Until We Meet Again: Ozymandias x reader (1) ☁️

So it's been a hot second- I've been busy with P-SAT and end of quarter work for school. But here it is! This is per your request, KittyLove32!

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It was almost frustrating how oblivious his Master was to his affections. How she smiled cluelessly up at him when he commented on her hair or her eyes as he gently tucked a flower he had picked just for her from his gardens into her hair. She would always smile and thank him, a small embarrassed blush on her cheeks. Everyone at Chaldea knew she was his. His and his alone.

Ozymandias watched her from afar, enjoying the happy smile on her face as she admired the gardens of his palace, lovingly caressing the petals of any flower she so happened to fancy. How he envied those flowers- those touches were meant for him, not some plant incapable of expressing the gratitude of being graced by the feather-like touch of a goddess. His golden eyes narrowed, relaxing when Y/N turned to smile at him. She walked over to him, her hands cupped together to shield something from his view.

"Hm. What have you hidden from your Pharoah?" Ozymandias asked with a smile, swirling the wine in his goblet absentmindedly as he watched a mischievous smile curl onto the woman's lips.

"Can you close your eyes, Ozymandias? It's a surprise," Y/N said with a happy grin.

Ozymandias smiled as he closed his eyes. "Hm. I suppose I can entertain my guest." 

Y/N smiled as she uncupped her hands, taking the pink water-lily from her hand and tucking it behind the Pharaoh's ear.

"Ok! You can open your eyes!" Y/N said with a grin as she took a step back.

Ozymandias lifted his hand to touch the flower tucked behind his ear, a satisfied smile on his face.

"A gift fit for a king. I humbly accept," he said with a hum before taking a sip of his wine.

The way Y/N's eyes squeezed shut when she smiled at him made his heart clench warmly in his chest. He adored that smile that out-dazzled his own radiance as a sun god.
"Hey! Master!"

His smile fell, annoyance clouding his features as he watched Y/N's peaceful smile fell to a surprised and curious expression. It was that dreaded Saber of Red, Mordred. She always seemed to show up when she was most unwanted, and he didn't care for her overly protective tendencies when Y/N was near. Her presence made him fickle, for she tended to take Y/N's attention away from him. It was unforgivable.

"Mordred? What's up?" Y/N asked curiously as the saber servant ran up to her and stood next to her, all the while eyeing Ozymandias suspiciously.

"I came to get you for dinner. I don't need you getting weak from lack of nutrition," Mordred said flatly, making Y/N smile.

Ozymandias felt his lips twitch in annoyance as he watched Y/N pick up the bag she had brought with her, slinging it over her shoulder. He couldn't keep her here forever, that much he understood.

"Bye, Pharaoh!" Y/N said with a wide, glittering smile that melted all his woes from his mind, a small smile on his face as he watched her go.

Mordred turned to glare at him before they left his temple, his expression souring as rose onto his feet and stood there, his arms crossed as he thought to himself. Perhaps he could visit the pheasant's canteen if it meant he could see her smile once again.

(POV switch)

Y/N sat at the table, pushing her rice around on its tray as she listened to her Servants bickering. While she loved them all dearly, she did miss the peaceful quiet in Ozymandias's domain.

"Master? Are you feeling ok? You've barely touched your food," Gil said as he looked up at his Master. "Did something happen?"

"Hm? Oh, no," Y/N said with a smile as she shook her head. "No, I'm just spacing out. Sorry, Gil."

Gil hummed, staring up at her with an unamused expression on his face.

"Was it that annoying pharaoh?" He asked as he turned back to his plate, pushing his broccoli around absentmindedly. "If he said something mean I'll kill him."

"What? No!" Y/N said, suddenly alarmed. "No, he's been kind to me. If I'm going to be honest, I really like talking to him."

A small blush rose to her cheeks at the admission, suddenly feeling bashful as Gil hummed and stared at her with his unreadable crimson gaze.

"If you like him that much, why don't you tell him?" Gil asked with thinly pressed lips.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Y/N asked, blinking at the child-Servant as he let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"You're hopeless."

"H-hey! Am not!" Y/N said with a pout.

"The Pharaoh's here," he said as he turned his head.

"He is?" Y/N asked, a hopeful gleam in her eyes as she turned her head, turning to give Gil a glare when she didn't see the boisterous king of Egypt. "That's mean."

"See? My point stands," Gil said as he reached for his cup of milk with both hands and proceeded to down the rest of it. "You're hopelessly smitten with him."

"Smitten with who?"

Gil choked on his milk. Y/N spun in her seat, eyes wide with surprise as she stared up at the sun-kissed pharaoh.

"Ozy!" She said with a wide smile as he smiled down at her, his golden eyes glimmering with a warmth he only gave to her and his Nefertiti.

"Hello," he greeted with a nod. "Who might you be hopelessly smitten with, dear Y/N?" He asked with a smile.

Y/N's face turned bright red as she glared at an amused kid Gil as he wiped the spilled milk off of the table with a napkin. His red eyes darted over to look at her, the sly smirk on his lips gone as quickly as it had appeared.

"N-no one, Gil was just making it up," Y/N said quietly, aware of the many curious eyes on her, since Ozymandias had practically shouted.

"Really?" Gil asked, unamused as he stared at her with an annoyed look on his face. "Then what's with that blush on your face?"

"A-anyone would be embarrassed!" Y/N said defensively, averting her eyes from the sun-God that stood behind her. "P-please just drop it!"

Knowing the pharaoh, he wouldn't just drop it. He'd investigate and pick and rummage until he found an answer, or until Y/N used a command seal.

"Oh, come now," Ozymandias said as his warm hands were placed on her shoulders. "Surely there's no harm in telling me, Master?"

Y/N shook her head, trying to ignore the warmth that came from his hands as she picked up her glass of water and drank the rest of it.

"N-no, I'm not interested in anyone," Y/N said as she picked up her tray and stood up. "I had a fun time hanging out with you earlier, Ozymandias. Thank you for the dress!"

She hurried away from the pharaoh to put away her tray, feeling his eyes digging into her back from afar. He'd find out one way or another. That much Y/N knew.

A week had gone by since that day- Ozymandias had been following her everywhere, pestering her about her love interest with an adamant fire in his eyes. She was trying to get some work done in the library when she saw him again.

Y/N sighed as she scrolled through a report document on her tablet, her eyes tired as she shifted in the loveseat she was curled upon. A soft quilted blanket was wrapped around her shoulders to give her some extra warmth. Warm hands found their way onto Y/N's shoulders, making her let out an annoyed sigh as she turned her head to glare at the pharaoh as he stood behind her.

"Relax, my Master," He said in a low voice, his golden eyes peering down at her. "I just wanted to ask a few questions."

"Is it the same question you've asked me every chance you have?" Y/N asked, unamused as she turned back to focus on her report.

"Not this time," Ozymandias said with a warm chuckle, his fingers gently digging into her shoulders to massage the tense muscles. "What are they like?"

Y/N blinked at the question, turning her head to narrow her eyes at the pharaoh as he stared down at her. His golden eyes were glowing with a stubborn light. He would get an answer out of her one way or another, so she chose to entertain his question.

"Well..." Y/N started with a sigh. "He's stubborn, for one... but he's kind, and thoughtful in a way I can never understand. He's always there, even when I think he isn't. I can't imagine a world where I never summoned him..." Y/N said with a small smile, a blush gracing her cheeks.

Ozymandias was glowering. He wanted to make her smile and blush like that. Not whoever this buffoon was that she spoke of.

"Tell me more," He said begrudgingly, a deep frown on his lips.

"There's never a day that goes by when I can hear his voice echoing in the halls, and as loud as he can be, I don't mind," She said. "I love how his voice never seems to fit his body, and how warm his hands always are. I love how his eyes always seem to stare right through me."

Ozymandias hummed, thinking to himself silently as he stopped the massage on her shoulders. If she was truly in love with whichever idiot it was, then he'd respect her happiness... yet he would not deny his own. Y/N felt a warm hand cup her chin, making her blink as it tilted her head upwards. She sucked in a gasp, her eyes widening at how close Ozymandias was as he stared down at her. He leaned down towards her, his lips feather-light against hers as she felt her face burn bright red. Ozymandias pulled away, his eyes staring down at her as Y/N tried to process what had just happened.

"I apologize... but I'm afraid I wasn't able to make my affections clear without taking such drastic measures, Master," Ozymandias said with a sigh as he stood upright. "I wouldn't be able to rest easy, knowing that you loved another man, without knowing of my own adoration for you."

Y/N was stunned, unknown feelings swirling in her chest as she stared at the ancient king.

"Well? Will you tell me now?" He asked quietly.

"Shut up and kiss me, Ozymandias- it's you," Y/N said, bright, glittering stars in her eyes as she reached for his cheeks.

Ozymandias didn't need to be told twice, his lips falling back onto hers as his arms wrapped around her shoulders. His arms and lips were warm, just like his hands. His tongue licked at her lips, slipping between them and working between her teeth before lapping at her own tongue. Y/N's hands cupped his face, pulling him closer as her heart hammered in her chest. She was left dazed and blushing when he pulled away, a fond smile on his lips as he unwrapped his arms from her shoulders and walked to stand in front of her.

His arms wrapped under her, lifting her up from the loveseat as she gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck, her tablet still held tightly in her hand.

"O-Ozy- what are you-?"

"Hush now, my dear," Oxy said with a chuckle as he pressed a kiss into her burning cheek. "I need to spend some much needed alone time with my queen."

Y/N's face turned bright red, embarrassment seeping into every fiber of her being as she groaned and hid her face in his shoulder. Ozymandias chuckled, running his fingers through her hair as he walked through the halls of Chaldea. The blanket was still wrapped around Y/N, and she could feel the effects of her all-nighter wearing on her as her eyes began to droop.

"Sleep, my dear queen," Ozymandias said tenderly as he pressed his face against her head. "I will watch over you until you wake, and then we can spend our time in each other's embrace."

Y/N let out a sleepy hum, allowing her mind to succumb to the welcoming darkness that plagued her mind, at ease in the warm arms of her pharaoh.

And before you come after me, lovely readers, there will be a part two coming soon. So sorry to make you all wait so long, I've been super busy~
Until next time
- Morshka
