Chapter 5: Every Action Has an Equal Opposite Reaction

Ok, ok. I'm really excited for this one so I'll get right to it. So enjoy and comment any suggestions or critiques. I enjoy talking to y'all.

Amelia POV after the fight

I'm the asshole? I'M THE ASSHOLE?! I can barely contain my pure rage as I storm to my dorm and head to my room. I call Em and Ed and tell them about what happened.

Em: "She did WHAT!?!?!?"

Ed *In a moment of rare pure fury*: "I swear to the Titan imma kick her ass if she comes near you again"

I laugh at this, it made me feel better to know that they cared.

Ed: "Although you did a good job of that yourself sis, me and Em should be more careful!"

Em *laughing nervously*: "Yeah, I guess so."

I spend the next hour talking to Ed and Em and slowly my anger dissipates. After the hour though, Em gets a text and her eyes light up. She shows Ed and he does the same. Something's up. They hastily leave and I walk over to the Owl Café and reach the front door before I realize that Lucia works here. Shit. I turn around so I can leave without being spotted but I feel a hand tap my shoulder as I start walking.

???: "Hey there, you doing ok?"

Me: "Yeah. Why?"

Street Therapist: "You look distressed and your eyes are red. Ill ask again. Are you ok?"

Me: "Tell me your name first, if you please."

Street Therapist: "Raine, Raine Whispers."

Raine: "I'm a friend of Lucia's. I recognize you from a couple nights ago, I've never seen her so thrown off. She's usually so well put together but you broke through her bullshit."

When they say this, it's like salt being rubbed on an old wound. I can't stop a couple more tears from falling. Raine's eyes widen and they start panicking.

Raine: "Oh shit! I'm sorry! Did I say something wrong?!"

Raine looks like they're legitimately about to die of anxiety so I interject before it gets worse.

Me: "No, you didn't- *sniff* -didn't say anything wrong. I've gotta go now so-"

Raine: "Wait, wait... What happened between you two? What did Lucia do?"

I let a small laugh escape at that. I love that they naturally assume it was Lucia. Because it was.

Me: "I tried to ask her out but she interrupted me and said we wouldn't work out before I even finished my first sentence!"

Raine starts chuckling at this. Wtf?

Raine: "Lemme tell you a secret... That's her defense mechanism."

Raine walks back into the café and leaves me with that comment. I think about what that means as I fly back to campus. What does that even mean!? Defense from what?! I was about to ask her out! I said that we needed to talk about yesterday, then I said "I'm sorry but..." Titan!!! I phrased it wrong! It sounded like a rejection, shit! I sprint to my dorm and throw together a picnic for an apology of sorts and as I'm about to leave I hear a knock on my door.

Boscha: "Heya there Boots."

I hate that nickname.

Me: "Hey Bitcha, what's up?"

Boscha: "Nothing really, say, what've you got there?"

Me: "It's a make-up picnic for Lucia. Do you think it's too much?"

Boscha's eyes were huge and she was still for a moment before asking if she could help me set up. Suspicious but I need the help.

Me: "Where should I set up?"

Boscha: "The East Garden"

Time skip to 6:30

Moment of truth. Boscha offered to get Lucia to the gazebo by 6:30, she was oddly adamant about that time for some reason. But anyways, I walk towards the path to the gazebo when I see warm lights from the area that I'm headed. Who else is here right now? I step on a piece of paper as I walk up and suddenly the path lights up with a warm glow. It's beautiful and gives the path an ethereal glow. But who set this up? Am I accidently intruding on someone else's night? Then I hear a guitar chord. I turn the corner and see Lucia sitting on the steps of a gazebo just as she starts playing a song. The song is quick, only a little over a minute, but is beautiful and full of emotion. She ends the serenade. She sets her guitar down and stands up.

Lucia: "Listen, Amelia. I'm so incredibly sorry about what happened yesterday and this morning. I thought you were gonna reject me and I didn't wanna face that. I don't think we wouldn't work out, so Amelia Bight. Would you be my girlfriend?"

Her face is so red it's practically glowing, and her eyes are apologetic and desperate. Meanwhile my heart has melted and I can feel my own face going like a furnace. She's dressed up for this in a suit jacket and a purple tee. She's wearing jeans and black heeled boots. Her hair is braided down the back but she's still wearing the beanie. I drop the picnic basket and run towards her. I throw my arms around her neck and kiss her. I feel her smile through the kiss before she kisses me back. She pulls away and looks me in the eyes.

Lucia: "Is that a yes, amor?"

Me: "Of course it is you dolt"

Then it's her who kisses me, snaking her arms around my waist and pulling me close as she does. The kiss is needy and feels long overdue, despite having only known each other for a week. I don't know how long we stayed like this, and I'm not entirely sure how I'm surviving without breathing. Each time one of us pulls away the other kisses back harder and deeper until we both pull away.

Lucia: "Holy shit, you're a good kisser."

Me: "It's one of my best qualities Noceda, better get used to it."

She smiles at my jest before seeing something behind me and her face morphs into one of curiosity.

Lucia: "Is that a picnic basket?"

I'd honestly forgotten about my plan. I nod, pick it up, and start setting up the picnic stuff. I form a blanket out of abomination and pull all of the foods I'd prepared out. It was classic picnic stuff, like sandwitches and eye scream, and sit down. Lucia joins me and we eat and talk (and kiss) until well after dark. At some point we both lay down to look at the stars.

Lucia: "All things considered, I'd say that this went well"

I shift and kiss her again. She wraps an arm around me and pulls me closer until we're cuddling on the ground.

Me: "It went more than just 'well'"

We stay cuddled up until we both fall asleep.

Time skip to the next morning

I wake up to the feeling of water hitting my body. What's going on? I open my eyes to an overcast sky and rain. I look around and see Lucia next to me with her arm slung across my midriff. Should I wake her up? I'm still contemplating when her eyes shoot open and she jumps up.

Lucia *groggy and confused*: "Water?! Where am I?!"

She looks around before seeing me and her face morphs into a smile.

Lucia: "Ah right. I'm with you."

She stoops down and kisses my forehead.

Me: "Let's get out of the rain, don't wanna catch a mold."

Me and Lucia quickly pack up our things and head to our dorm room. As we walk we run into Wionna and Hunter. Hunter is in the middle of telling a story and Wionna is blushing slightly and laughing. But the second she turns and sees me her face hardens with anger.

Wionna: "Hey Lucia, Amelia. What are you guys up to?"

Her tone is cold and her eyes are hard with anger and betrayal.

Lucia: "Salix? Is there a problem?"

Wionna: "Haha, nothing! I'm just tired, I couldn't sleep last night. Decided to take a walk and got a bit lost. Ended up by the East Gardens."

Lucia's face drains of color. I feel bad for Hunter, he's been forgotten in Wionna's anger. He waits for a moment and walks away once he realizes that he's not important anymore.

Wionna: "Y'know, I decided to ignore it the first time. You didn't tell me you kissed the first time? No problem! Then you make a whole plan after I leave to get her back and still don't tell me! Not to mention that you've been going behind my back, not just with some rando, but with the asshole who's made my life a living hell ever since I was diagnosed with dyslexia. I can only grin and bear so much Lucia. Fuck you."

Lucia takes a couple steps backwards before turning and running down the hall and into our dorm corridor. Wionna's face betrays the smallest amount of sadness and regret before it hardens again and she turns and walks to her dorm. I walk back to my dorm and step inside. Lucia locked herself in her room and I can hear her shower running. I wait for her to come out. I sit down on the couch for a while, lost in my thoughts, before I hear a knock at the door. I get up to see who it is.

Hunter: "I need advice"

Me: "What kind of advice?"

Hunter hesitates for a moment and his face colors slightly. Wait, is he...?

Hunter: "Uhm... d- dating advice"

Me: "Dating advice!?"

Hunter turns pink and motions for me to be quiet. He seems really nervous.

Hunter: "Not so loud! If word got back home that I was doing anything except sports, my Uncle would kill me!"

Me: "Alright i'll keep quiet. My Mom is the exact same way, especially if its a girl.

Hunter calms down a bit after knowing that I'll keep quiet.

Me: "Come in, we'll talk inside"

I lead him into my room so Lucia doesn't hear anything when she gets out of the shower. I don't know if Hunter wants her to hear this.

Me: "So... Who?"

Hunter: "Wionna"

I must've heard him wrong, but it sounded like he said Wionna!

Me: "Who?"

Hunter turns pink again.

Hunter: "Wionna"

What the hell?!

Me: "Wionna?!"

Hunter: "What did we say about the volume! Shut up."

Me: "Sorry, sorry."

Me: "Why do you like her?"

Hunter *growing more red*: "Why wouldn't I? She's smart and brave and beautiful. What's not to like."

Putting aside my personal rivalry with her, I can see why he would be attracted to her.

Me: "I see..."

Hunter: "What do I do? How am I supposed to tell her? I can't just say 'Hey Wionna, did you get the notes for Potions 101, date me'. What if she doesn't like me at all! There's so much that could go wrong! And then of course if my uncle found out he'd burn me alive."

This is gonna be easier than I thought.

Me: "So maybe try this, get her some flowers, she loves flowers, and get her to follow you somewhere secluded. Offer her the flowers and say 'Hey Wionna, would you consider going out with me?' Already have a place and date in mind so if she says yes and asks questions, you'll be prepared. Ok?"

Hunter relaxes and smiles.

Hunter: "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan"

Me: "Just don't tell her I was involved."

Hunter: "Ok"

Hunter leaves to head to his final class of the day, funnily enough its Potions, and I flop down on my bed. I close my eyes and hear a familiar text chime on my scroll. Oh no. I jump up and reach for my scroll only to see her name on it. Odalia Blight. My mother, my captor for most of my childhood and worst of all... the biggest homophobe on the Boiling Isles.

-Odalia Blight👿 -Hello dear, I saw an interesting video on my feed earlier. It had you tagged, it was that Winonna girl yelling at you and a human. She made it seem like you and that human were close. Closer than any two girls have a right to be. I want to see you, come or I'll get the human kicked out of Hexide U. I have connections that she doesn't. Oh, and if that doesn't convince you, I'll also get the Owl Cafe shut down, the health inspector owes me a favor. Better hurry home dear.

Shit. This isn't good.

And that ends this chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed it, please comment any suggestions or critiques. I'm sorry, I can't go one chapter without fucking Lumity over, hope y'all support me or I'll leave them in limbo for another full chapter😈. Anyways, I'll be back with chapter 6 soon-ish. That's all, byeee
