Chapter 25

Felix POV

*1 week later*

My mind slowly fogged up as I opened my eyes. The light burned them, even though it was very dim. Geez, it was freezing for February! Well, it was normally cold but this cold? It's freaking crazy!! As I stood up, my mind fogged up even more. It was almost impossible to see where I was going. I opened the door, the cold air from the hallway hitting me like a bullet. Shakily, I made my way downstairs, where Marzia and Emma where. I glanced up at the clock. 10:30?? Did I really stay up that late? Suddenly, a tight feeling crossed my chest, making it hard to breath.

"Felix? Are you feeling okay?" Marzia asked, running up to me. I opened my mouth to answer her, but no words came out. My chest got tighter and tighter in a shcoking amount of seconds. The world became blurry, and then black. Just before it did so, I heard someone yell. But I couldn't tell who it was.

When the world became clear again, I found myself laying on the sofa. With a blanket draped over me. Did I faint? I heard voices coming from the kitchen. There where 3 of them. Two if them where, of course, Marzia and Emma but who the heck was the 3rd one? I slowly sat up, the whole of my body screaming in pain. Looking over the top of the sofa, I could see them, but I couldn't really see the 3rd person.

The pain in my chest was still there, but it wasn't as bad now. I was about to stand up, when I felt something come out of my arm. It gave off a loud beeping sound. Marzia, Emma, and the other person gathered quickly gathered around me. The 3rd person then put the thing back in my arm, and told me to get back onto the sofa.

"W-who are you?" I asked, pain soaring across my chest.

"I'm a paramedic. I came when your girlfriend called me, saying that you fainted and started having a seizure. When I got're lucky you're still breathing." I stopped talking. I...I could've died? This...this could've been my last freaking day! What the heck was wrong with me?

Marzia POV

*later that night...*

Felix ran the the toilet to throw up for the 6th time this night. When he came back, he looked even more sicker than before. His whole body was shaking, sweat was pouring down his face and he was litrally on fire. The doctor didn't know what it was yet, but he's coming back tommorow to take his blood. Hopefully it's not top bad.

"M-Marzia?" Felix asked, curling up into a tiny ball.


"I feel like shit." As soon as he finished his sentence, he got back up and sprinted to the bathroom to be sick AGAIN. If he carries on throwing up, then he won have to spend the freaking night in the bathroom. He's bound to trip on something when it gets dark. Quickly, I got out of bed and ran into the kitchen. After I pick it up, and ran back upstairs and into the bedroom. Where Felix was laying under the covers, whimpering. I put the bucket which I got down, and gently lifted the blankets off of him. What I saw scared me.

Fresh blood lay aimlessly around his mouth, making his face look even more paler. Was he throwing up blood? I sprinted to the toilet, and lifted it up. Crap! There was blood litrally everywhere! Why the heck didn't he tell me? I sprinted back. He was now bent over the bed, vomiting loudly into the silver container. You could easily see the bright red, scarlet blood.

"Felix!!" He flinched back. Tears started pouring down his face at once. "Why didn't you tell me that you where throwing up BLOOD?"

"I'm sorry! I-I didn't want to scare you!" Sighing, I gently wrapped the cover around him. After a awhile, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. But I stayed up. Just in case he was sick again.


Sorry this was kinda crap...I had writers block. But anyway...yea. In the next chapter, something that NockiYoloPanda suggested will happen.

Thing in the muti media again.
