picked me up and then took me to the Queen.

" she is there, " he said quietly. I saw a girl with a huge head sitting on a tall throne above everyone else barking orders.

" for the crime of stealing from the Queen's garden. The Queen has punished you by turn you into a rose."

" yes you should do nicely in my garden so pretty filled with energy, and you filled with energy too, " she said smiling. The man was terrified she started to hum.
Well you know I'm not asking for much

I want everything little thing that you have to offer

nothing significant but just your magic

Your magic makes me stronger

and want all that 

So give me what's mine! Mine! MINE!

I'm not selfish

you're the selfish one

keeping all that power

not sharing it with little old me

so give me your magic

give it all up

you have nothing to lose

nothing to fear

don't worry I'll put it to good use

in conquering the world!

The man was then turned into a rose with a saddened face. She then signaled the guards to take him away.

" NEXT! " she yelled cat jumped

" I have an offer you can't refuse I will marry you if you find a way to send this girl back home, " he said to the Red Queen. All the guards clapped for the Queen. She silenced them. I stood up slowly cat looked at me and smiled.

" no how about I just take your magic and kill you instead, " she said calling the guards to arrest him.

" you jerk " I screamed

" You dare raise your voice at me! I am The Queen you're just a commoner, in fact, I think I will turn into a statute" she said firing her magic at me, but it bounced off and went the other direction and hit her. Her body slowly turned to stone then crumpled into pieces. That was the end of her reign.

"bravado! Encore! Magnificent! Such fireworks " said M.D he was handcuffed to the teapot and bunny was with him cuffed too. Apparently right after we left guards came by looking for Cat. I saw something sparkly floating in the air. It was the magic coming back to the land.

" bunny your ears they're gone, " said Cat feeling if his ears were gone too he felt his butt to see if his tail was gone. Everyone was back to normal even little mouse she looked just like Bridget. Bridget ... I want to see you...

" she's waking up "

" that's good her brother would be
happy "

" quickly go tell him "
