Book 1 Ch 97-99

Chapter 97

Those in Cielo's mansion gathered at the park. They were waiting on Cielo since he went ahead to prepare the place where they were going to train. They were each carrying a bag with camping gears and supplies on Cielo's instructions.

He appeared in front of them using a portal. He motioned for them to follow him. When the last person walked through the portal it closed. They looked around and found that they were on a small Isle in a chain of Archipelagos.

The Isle was as large as a city and lacked inhabitants, neither man nor beast had settled here. One side had trees and vegetation while the rest of the Isle was completely barren.

Two small buildings were the only man made structures on the Isle. One was a restroom for female and males, the other housed individual showers. They both had clean running water and electricity from tanks and generators.

The group observed there surroundings for a few minutes and discovered what was so special about this small island. It had a magic dome covering it keeping everything out and keeping everything on the isle inside.

The magic dome could not be seen with the naked eye, but with the group's heightened sense they were aware that it was there. In the middle of the small island was a blue magic circle the same one from the mansion's secret room and on Cielo's back.

Learning the use of the blue circle on his back he created a sealed space inside the enclosed magic dome with his Ice flames(real name will be revealed in bk2) and his night flames. He could manipulate space with his night flames and his ice flames had a special ability.

With the combination of these two flames and the magic dome it allowed him to extend the time or it felt like it was extended; the sensation was like the day was a few hours longer. This made excellent training grounds for the group to improve themselves more quickly.

" This Island is officially your training ground. When I am not around the training rooms at the mansion will suffice. Now go and set up your tents next to the tree area. Discuss among yourselves the order in which you will duel me and reassemble at the center of the Isle at noon.", Cielo instructed them.

With that they separated. While the group set up tents Cielo walked around the edge of the Isle where the sea water was crashing on the outside of the magic dome. He took a seat on a large rock nearby. Doing what he oftentimes do when he was alone he started thinking about his life choices.

' If it was up to me I think I should hasten the destruction of the world instead of thinking up countermeasures. I don't care for the world nor do I care if it was destroyed.'

' They(Hayato and the others) have ties to this world so when the time comes they will naturally choose to save the world from destruction. If they wish to do so they better be stronger than their opponents'

' As for me what does it matter? I will be the enemy of all races when the time comes. I was always meant to...'

He didn't get to finish that thought as he had unknowingly fallen asleep. That was where Hayato found him at noon still sleeping.

Chapter 98

Hayato volunteered to go look for Cielo at noon. He discovered the sleeping Cielo sitting on a rock. Hayato observed the sleeping Cielo and he came to a realization that whenever Cielo was with them he would normally be asleep.

He wondered if Cielo avoided socializing with them by purposefully falling asleep whenever they were on missions and such. He was not aware that it was a good thing for Cielo to have fallen asleep while dwelling on those thoughts of his.

The alternative was that there would be a repeat of his episode when his late teacher Luke had found him on Luce's roof the night that they were all slaughtered. Hayato continued watching the sleeping Cielo and noticed how gentle and charming he was, just like a innocent child.

Shortly after Cielo stirred awake. If he slept any longer Hayato would have been enthralled by his beauty(not in a romantic way, Cielo unguarded expression when asleep was just that mysteriously captivating and would enthrall those that didn't have a strong will).

" Its noon already. Who is the first one to duel with me?", Cielo asked. Hayato answered, " Takeshi decided to go first". Cielo got up, " Then lets head over." Hayato and Cielo made it where the others were gathered in the center of the Island.

They had made a ring and were a dozen yard away from Takeshi who stood in the ring. Takeshi had his sword drawn and ready for the duel. Cielo entered the fighting space and drew out one of his twin swords out of his dimensional space.

They activated their flames and released their aura at the same time. Their eyes glowed blue as they both activated their rain flames.

Before the release of their aura Takeshi had felt like a playful and friendly teen, but now his aura turned him into a serene swordsman with sharp invisible swords floating around him.

Before Cielo had felt like an ice cold prince indifferent to the world, now with his aura he felt like an unmovable ice berg with a air of royalty that cannot be touched or stained.

With a short countdown the duel started. Takeshi was a skilled swordsman to begin with since his father was the one who taught him since he was little. He even mastered a unique sword technique his father taught him.

But against Cielo he was like a calf to the slaughter. No matter how great his technique with different sword styles was he just couldn't beat Cielo who had more real life experience.

Not to mention Cielo had more stamina and concentration to spare, because he wasn't at full power. He utilized his speed, reaction speed, agility, and his senses to perfect his swordman's ship instead of relying on techniques.

This was also a lesson for Takeshi and the others so Cielo wasn't quick to end the duel in one fell swoop, instead he waited twenty minutes later when Takeshi gave up due to exhaustion.

The second person to battle Cielo was Kyoya. He took out his pair of Tonfas gifted to him by Cielo and stepped forward. He activated this cloud flames as his eyes glowed purple. Cielo kept his sword and switched to his cloud flames.

Kyoya was a lot sturdier than your average flame user. And having trained in the Academy for a number of years he managed fairly well against Cielo lasting a total of twenty five minutes.

The third dueller was Chrome. Chrome was trained by her brother and they have the battle experience to face off against their foes since they had to fight many battles to rescue children experimented on by Estraneo.

She also possessed the same power of her brother's demonic left eye because they were related in more ways than one, they sometime share their mind and body with each other.

She had a high mastery and excellent control of her flames so she lasted much longer than expected against Cielo who was also using mist flames, a full twenty two minutes.

Chapter 99

The fourth person to duel Cielo was Hayato. Hayato didn't make any mistakes during this duel. Even if his dynamites didn't hit their target he still performed fairly well against a storm flame Cielo wielding twin swords, lasting twenty four minutes.

The fifth person to duel Cielo was Lambo, he lasted fifteen minutes. The sixth person to duel Cielo was Ryohei who lasted twenty four minutes. The last person to duel Cielo was Mukuro, he lasted twenty five minutes same as Kyoya.

So the ranking list of who lasted the longest against Cielo was;
Kyoya 25 minutes, Mukuro 25 minutes, Hayato 24 minutes, Ryohei 24 minutes, Chrome 22 minutes, Takeshi 20 minutes, Lambo 15 minutes.

Within two hours and thirty-five minutes this was the result the group got from duelling Cielo one after the other. He didn't rest once within that time frame yet he won against his opponents using their flames against them and his twin swords.

This made them admire him even more since he had multiple flames and had perfect control over each of them.

After battling them Cielo moved to the sidelines and instructed Kyoya to duel Bianchi to practice her physical strength, while Takeshi be Futta's opponent so he could try out his spells.

When Takeshi and Futta was in the ring the latter stepped forth. He waved his hands in the air as glowing words started appearing in neat lines in front of him. There was the sound of a giant book opening and the turning of pages

Futta then recited a spell he learnt;

By the power of the stars heed my command, without light all is empty and void, in the void revert speed to zero!

This spell slowed down his opponent.

By the power of the stars heed my command, all things have a beginning and end, disarm enemies within range!

This was a disarming spell to disarm his opponent.

By the power of the stars heed my command, as dawn breaketh so cometh the sunrise, light of dawn attack targeted enemy!

This was a offensive spell. The floating words became a beam of white light that shot towards Futta's opponent vaporizing everything in it's path.

By the power of the stars heed my command, twist upwards turns downwards no end in sight, bind!

This spell binded his opponent with magical ropes that could not be undone unless he ordered it to.

Futta also mastered a shield spell to defend himself.

With the order in which he slowed down his enemy, then disarm the enemy, followed up by attacking the disarmed enemy so he could bind and capture him, showed that Futta was smart and could strategize very well for someone his age.

They finished the day by having dinner they prepared on the island.

The following day Cielo gave each person a partner and instructed them to fight him again.

Kyoya and Mukuro were one pair. Hayato and Chrome was another. Ryohei, Takeshi, and Lambo were a group. Against the pairs and trio Cielo only used his twin swords coated with lightning.

Bianchi and Futta were also a pair, but they didn't face off against Cielo. Futta was a spell caster and Bianchi was an assassin. Their abilities were good at controlling a crowd or providing support, and not suited for a direct confrontation.

As the group trained with Cielo they saw their shortcomings and worked towards improving themselves, and just like that the weekend of training passed by.
