Chapter 1

"Miss?" You feel a throbbing pain in your head, and it hurts to open your eyes. You can't exactly move and your lips feel cracked and dry. Where the hell am I? And how did I get here? The man shakes you and you try really hard to say something.

"Unhh?" you manage to say. Wow, just great. You barely manage to open your eyes, but the light is too strong. You close your eyelids until they're barely open, and wait for your eyes to adjust. You open them a bit more and wait for your eyes to adjust again. You repeat this motion about 5 times, and soon your eyes are fully open. You feel overwhelmed when you see a huge mass of people staring down at you, and you are guessing they were watching you do your little eye thing, waiting patiently. You study each person's face as they blab on and on to you, trying to find someone you recognize. You don't recognize anyone. 

"W-where am I?" you finally say when everyone's dispersed. You take the time to look around the room. It's a small one, lightly furnished with white decor. There are a few chairs pulled up beside your bed, and a small boxy window on your right. On your left is a dim floor lamp and a table covered in flowers. 

"Miss, we're in the hospital." The man on your right, who you assume is your doctor, speaks, and you look back at the flowers.

"Wh-what happened to me?" you stutter, unable to recall anything before waking up. It kind of felt like you were being born... again. The doctor looks at his clipboard before looking back at you with kind eyes.

"Miss, you were found in the ocean with a huge concussion and your head bleeding." You are now really confused. Why was I in the ocean? Was I swimming?  You suddenly feel sad for yourself. You look back at the flowers once more.

"May I- may I look at them?" you ask, pointing at the bright arrange of flowers. The doctor walks around the bed and pushes the table to you, revealing that it isn't a table but a cart. You pick a bouquet off the top and read the card.

To: y/n
From: Lindsay
Get better soon, and I know these are your favourite since you used to run around in kindergarten looking for them. 

You lifted them up and smelled them, and it made you feel a sense of peace and calmness. I guess they really are my favourite. You then notice how awkward it is when you're sniffing flowers while the doctor has to stand there staring. You wave him off and he gladly leaves, and you return to your pile of flowers. You pick off one from the side, shaking off the others, but some fall off. It is a bouquet of daisies. Eh, never really liked them anyway. You look at the flowers you have in your hand. It is a bouquet of tulips. You smile at it, admiring how pretty it is when the door opens. You look up in shock, dropping the bouquet. 

"No, it's okay, I didn't call a docto-" Your words trail off as you look up at the man who enters the room.

"Uh.... who are you?" you say as the man comes closer. You are scared but also feel oddly comfortable in his presence. As he sits down in a chair beside your bed, you get a closer look at his features. He had chestnut brown hair, the prettiest mossy green eyes, and light stubble. He had a moderately muscular build and a hell of a smile. 

"I'm Dean Winchester, nice to meet you." He holds out his hand and you reluctantly shake it.

"Uhh do I know you? A-and why are you here?" you ask, and for a moment, he looks just as confused as you.

"You're y/n y/l/n, right?" he asks and you nod. Ahh, the old answering a question with a question trick! You look closely at him, trying to reach into your mind and see if you have ANY memories or recollection of him. He opens his mouth to speak with a smile, rubbing his pants.

"Well, to tell ya the truth, I have NO idea why I'm here either." he says jokingly, and gives you a hearty smile. It makes you smile too, and you even giggle a bit. Whoever this Dean guy was, you liked him. He seemed like he was easy to get along with. The doctor comes in, and lets you know you can be discharged. Since you have no recollection of anything that happened before and you really don't know anyone, you trust Dean and follow him out. 

"Uh if you don't know me then why are you here?" you ask him on the way out. He furrows his brows in thought and looks at you.

"I don't know why, but I was on your emergency contacts list." he says, and you look at him closer. Did I know this guy? I must have trusted him a heap if he was my emergency contact. Soon, you are stopped in front of the most beautiful car you've ever seen. You open your mouth in shock as he chuckles at your reaction. You place your hand on the hood and marvel at how pretty it was.

"Like my baby?" he asks and you laugh.

"You call your car baby?!?!" you ask and you both laugh. He must seriously love this car! He gets in, but you stay on the outside. When he sees you're not moving, he sticks his head out. 

"Hey, you gettin' in?" he shouts, and you think.

"Well, I actually don't have anywhere to go, because I can't remember where-" you start, but he just shakes his head.

"Come on, you can stay with us for a bit until we can find your parents!" You reluctantly shuffle over to the passenger side and open the door. Can I really trust this man? What if he's a psycho or is trying to kidnap me? At the thought, you take your foot back out, but then think. If he was my emergency contact, I must've been real close with him and trusted him with my life. Let's just stick with him for now, and if he turns out to have mental issues, I can always run. You take a deep breath before sitting down inside and closing the door. Whoever this man is, I hope he doesn't kill me.
