Chapter 13

The day went by fast, I mostly kept my head down and ignored everyone, sitting outside by myself when lunch rolled around. I also didn't see Harry much, just heard stories around school about people wondering where he got his bruise from.

I quickly got dressed and moved into the gym, deciding to lie down as I wait for everyone to get here. "Tired?" Someone asked, I smiled when I turned and saw Mr Payne. "Yes, extremely, I'm glad it is Friday." he made a small dance move with his hands. "Friyay!" I cringed and laughed, he cringed as well. "That sounded much cooler in my head." I laughed again, he smiled as he looked at me. "At least I said it in front of you and not someone else." He smiled, eyes soft as he looked at me. "Why are you happy about that?" I asked, now sitting up. "Because you're much different than the rest of them." I blushed. "You don't seem like you judge much, you also smile a lot, which is nice." my blush intensified as I found myself smiling again. "Thanks I said." He smiled as well, "No problem." For a second, the idea of dating someone who's mature and really nice and cute crosses my mind, but then I remember he's my teacher and it's inappropriate and weird.

"My boyfriend would love you." He added, my face dropped but my smile stayed. "Oh, you have a boyfriend?" I asked, he nodded, "Yes, I'm bisexual, but at the moment I'm with a guy." Some hope resurfaced when he mentioned that he's bi. "My best friend is bi." I smiled, thinking of Ash. "Real firecracker." I laugh, Mr Payne smiles "And your boyfriend?" He fishes. "Is non existent." I say with a blank face. He laughs. Just then the doors open, some guys walking out, I thought they were joking around but then I saw Harry grab someone by the shirt. I jumped up and walked over after Mr Payne started moving over as well, yelling to break it up.

Zak was laughing in Harry's face as Harry grabbed him, face red and angry. What did Zak say? People were cheering him on and Cindi was watching the ordeal, a small smile on her face. "Leave her alone." Harry warned, I rolled my eyes, they were fighting over Cindi. "Or what?" Zak laughed, but his eyes showed he was just as angry. "I'll fucking kill you." Harry growled. "Enough." Mr Payne yelled, but the boys didn't care. "Do you even care about her? Or do you just like the fact that she's hung up on you and no one else can have her?" There was venom in his voice. "Of course I care about her!" Harry yelled. "Yeah care about fucking her, that's all." Zak spat back. Harry started swinging, punching Zak, Zak swinging back. Hitting just as hard as Harry. Zayn moved around to pull Harry away as one of Zak's bigger friends grabbed him, but Zak pushed him away, still going at Harry. I was so over all this. "That's enough, before I get you both suspended." Mr Payne yelled. They were both bleeding from somewhere. I wanted to go check if Harry was okay but Cindi was already in front of Harry, moving her hands over his chest and talking to him, so I moved over to Zak.

"You okay?" I asked, looking up at him. He smiled at me, blood dripping from his nose and cheekbone already bruising. I laughed. "You look like a crazy person." I said, grabbing his chin to turn his face. He laughed, looking down at me. "I am crazy." He said, it looked like he wanted to do something or say something but we were cut off by Mr Payne. "Skylar, please take him to the infirmary." I nodded, Zak threw his arm over my shoulder, leading me out. "I have no fucking idea where the infirmary is." I laughed, Zak smiled. "I've been there a few times, follow me."

"So, you guys were arguing over Cindi?" Zak gave me a weird look. "That's what you got out of this?" He laughed out loud, throwing his head back. I stopped walking, looking at him. He turned, a bright smile on his face. "Some guys were talking about who they wanted to take to prom, and I maybe mentioned that I wanna ask the new girl, but somehow only Harry heard me. He didn't like the idea." I frowned. "Why would you be talking about Prom? And why would you want to take me?" now he frowned. "Why wouldn't I want to take you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Because you don't know me, what, we've been friends for 35 hours now?" I crossed my arms, "I don't need to know you for years to be able to tell you're really a good person, who deserves better than someone who's hiding her away." He stepped closer to me, his words making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "You deserve better." He added, hand reaching for my face. I accidentally flinched, he frowned. "Why did you flinch?" He asked, I blushed. "No, I didn't, I don't know you just caught me off guard." He didn't believe me. "Sky, why are you wearing so much make up?" my mouth opened and I closed it again, not knowing what to say. "Answer me." His voice was stern.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the closest bathroom, Letting me stand in front of the basin. "Wash your face." He said, pointing at the basin. "We don't have time for this." I scoffed, "You need to go the the infirmary and get yourself cleaned up." I tried to step around him, but his tall body stopped me. He reached up and cupped my face, thumb moving over my cheekbone, I flinched and pulled away from him, my face sensitive. "And your lip is busted." I couldn't make eye contact. "Talk to me, tell me what happened." He said, voice softer as he reached for me again. I didn't know what to do, he was pushing me to tell him, something I wasn't ready to tell anyone. I went into one of the stalls and grabbed him some toilet paper so he can wipe his nose and lips where the blood looks like it started to dry, he wiped it away still staring at me so I reached for his face and pulled him closer, meeting his lips in a soft kiss, distracting him. He kissed me back after a second.

We stood like that, his hand finally landing on my hip. "Are you trying to distract me?" He smiles, eyes still closed when he pulled away. "Is it working?" he nods, smiling, eyes still closed as he leans back into me. It's all soft and gentle, such a huge difference from kissing Harry. His teeth gently nips my bottom lip and I accidentally moan. His hands on my hips tightening, pulling me flush against him, hands weaving into the back of my head, gripping my hair. After a few more kisses I pull away, a soft smile on my face. "Infirmary, please." I say and he nods. "I still need to know what happened to your face?" I sigh. "I really don't want to talk about it." I say softly.

"Was it Harry?" I laugh, looking up at him. "No, Harry didn't do anything to me." Zak scoffs, "Are you just saying that to protect him." My face goes blank. "It wasn't Harry." I step around him and walk out the bathroom, leaving Zak to go to the infirmary alone.

I see Harry sitting outside the gym, staring up at the ceiling. I walk over, standing in front of him. I place my hand on his cheek and he sighs, closing his eyes, leaning into my touch. His hand reached up and held mine. "Another fight? Really?" I joked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad like that." I laughed as he stood up, his arms snaked around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. "It's okay." I said, hands moving through his hair as he leaned down to press his face into my neck, pressing his lips softly on my skin, giving me goosebumps. His lips press to my jawline and then my cheek, images of Zak kissing me makes me pull away from Harry, guilt eating at my insides.

Harry frowns, "Don't want to get caught." I say, looking away from him. "I need to tell you that Zak kissed me, and I kissed him back, since we're always honest with each other." Harry's hands fall from my waist, dangling by his side. He stared at me, dumbfounded. "What?" I asked, he shook his head, a weird smile spreading over his face. "Did you like it?" He asked, I didn't say anything, just nodded, not wanting to lie. Harry grabbed my face, stepping closer to me and I flinched. "I'm done with you, kiss whoever the fuck you want to kiss, fuck whoever the hell you want to fuck, but don't ever come back to me and pretend that you want me and then kiss someone else minutes after I stood up for you, after I protected you from your ex. Don't." He pushes me away and I stumble. He stared at me, breathing hard, his emotions all over his face, anger the most obvious, but his eyes were full of hurt. "Harry, I'm sorry I did not mean to hurt you." I try to reach for him, but he doesn't let me touch him. My face is red from embarrassment and I want to cry. "Hurt? By you?" He shakes his head and laughs, stepping back and punching a locker, I gasp. "Would you have preferred me lying to you?" My voice raises, "How dare you be mad at me while you're still with Cindi." I place my hands on my hips. "You're right, I can fuck whoever I want, cause I'm not the one in a relationship. This should've ended a long time ago anyway, have fun fucking your cue stick." I step towards him, getting in his face, "I'm going to kiss Zak, and fuck him, and it's going to be the best sex I've ever had." I spit. Harry's eyes are dark, looking crazy, he's jealous.

"No one is ever going to make you cum like I can." His voice is so deep it almost came out in a growl. "Then I'll ride his dick until I get myself off." I say, "Because you're never touching me again." he stares into my eyes and I move away from him, I feel him grab for my arm and I pull away, hearing him swear under his breath. I move back into the gym straight to the changing rooms, grabbing my backpack and gym bag. I wait for the bell to ring and I move as fast as I can to the parking lot, getting into my car, just sitting there, leaning forward on the steering wheel, sighing I finally let the tears fall. I knew I must be getting some weird looks from other pupils but I don't care. I grab my phone and go through my music, clicking on Psychotic Kids by YUNGBLUD, turning the volume up as I moved the car out of the parking lot. The music moving through me, bass calming my soul, music always helped me, that's why my father paid a lot of money for the great sound in my perfect car.

I turned out of the parking lot, making eye contact with Zayn standing next to Morgan on the sidewalk close to his car, he smiles and waves a small smile, I don't return it as I put my car in first gear and pull away. Did I mention I drive stick?

I don't know where I'm going, but I need to get away from this part of town, so I drive along the seacoast and pull into a parking lot, deciding that I'm far enough, I lean over and smile when I see my pack of menthol Marlboro still in the glove compartment, I pull it out and light one, sighing when the smoke filled my lungs, the smell bringing back memories from Philly and I cried again. Thinking of the time Ash and I got onto the subway at Girard avenue, missing our stop at 15th because we were fucking around and had to drive through all the way to the next stop, just to come back.

Or when Ash and I got booze from Ash's older brother and got drunk on St Patrick's day, joining random groups of people who were also drunk, laughing and having a great time. Or that one 4th of July where we found the perfect spot to watch the fireworks and then it started raining, laughing as we used our pizza boxes to shield ourselves from the rain, still getting soaking wet and our electronics getting water damage in the process, we still got to see the fireworks later that night, it was the best 4th of July ever.

Or me just going out for walks to get away from the house, sitting in Rittenhouse square reading a book, secretly smoking because we weren't allowed to smoke inside the park. I kill my cigarette and climb out, heading down the small path the the beach, there weren't a lot of people here, just a few random people far away. I sit down in the sand in my gym clothes, looking out to the ocean, a feeling of calmness washing over me. I needed this, this alone time.

It's almost three hours later when I climb in my car again, hungry and sunburnt, I drop a pin in this location so I can come back, I claim it as my beach, this is where I will come to be alone, where I can think. I light another cigarette and make my way home slowly.

When I get home I see Harry sitting on the front porch, he was staring out to the street, when he saw my car he jumped up, opening my door before I could turn the car off. "Where have you been?" His voice was angry, I felt the peace slowly leave my body, "Somewhere." I answer, pushing past him to get out of the car. "Were you fucking him?" He asks, pushing me against the car, trapping me with his arms. I roll my eyes. "No, I wasn't fucking anyone." I answer. "Then where were you?" He asked again, a little bit more calmed. "Went somewhere to calm down and to be alone." I say, I press my hand to his chest, I can feel his heart beat under my palm as I push him away from me. "That asshole is still here." He says, I frown. "Who." "Xander." oh yes, I walk in to see a few packed bags downstairs and Xander talking to Ash. "Oh hi, Lobster." I frown when Ash calls me that, gasping as I saw my reflection in the mirror. I was burnt red. I laughed at myself. "You look ridiculous." Ash laughs as I walk over and sit on his lap, his arms moving around me to hug me tightly. "Hello." Xander said, looking anywhere but at me. "Clarice." Ash and I say at the same time and then laugh at our in-sync brains. "We're leaving in an hour." Ash says, I frown. "Why are you leaving?" I ask Ash, not really caring that Xander goes. "Cause he came here with me, wouldn't feel right to let him travel back alone, even though he could fall out the airplane toilet and I would flush just to make sure he's gone completely." Ash says and I snort, "I'm sitting right here." Xander says, huffing. "I know." Ash replies. They stare at each other for a few seconds, I can feel Ash's body stiffen, ready to throw me off him and kill Xander any second now. "Guys." I say, "No more fighting." They both stop staring at each other and Xander meets my eyes.

I still love him.

And he knows.

"Can we talk?" he asks softly. I shake my head, "I don't think I want to speak to you now." I reply just as softly. "And you don't have to sweetheart." Ash says, hugging me tighter. "I just need you to know that I'm sorry, I really do love you." He starts and I get up, he grabs my hand, "And I meant it when I said I want to marry you one day, I still do." he's crying, it's been too much to handle today.

His eyes are begging me to say something. I start crying again, "I can't do this." I sob, this day has been too long, did the room always spin like this? "Sky?" Xander says, why does he looked so concerned.

"Skylar?" That was Harry's voice, but when I turned to look at him everything went dark.


When I open my eyes I look up into three worried faces. I frown and try to sit up but Harry's gentle hands on my shoulders keep me down. "Wait a second before you try to sit up." I frown again, "What happened?" I asked. "You passed the fuck out." Ash says, looking stressed as he bit his thumb nail. My hand reaches up and I feel the back of my head, there's a big bump there. "Ouch." I whine.

I reach up and grab Harry's bicep, pulling myself up slowly. "I think you're dehydrated, and there was too many things happening." Harry's says softly, pushing my hair behind my ear, concern all over his face. I sighed and Xander gave me a bottle of water, I nodded, taking a few sips. "We have to go." Ash says softly and I feel the tears slip out once again. 'I cried my body dry.' I thought, so I took a sip as I sobbed, spilling water and it dripped down my chin. Ash chuckled as he sat down next to me, hugging me to his side as I cried. "You need to go to bed, babe." Ash says softly. "I want you to stay." I sobbed, I felt like a little kid but I couldn't stop myself. "I know baby, I know." He kisses my head, I look up at him with my face covered in tears and he chuckles, his eyes tearing up as well. He kisses my left cheek, then the right, then my chin, my forehead, the tip of my nose and then he plants a big kiss on my lips. It's not anything sexual, just two people who really love each other sharing an innocent kiss. He pulls away and smiles. I totally forgot about Harry and Xander for a second. Harry's eyes were sad, so were Xander's, with a hint of jealousy. Xander was always envious of our friendship.

"Please stay, I haven't shown you around or got to have one on one time with you at all." I was still sobbing. "Hun, our plane leaves soon." he says softly, a tear escaping his eye. It was hard saying goodbye in Philly, but now was even harder, I need him. "I'm sorry Sky." He says softly. I nod just as his phone beeps, indicating that the uber driver is here. Ash chuckles, looking at me, "Who was your hottest uber driver ever?" I smile through the tears, looking at him. "I've never been to oovoo Javer." I reply, laughing when Ash cackled like a witch. Our Vine knowledge was incredible. Ash stands up and I follow slowly, Harry holding out an arm to support me just in case I fall again. He keeps his hand on my arm. Xander steps forward, I hug him quickly.

Ash steps forward and I sling my arms around his shoulders, his arms warps around my waist. He press his face into my neck and takes a deep breath in, his hands move down and connects below my ass, lifting me up so I can wrap my legs around him. He's the only guy I trust to pick me up like this. A few moments pass and we hear the driver hoot outside, he puts me down and kiss my cheek one more time before he moves to get his bags and they leave, I stand there staring at the door where he just left and my heart shatters. I slowly move up the stairs, feeling drained, Harry behind me all the way, not saying anything, just being with me making sure I don't fall again.

I go into the bathroom, not bothered when he follows me in, he moves to the shower and turn the water on, turning to me and motioning me to lift my arms up, he reaches for the bottom of my shirt and lifts it up, hands moving around my torso to undo my bra. I stop him, "Where's my mom?" I ask, voice cracking. "They were here earlier and told me they are going somewhere for the weekend, some Spa." His voice is gentle, I want to cry again because all I want right now, even though we don't always get along, is my mom. "But I'm here." His voice is so soft, "I'm not going anywhere." I nod, releasing his hands so he can finish undoing my bra. It slides off my arms, falling to the floor. It feels so good to get it off that I groan, Harry stiffens at the sound. I look into his green eyes, his face is a little flushed. I think about earlier and how we fought, saying dumb shit. I realize now that Harry is one of those guys I just won't be able to stay mad at.

He breaks eye contact to pull my yoga pants down, fingers hooking my underwear as well and he helps me step out of them. His face is right in front of my stomach and I blush when he leans in and kiss the softest part of my stomach, I pull his hair so his face is away from me. "Don't do that." My voice is hoarse and my throat hurts. I feel embarrassed, humiliated even. I want to cry again. "Why not?" He asks, "Because it's embarrassing and I don't like it." I mumble. "But I want to, I love it." My heart shutters, "But I don't, I don't care that you love it, it makes me uncomfortable so don't do that." Harry looks like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. I appreciate that. 

I walk over and stepped into the shower, Harry soon joins me. He washes my hair, and my body. Careful over my burnt shoulders, he places a soft kiss on my shoulder. I turn to him, putting some soap in my hands and massaging it into his chest, hands moving down over his stomach and tattoos, he's so beautiful. His dick was hard, leaning onto his abdomen. I didn't touch it. My hands moved back up to his shoulders, washing his neck and moving down his arms. This feels so intimate, especially when I reach his hands and he grabs mine, holding them when he leans forward, pressing his lips to mine gently. He lets go of my hands and move up my body, from my hips and over my breasts, nipples hardening from his touch. His hands goes into my hair and he pulls my face closer to his, kissing me hard. We both moan when our naked bodies touch.

He reach behind me to turn the shower off and we both get out, he wraps a towel around me and then around himself. We go to his room and he stands in front of me. "Let me take care of you." he says softly, "Distract you." I hesitate, I should stop telling him it's over and then jump right in bed with him a few hours later. "This will be the last time." I say. I can see Harry's shoulders slump, "I'm sorry about earlier." he says softly. I nod and turn, seeing myself in the mirror. His arms snake around my waist and he leans his head on my shoulder. We look fucked up. His face is bruised and so is mine, the shower removing all my make-up. "We look great." He says and laughs, "I think we look beautiful, in a dark way." I say softly. "You are beautiful." he says, a soft smile on his face. He leads me away from the mirror and towards the bed, I drop the towel and climb onto the bed. Harry moves my legs apart and lays between them, he lazily moves his hand up, finger parting my lips, he comes up and press a kiss to me, I jerk, hand moving to his hair. He smiles  and then press his tongue flat against me and licks up, over my sensitive clit and my grip tightens.

He's lying on his stomach, one leg bent and the other foot hanging off the bed. He presses his whole face to my vagina and breaths in, exhaling slowly and I blush. "You taste and smell so fucking good." he says softly while sliding one finger into me, then adding another, fingers making scissor motions inside of me to get me to relax and open me up a little bit. I moan, hand tightening in his hair. His mouth connects over my clit and sucks, he's so chilled doing this, almost lazy as I grind my hips down onto his face, wanting him to go faster. He gets the idea when his fingers move faster inside of me, sucking at my clit harshly. He adds another finger and I burst, my orgasm rolling from my head all the way down to my toes. His mouth still on my clit as I squirt, my juices going all over the bottom of his face, he licks faster. Fingers drilling into me and thumb connecting to my clit now, pressing down and moving in circular motions and I come again.

I moan loudly, eyes closing as the sparks ignite behind my closed eye lids. I pull his hair and he detaches from me. "I want you to fuck me now." I say, eyes still closed as he climbed over me, pressing down on me. I feel his hand move down and the he's lining up. "Wreck me." I mumble and Harry groans, he just slams into me, hips moving fast as he pumps in and out of me. Vagina hurting and feeling pleasure at the same time from the way his dick forced me to stretch open instead of giving me time to adjust. His mouth attached to my nipple and I groaned as he bit at my breasts and his hands gripped all over me. Finally his face comes up and his lips attach to mine. It's a rough kiss, desperate as he slams into me. He bites my lips, pulling it and I groan, cumming, walls fluttering around his dick.

"Fuck, baby you feel so good." Harry says, groaning as his pace quickened. The speed that he's slamming into me drives me crazy, I'm loud for once because our parents aren't home. His moves gets sloppy, his fingers connecting to my clit, "Come for me again baby. Come on." The way he calls me baby makes me moan and my walls flutter around him, I squirt and scream at the same time, the orgasm rolling through me, Harry pulls out groaning as he comes on my thighs. "Holy shit." I pant and Harry chuckles. "Are you relaxed now?" He falls down next to me and I nod. "That was great." We lie like that for a few minutes before the sound of my stomach grumbling interrupts the silence. Harry Chuckles. "Are you hungry?" I blush, "Yes, I am." He nods, getting up and pulling on some boxer shorts. He grabs one of the towels we dropped on the floor to clean me up. I stand and quickly walk to my room, getting dressed as well.

Once I come downstairs Harry hands me a beer, I frown and smile at the same time. "That is my moms beer, I know she wouldn't mind if we had two." He smiles, I nod and take a sip, cringing, not a big beer fan. "So what are you in the mood for?" he asks, smiling. I haven't seen him smile so much in a while. "I don't know, maybe we can just make a box of mac n cheese." I shrug, walking over to the cupboard and pulling out a pack. "Can you get the butter and milk please." Harry nods, moving over to the fridge as I find a pot and put it on the stove to boil the noodles.

We joke around and he steals a few kisses as me move around the kitchen. He's really helping to distract me from everything that's happened in the last few days. Then his phone rings and Cindi's name pops up. He looks at his phone and then at me. He picks it up, speaking to her. I turn around and move to the stove, stirring the macaroni.

"Hey babe." Harry says, my heart falls when he calls her that, "No I don't know if I'm coming tonight." I hear someone speaking loudly on the other side of the line. "Stop yelling babe, I just don't feel great." a long pause as Harry listens to what she's saying. "Okay, fine, see you in ten." My heart drops again when he says that. I hear him walk over, he places his hand on my shoulder. "I need to go, I promised Cindi I would see her tonight at Jason's party." I nod, the disappointment stopping me from saying anything. "I won't be gone long." His lips land on my shoulder and then he moves up the stairs to go get dressed, leaving me alone with the pot of mac n cheese. I sigh, I knew this was too good to be true. He comes back down the stairs and waves at me then he's out the door. Maybe Zak was right, what am I kidding, of course Zak was right. I do deserve someone who isn't going to hide me away.

I quickly eat something then move upstairs, grabbing my phone and messaging Zak asking what he's doing. He text back that he's at Jason's party as well and that I should come join him. I get dressed and quickly do my make up and hair, leaving the house and following the directions Zak gave me. 
