The beginning

Once upon a time... Merlin the mage of Camelot was returning to the palace and decided to go in through the back door because it was closer to the stable where he was leaving his horse. That evening was rainy but quiet when the white hair man walked to the back door he heard a cry. A baby's cry.

He moved closer and noticed outside of the door on the ground was a basket with a soft blanket and... he lifted a little the blanket and saw.... a babygirl was crying.

"What are you doing here little one?" He lifted the basket and went inside his room.

"You are going to catch a cold." He took a towel and dried the baby when he notice a letter. A letter for him.

The little girl cried and he smiled. "Don't worry. I will take care of you."

After he washed, dried and cuddled the baby inside clean blankets and made sure the the girl was asleep, he read the letter.

For Merlin,

I had to go and I couldn't take care of her. I know that I am a horrible woman and a mother but I just couldn't stay. Yes, Merlin. This beautiful babygirl is your daughter. Please take care of her and don't let her becoming like her mother.


You know who.

The mage was surprised and tears were running on his face. He knew everything but still he wanted the things different. Then the baby sneezed and he held her tight in his hug.

"Shh... Daddy will take care of you my little flower. My little Gaia." He said and kissed her head softly.

I know that was small but it's only the begging. I want to know your opinion so pleaseeee comments and votes!!!
