Chapter two

Jorgen POV

As soon as Cobb spoke those words, I couldn't think of anything but Spensa. And if she was ... No. It couldn't be. To get rid of the doubts, I asked Cobb.

How is it going? -I asked for.

-I wanted to communicate it to you first, because you are the flight leader.It was found by pipe maintenance workers, in a cave, when they were on their way to the tunnels. She is unconscious and right now she is in the infirmary.And ...

But that was enough for me  to run to the infirmary as quickly as possible. When i entered i saw her. She was in a bed. She had an uneasy expression. What are you thinking now? I said, while stroking her straight brown hair. As soon as I saw a nurse I asked her about her condition. She said that she did not look very well, and that her breathing and pulse were weak. I sat on a small bench next to her bed,and spent the whole night there. Scared. This was my fault. If she died it was my fault. I had driven her to do this in the first place. The next morning The rest of the skyward flight  arrived along with Rodge. They were there for an hour. In silence. Scared. Like me. She had forged the team. I  didn't want a life without Spensa. No one wanted her.

I asked Cobb for a small break,at least of a week,who surprised I accept. I didn't tell my parents. They didn't understand. I was trying to call her. I thought I could help her. I thought I could do it with my nothing trained  citonic powers or something.  I was scared. I really need it to work. After 6 days in the same room, I woke up ready to go. But I looked at her and I couldn't help it. I knelt in front of her bed, so I could be at her head. -Wake up, "I said. with a brittle voice -Please, I miss you. I miss your voice telling me Jerkface and your descriptive monologues of how you will defeat your enemies, and how you  always inspires me to be desafiant.So please wake up -I said with wet eyes -because I really love you. And I don't want to fail you.You win.Okay.You win.Are you satisfied? You win, but wake up, please.

Then I heard a voice, her voice, Spensa's voice.

-Yes, and a lot.-he said in a soft voice, although a little rough.

Spensa! -I screamed.

And then I hugged her. And on pure impulse, I kissed her.

Hey, I also missed you- said Spensa. And someone knocked on the door.

■Spensa POV■

It was all blank. There was a girl in a chair. It was my very young. The girl saw a big screen. All the moments of my life, from the Battle of Alta to my stay in Starsight. And suddenly, it was all absorbed by a kind of whirlwind. And I saw again the images, those of the  Delvers seeing us as insects, inferior. And I wished it would stop, but it didn't stop. And I felt helpless. Again. Alone.

And then I heard it. His voice. Jorgen's voice, saying: I really love you. And I don't want to fail you. You win. Okay. You win. Are you satisfied? You win, but wake up, please.

So I recorded and somehow I feel it. That sensation. Jorgen, Gran-Gran,Alanik.And I wake up.

And there was Jorgen, head down and kneeling beside her bed. I recognized the infirmary. And answering  his question, I said:

Yes and very much," I said softly and roughly.

¡Spensa! - he scream

And act followed hugged me. And he kissed me. And boy, I really did enjoy it, it was very good.

-Hey, I missed you too.-I said after the kiss.

And then someone knocked on the door.

■Hey,I am really tired.So im going to sleep.■

■Love u guys■
