Moving Mania With the Winchesters

Sioux Falls, North Dakota

August 17th 7:30 AM

"Come on ya idjits. Don't wanna be late on moving day, do ya?" Bobby asked the two brothers who were frantically racing around the house to pack the last of their stuff. Dean grabbed a piece of pie out of the fridge and put it in a clear takeout container for the trip ahead of them.

"You can't be late on moving day." Sam told him, shoving his laptop in it's bag along with it's charger. 

"Well fine then, I just want to get rid of you two then." Bobby chuckled, grabbing Baby's keys off of the wooden counter next to him. Dean froze where he stood, glaring at the older man. If the family didn't know better, they would have thought Dean was going to kill Bobby with anything he could reach.

"Don't you DARE," Dean hissed at him. Bobby threw his arms up and laughed, tossing the keys at the older brother.

"Hurry up then." Bobby said, annoyed. They shoved their bags in the back of Dean's Baby, a 1967 Chevy Impala. Sam, struggling with his bags hit the bumper and groaned in frustration.  

"Watch it Sammy!" Dean yelled at his brother for hitting his car.

"Yea, okay." Sam said, rolling his eyes and giving Dean his best bitch face of the day.

They all got in the Impala, Sam riding shot-gun, Dean in the driver's seat, and Bobby in the backseat, Dean started the Impala and as soon as they left the driveway Sam turned on the radio, classic rock blasting from the speakers, and flipped to his favorite station. 

"Sam. I have told you this before, Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." Dean said turning the radio back to his station. They all drove to their home for the next four years, Highway to Hell blaring through the car.

Dean's POV

We arrived at the college about an hour later. Sam and I stood staring at the building in awe. We saw it a few times when touring, but we never thought we would be here. I looked around at all of the new students crowding the buildings with their boxes and bags. They all look excited, but tired, and were surrounded by crying moms hugging their babies goodbye and annoyed dads that just want to move them in already. 

I felt a pang of jealousy, me and Sammy never got to have any relationship with our mom and a small one with our dad, John. He left when I was ten and Sam was six, he always said that I reminded him too much of our mom so he rejoined the Marines. While he was there we stayed with a sassy, wonderful woman named Missouri. She raised us until Bobby found out John had ditched, he told her he would take us off of her hands so she could focus on her own son. 

Sam looked at me, feeling the same pain, and I patted him of his back. He gave me a sympathetic smile and walked up the white stone stairs to the entrance of the registration building across from the residence halls. I followed him and as he opened the doors a wave of cool air hit us. Students and parents lined up at the front desk waiting to get their room keys and schedules.

"No wonder Bobby tried to rush us." I said annoyed. An hour had passed by when we finally reached the front desk.

"Dean Winchester." I told the receptionist, checking her out. She was kinda cute, long brown hair, brown eyes.

"You will be in room 238 with a Mr. Castiel Novak and Ms. Charlene Bradbury." She said, handing me a key, my schedule, a map, and a paper full of phone numbers. I thanked her and waited for Sammy to get his stuff. I looked down at the paper of phone numbers, it had the numbers of the R.A., the nurse, the dean, and everyone else that students might have needed. 

"What room you in?" I asked him as he walked over to me. 

"221 with Gabriel Novak and Fergus MacLeod." Sam said frowning at the second name. "Oh, poor kid. His parents must hate him."

I laughed and opened the door to the building, waking out into the heat. I opened the trunk and Bobby got out to help us unload everything. We each grabbed two boxes out of the car when a cute blond guy jogged up to us. 

"Hiya boys, I'm Balthazar Milligan. Chemistry Major. On moving day upperclassmen help freshies move in. So... Here I am." He explained in a British accent, grabbing some boxes then said, "Lead the way." We made our way across the street to the residence hall Sam and I were staying in. We waited for the elevator to take us up to the second floor and dropped the boxes off in each of our dorms. We thanked Balthazar when we finished and he gave both of us his number.

"Call me if you boys have any questions or need someone to show you around," he said. He winked at me then jogged away.

"Hmm? You've been here two hours and you already have a lover." Sam smirked and Bobby chuckled. 

"Shut up, Bitch." I said, my face turning a light shade of pink.

"Jerk." Sam retorted.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but I have to get back to the shop. Since freshmen can't have cars," he said holding out his hand. I groaned and gave him the keys out of my pocket.

"Scratch her, you die," I threatened.

"Okay Deanie," he said messing up my hair. "Whatever you say." He said as we made our way down the stairs to the car. 

"HEY!!" I tried to fight him but he was already nearing the car. He hopped in the driver's seat and locked the door. He sped away from the college, waving out the window. 

"BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL!! TEN AND TWO! TEN! AND! TWO!" I shouted after him. Sam laughed and I punched his arm.

"Let's go get some coffee." He said walking across the street to a small diner. 
