20. No way! yess!

It was the 3rd day, and the storm had settled down a bit. The house was quiet, and Zayn and Shaun will be leaving to go to the shops today

I got out of bed, and it was freezing, I didn't even want to get up. I quickly sorted myself out and tried to find the warmest thing I could possibly find. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and one of Zayn's sweaters, a nice blue one, which was kinda big for me

I went downstairs to see Zayn, Shaun, and Jax talking. Jayden was talking food for kayla and Kendrick, Annabelle was by the tablebut she didn't look like herself. She looked as if she had lost weight

"Morning beautiful," I heard Zayn's voice behind me

I jumped in shock and turned to see him. He gave such a warm and loving smile. I smiled back and gave him a kiss, which he gladly gave back

"I'm gonna leave just now, I'll be back in about 4 to 5 hours from now," he said

"So longg," I jokingly whined

"Dont worry, I'll be back before you know it," He said, pulling me into his arms

"Okay," I said, smiling at him

"Should I get you anything from the shops?" He asked

I bit down on my lip as I looked at the floor, I still need that test to know whether I really am

"Um.. could you get me the pregnancy test? " I whispered to him

I looked back up at him, and I didn't even understand his facial expression


"Thank you," I said, giving him a quick kiss

"Zayn, we need to leave now. Good morning, Angel," Shaun said

I moved out of Zayn's arms and turned to face Shaun

"Good morning," I said, smiling

Shaun nodded and went to the living room. I turned back at Zayn, and he was tying his shoe laces. He was wearing a nice blue and red takkies

"Where do y'all get such nice clothes and shoes from?" I asked in shock

"Um.. when ever we go out hunting, we check if they have anything to help at home, so obviously clothes we need, " He said

"Well, that's smart," I said, thinking about it carefully

"And I need up with all the nice clothes." Jax walked into our conversation

"So do I, we were around the same size clothes," Zayn said

"Your clothes are so big, even when Ang wears it, it's so big on her," Jax said

"I actually like big clothes, so I don't have a problem wearing Zayn's clothes," I said

"Okay, I have to go now, love," Zayn said

"Did you eat? Are you warm?" I asked

Zayn gave me a quick smile before grabbing his nice, warm black jacket

"Yes and yes," he said

"Okay, be safe," I said

He walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss and a hug

"I will, I love you," he said

"I love you too,"

Zayn and Shaun left the house, and the house went silent again. Jax ran up the stairs once they left. I was now left alone, I didn't feel like it was eating today for some reason, I went to the table and saw Annabelle was still there

"Morning Annabelle," I greeted her

"Good morning Angel, so nice to see you," she said

"Nice to see you to, are you alright?" I asked

Taking a seat next to her, Annabelle looks very different now. She lost weight and had blue rights around her eyes as if she hadn't been sleeping

"I'm okay dear, I just haven't been feeling too good," she said

"I'm sorry, is there any way I can help?" I asked

"Could you help up to my room, I'm kinda tired,"


I got up from my chair and helped Annabelle stand up. We both walked up the stairs and into her room, i slowly helped her sit on the bed. I opened the blanket for her and helped her lie down

"Thank you, Angel," she said

"Get some rest now," i said sweetly

I left her room and slowly used the door behind me

"So sweet you are," i heard someone behind me

I got shocked and quickly turned around to see if Jax

"Thanks," I said

I looked at Kayla and Jayden's room, and the door was closed . I saw Jax staring at me, I think he noticed

"I guess it's just you and me today, we can chill in my room, I just need to go sort something, then you can come in," he said

He left and went back into his room. I was gonna go back downstairs, but I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. I ran into Zayn's bathroom and got down in front of the toilet to release whatever I had in me

Once I was done, I quickly got up, flashed the toilet, and washed my mouth. I walked out of the bathroom and into our to see Jax sitting on the bed

"Are you sick?" He asked

"No," I said

"You sure?"


"Okay, anyway, I got a game we can play," he said with a smirk on his face

What does he want from me now

"I can't play now, I'm busy," I said, walking out the room

"Busy with what? Kayla and Jayden are spending the whole day in their room with their children. Annabelle is sleeping cause she's not well, Zayn and dad went to the shop, "

"Thank you for summarizing everything that I already knew everyone was doing." I walked down the stairs

I went to the kitchen drawer and grabbed the broom. I haven't swept the house for 3 days now, and I dont want dust because of my sinuses. I took the broom and started sweeping while Jax just stood there staring at me

"Why are you sweeping?" He asked

"Because I have sinuses, and there's a lot of dust," I told him

He came by me and did something so unexpected. He took the broom from me and started sweeping the living room, kitchen, and the stairs

"There. Done, " he said, giving me back the broom

"Why did you do that?"

I put the broom back into the drawer and went up the stairs

"Because I said I want to play a game with you," he said with that smirk back on his face

"Okay, fine, let's play," I said

He nodded his head and opened his room door, and walked in. I was hesitant about going into his room, but it's okay. If anything happens, maybe I can call for Jayden

I walked in and took a seat at the edge of the bed. He sat on top by his pillows

"Why so far, Ang?" He asked

I moved just a little bit up so that my whole butt was on the bed. He smirked at me before saying

"Before we play this game, I have a question to ask you," he said

"What is it?"

"Back at Jordan's house. That girl that was tied up, she seemed to know you, " he started

I was hoping this wasn't the question he would ask me. I didn't want the family to know about this. I hate my pass, and I hoped to just live it there

"Yes, she knows me,"

"What was that about? She was about to mention something, but you pulled the knife down more, and when kayla was about to say it, you told her to keep quiet."

I never realized how deep his relaxed voice is. It's not too deep but just nice. I kinda like it, but now I have to answer this irritating question

"I didn't want to tell you or anyone in this family, especially Zayn, but I guess I might as well say it. Just dont tell anyone else about it, okay?"

He nodded his he with a smirk on his face as he waited for me to continue

"Okay, so back when I was in school, you know the story of me killing animals and stuff like that. One of the days there were sheep at the school, kayla wasn't with me at that time, she was playing basketball and I was on the other side playing soccer. I was done with practice and making my way back to kayla. That's when I saw the sheeps" I explained

"Let me guess, you killed the sheep, and that shocked you so much that you dont want to talk about it," he said in a sarcastic tone

"No. I went to kill the sheep because, well, actually, I dont know why I used to kill. Although i killed that dog to protect kayla, i just couldn't stop. There was this feeling, how should i say it.. ah"

"Plessure but disgust," we both said at the same time

"Oh, how did you know?" I asked him, seeming a bit shocked

"I feel the same way when I kill. But mainly plessure, " he said

"Oh okay," I said with a soft smile

What is this feeling? That's not good, I'm Zayn's girl. Stop it!
He smirked at me before saying


"So there were 4 sheep, I had already killed 2 sheep before the deputy principal caught me. She asked why I was killed the sheep, and she said she was going to expell me. I couldn't let that happen, and I ended up killing her, I didn't realise that kayla came looking for me, and she saw me killing the deputy principal. And that girl that was by Jordan's house was the daughter of the deputy principal. "

Silence. He didn't even say one word. He stopped looking at me and looked down at his hands, which were on his lap

Crap. I knew I shouldn't have said anything

"I got rid of the body and tried to catch up with kayla. When I did get to her, she shouted at me, telling me things like. I'm crazy. Why would I kill her. You need help. Stuff like that, I didn't defend. I just took it, I tried to explain myself to her, but all she told me was. Killing her was not the answer. I apologized and gave her a hug, but she didn't take it. She started crying in disappointment and took off running again. I ran after her to the top gate, and by then, my other friends were already on top. I got there, and they saw kayla crying and running away. I screamed for her but she didn't turn back. My friends asked me what happened, but I ignored them and continued running after kayla, but I lost her. The next day, I went back to school to find out that kayla went missing. "

Jax looked at me, I could feel the tears in my eyes

"My friends blamed me for kayla's disappearance. I tried to explain what happened, but they didn't care. They all hated me. The school found out I killed the deputy principal, and they were gonna arrest me, so I left school. When my parents heard about it they were disappointed, a week after they planned a holiday trip. They said I couldn't come cause I had to finish my exams but I didn't understand, they left me all alone and didn't return home. A year passed since kayla's disappearance, and I had to make my own money to live. My parents would usually live me alone. That's when I used to invite kayla, but they never returned this time. I was treated like trash every day and even had to run and hide. Eventually, my friends had enough of me and left me at the park alone. And that's when I met Shaun. "

"Damn" was all he could say

Out of nowhere, kayla and Jayden walked into the room with Kendrick in Jayden's arms

"Hi guys," I said

"Hey, sorry for just coming in like this, but we kinda heard the conversation," Jayden said softly

Oh crap. No no no no

"Uh.. how.. how much did you hear exactly?" I asked nervously

"Everything," Jayden said slowly

Damn. I covered my face with my hands, I'm exposed to the family when I was planning on keeping this secret with one person

"Is all of that true, Angel?" Kayla asked

"Yea, I'm sorry, kayla," I said, removing my hands from my face

"It's okay, but killing her wasn't necessarily. They were gonna kill the sheep either way, but they didn't know how, and you did it the right way. She was going to ask if you could cut the rest of the meat. "


I sat there shocked, not knowing what to say. I shouldn't have killed her. My life would have been better

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation," Jayden said

"It's okay, please don't tell anyone else about this," I asked them

They all nodded their heads, and Jayden and kayla left the room. It was now just Jax and I again. He got up from the bed and closed the door. He came back and sat next to me on the bed

"Thanks for telling me that. Maybe next time when we cut the meat, you can come help me," he said

"I would have to ask Zayn first," I told him

He rolled his eyes and leaned into my ear and whispered

"Zayn doesn't have to know because Zayn doesn't cut the meat."

He pulled away, and when i saw him, he had a smirk on his face. There was this feeling inside me when I looked at Jax. It's bad. I'm Zayn's girl, and I'm getting this feeling. I sat straight to face the wall so that I dont look at him

He got off the bed and stood in front of me. I looked up at him, and his smirk got bigger. He leaned forward and pushed me back onto the bed. He started leaving kisses from my neck but stopped just by my lips

Don't do this, Jax. This is not good. This will not end well. Zayn will kill me. I might be pregnant!

"And Zayn won't know about this," he said

He said before leaning down and kissing me. I tried pushing him off, but it was not good

"Jax, please,"

I tried to tell him to stop, but he didn't. He had one elbow on the bed for support so that he didn't crush me and the other hand on my waist

"Jax, wait," I said again

If his not gonna listen when I talk, then I'll have to make him. I ran up hands up his chest, and around his neck, he froze. He stopped kissing me and just looked down at me

Got it

"Jax, just wait so I can talk," I said

"What?" he asked

I bit my lip and looked away from a second before looking back at him and saying

"I.. I might be.. pregnant"

He froze again, I could see him start to get angry. I hope he doesn't do anything to me. I looked into his eyes, and in less than a second, his anger turned into a very bad and naughty smirk

What is he planning now

"Ang, you said you think you not sure as yet. You must have told Zayn already. Is he going to buy a test for you?" He asked

I nodded my head

"Good," he said as he ran his hand up to my chest and stopped there

"When he brings it, go check it out, and if you are negative, I'll make you positive," I said, leaning back down to kiss me

He just ignored the fact that I told him I might be pregnant. What if I'm positive, then what. He continued kissing me

"Ang, aren't you going to join me?" He asked

"No, this is wrong. I'm Zayn's girl, " I said

"Don't care. Join me, or else you won't like what I will do to you if you're positive, " he said, smirking against my skin

What will he do? Try to kiss me? I've killed a human before, I'll get him if he even tries

He leaned down again, but I didn't join him. I wasn't just gonna let him control me like this. Ouch! I felt him grip my waist, and he pulled away

"You don't listen, do you, Ang?" he said

"What are you gonna do about it, kill me? Cause if that's so, I can do the same, " I told him

His angry face changed again very fast. He liked what I said

"This is why you should have been my girl," he said

"Oh please, I'm better with Zayn than you," I said, looking away from him

I could hear him chuckling. He moved his hand from my waist and up to my face. He gripped my face and turned it towards him. He smirked at me, and I didn't know what to do next. He leaned down and whispered

"If you dont do what I say, killing you will mean nothing, but killing your child. That would be more satisfying, " he said

His cold words sent shivers down my spine. I can't let that happen, I won't let that happen. I looked at him, and this time, he had a grin on his face

His serious about this

I sighed and pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed back as it got deeper. Zayn, please forgive me. He stopped for a second to pull his shirt off, I was now exposed to his muscular chest and back. There again was his six-pack. He leaned down again and continued doing what he was doing

This continued for a bit, but nothing more happened. At this time, it was only his shirt taken off and my shirt taken off. We were stopped by a knocking on the door, he growled and got off me

I quickly put my shirt on and he did the same, I quickly fixed myself and sat there as he went to check who's by the door.

"Dad's back, come help with the stuff," I heard Jayden say


"Okay, I'm coming down now," Jax said before slightly closing the door

Jax walked back to me and gave me a quick kiss before saying

"Leave the room after I leave, okay?"

I nodded my head

"Goodgirl," he said, giving me a kiss on my forehead

He turned around and left the room. Once I heard him run down the stairs, I quickly walked out of the room and into Zayn's room. I fixed myself in the mirror and then went downstairs to see Zayn

He saw me and gave me a hug. He had something hidden in his sleeve. He gave me a kiss before taking me upstairs. We got into the room and closed the door before he could say anything

"Hey beautiful, look what I got you," he said

He pulled out a pregnancy test from his sleeve and gave me

"Go test yourself and meet me downstairs for supper," he said before leaving

Supper! I didn't make supper! Oh no!

I went into the bathroom and tested myself before washing up and going downstairs. I didn't make any food, what if they shout at me. I rushed downstairs and into the kitchen to see kayla there. She had already made all the food

"Kayla, did you cook this?" I asked her

"Yup, I'm better now, so you dont need to worry," she said, walking towards the table

I followed her to the table and sat down in my spot. Everyone was there except Shaun and Annabelle. I think Shaun went to get her from the room

"So how was your day, Angel?" Zayn asked

I looked at Kayla and Jayden, then looked at Jax to see him smirking at me. I then looked back at Zayn, and he was waiting for my answer

"It was nice and yours?" I asked

"It was busy," he said

Shaun and Annabelle walked in and sat down. We all dishes and started eating. I was the first one done, I excused myself and went to go check on the results.

I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I checked the results

It's.. it's positive.
That means.. I'm pregnant

I left it down and ran downstairs, Zayn and the boys were still by the table. Annabelle, Shaun, and kayla were in the kitchen. I slowly walked over to Zayn, who was playing cards with his brothers

He saw me and gave me a sweet smile, I smiled back and leaned down to his ear

"Zayn? Can I tell you something?" I asked

"Sure," he said, turning slightly to face me but at the same time still face his brothers

I whisper again, "I'm pregnant."

He froze

He slowly put his cards down, and I stood up

"Give me one second, please," he told Jax and Jayden

They both nodded their heads, and Zayn took a few steps away from the table. He looked at me deep in my eyes, I stared into his beautiful big brown eyes

"Angel, please repeat what you said," he said

His in shock, I thought

"I'm pregnant, Zayn," I said, giving him a slight smile

He froze for a second before pulling me in for a hug and giving me a kiss on my head

"Yes! I love you, Angel!" He said loudly

"Shhh Zayn," I giggled. "we need to tell them,"

He let go of me, and he had the biggest smile on his face. His eyes were sparking, and his cheeks were so pink. I've never seen him like this before

"Let's go tell them," he said, pulling me to the boys

"Is everything alright?" Jayden asked

"Yes, Kayla! Mum! Dad! Come here please, " he called for them

A few seconds later, they all entered and joined as at the table

"What is it?" Shaun asked

"We got some important news."

Zayn looked at me and smiled before saying

"Angel's pregnant"

Everyone started smiling. They all looked so happy. Well, except Jax, of course, he was not happy about this at all

"Congratulations, Angel," Kayla said

"That's great to hear, we'll send a later to Jerry and Jordan about kayla's birth and Angel's pregnancy,"

I felt so happy, Zayn was now standing behind me with his arms around my waist. I'm gonna have a child with the one I love. Shaun and Annabelle went up to their room while the rest of us stayed down by the table

Jayden and Zayn were talking, and kayla went to finish up what she was doing in the kitchen. Jax, on the other hand, was not happy about this situation, I'm scared to think of what he will do to my child. He wasn't clear on what he would do to my child

After kayla finished up in the kitchen, she went upstairs with Jayden and Zayn, Jax and I went up

"Congratulations bro" Jax said, turning his face towards me. "Congratulations.. Angel"

He smirked at me before waking into his room. Zayn and I walked into our and closed the door. The moment he oser the door he gave me a hug and kissed me

His really except about this. So am I. We both got dressed into something to sleep with, then got into bed

"Goodnight, sweetheart," he said

"Goodnight, love,"
