Chapter Thirty-Two: Fix You

None of the three seemed to notice my appearance so I ducked out of the room and pressed myself against the wall next to the doorway.

Curiosity killed the cat.

"So, Drew, what do you think of our daughter," I heard my father slowly say.

"She's great, sir. She's kind, genuine, smart and whatnot?"

"That sounds like Celeste," my mother beamed, pride practically dripping from her voice, "But that's not what we're after."

There was a pause for a moment; maybe Drew was waiting for my parents to say what answer they wanted.

"What do you feel about her?"

I slowly tapped my fingers on the wall as I waited for the answer myself. I knew Drew was thinking slowly and hard, he was choosing his words carefully inside his head.

"I like her," he started, "A lot."

My lips tugged upward at this, Drew never actually straight out said that he liked me. It was always the kisses or the sweet gestures that makes me aware of what he's feeling. A gleam of happiness illuminated inside of me to find out he gained the courage to say it right in front of my parents.

"She's somebody I'm not, yet we're also the same," he further stated, "Her eyes shine with this determination that makes her unstoppable, she'll light up if she saw something she likes, her laugh is contagious and you'll soon find yourself joining in her joy."

"Drew," my mom halted his sweet words, "Are you sure you want to be thrown into our world?"

My breathing hitched as I depended on the wall to support my weight. What are they going to tell him?

"What do you mean?" he asked, as clueless as I was.

"I bet you can clearly see what has happened to your father," my father spoke, mentioning something so taboo.

"The business world is messy, Celeste will soon be in this world once she got her degree," mom explained, "I don't want my daughter to be caught into some simple infatuation that will make her lose her focus."

What the?

"You must know well that she can't and will not be played. You should be dedicated to Celeste, the whole Graham's company will be nestling on the future heir," my dad's voice was authorities, leaving no room for arguments.

I was actually itching to finally pop out of my spot and make them stop discussing whatever they are talking about but before I even placed my foot forward, Drew calmly spoke.

"I get it that your daughter has been drawn for her since the day she was born. Your lives are messy and full of scandals but I think my family isn't perfect either."

Adjusting my position carefully, I peeked through the doorway at a specific angle so they wouldn't be able to see me.

"I care about your daughter. I know that she has accepted me for who I am, even with my - excuse me for my language - shitty life," he told them, "And I'm willing to stay by her side even with the dirty business that money brings."

My parents looked thoughtful for awhile; Drew still sat there with his stoic expression, waiting for their reaction.

Not to brag or anything but, that's my man.

"You really like her, don't you?" mom smiled.

"Very much," Drew nodded.

My father stood up from his seat and moved around the table to Drew's side. My eyes were trained on his body the whole time, preparing to enter the room at any moment.

He stuck out a hand and Drew cautiously gripped it. Dad moved their link hands up and down in a handshake.

"I see that Celeste made the right choice."

I pressed a hand on my mouth to keep myself from screaming in relief. I sunk down on the floor as I can't even contain the grin that was etched on my face.

I heard them exchange a few words but I blocked their voices out. I pressed my head on the wall and smiled. The most hard to please couple approved of Drew Everett.

"Thank you, sir," Drew thanked with professionalism though you can't miss his glee and relief.

"Take care of, Celeste. We failed to give her something you can," mom said.

My eyes widened as I knew what they were talking about. Now I knew that they weren't ignorant of me. Now I know that they admit their own faults.

"I'll do my best."

I finally pushed myself up just as when Drew walked out. I didn't even give him a second to realize I was there when I lunged at him and gave him a big hug.

"You're amazing!" I squealed.

He was surprised for a moment before he finally wrapped his arms around me and returned the gesture.

"Next time, instead of eavesdropping, just go inside," he mused.

"You knew I was here?"

"Please," he scoffed, "I could hear your muffled screams and the fact you were hitting the opposite wall didn't help."

I looked down at my feet shamefully while muttering, "Sorry."

He chuckled at this and slowly patted my head like I was a child, "You're still adorable."

He should really stop making me blush. My ears turned hot as I didn't even dare to look at his eyes.

"I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright," I replied.

When he left, I entered the dining room where both of my parents got their arms crossed over their chests.

"Hey," I greeted sheepishly.

"Celeste," they gave me a warning look and I knew I was in for a lengthy lecture.




"I'm nervous," Annabelle voiced out as Lillian clipped her hair to the side.

"You're gorgeous and Mark will drop dead when he sees you," I reassured.

"What did Mark say anyways?" Jessica asked Lillian who arranged the whole date.

"He wasn't really into it but I had Charlie force him to do so," she answered as if it was totally normal to push a guy into a date with a total stranger, "And I made sure that he dressed decently."

The doorbell sounded around Lillian's house. I perked up and placed down the blush I used on Annabelle, "I'll get it."

Lillian nodded as she was still busy fixing Annabelle's hair. I got out of her room and climbed down the stairs. Thankfully, Lillian's parents were away on a business dinner so we had the whole house to ourselves.

I opened the door and there stood Mark who was uncomfortably tugging at the collar of his dress shirt.

Good job, Charlie.

"Hey Mark," I greeted, stepping to the side to let him in.

"Hi," he smiled though I could see that he was feeling a tad awkward.

"Are you excited?" exactly, the three of us are more excited on how this date will come out more than the actual couple who was going on it.

"I guess," he uneasily shrugged.

"You stay here, I'll get Annabelle," I said, rushing upstairs to see what was taking them so long.

"She's having some problems," Jessica sighed as she eyed our hyperventilating friend.

"He'll just cheat on me like he did," she cried, she didn't even mention the name of her ex.

"No he won't" I assured, placing my hands in hers as I hoisted her up from her chair and pulled her to the door.

Her high heeled shoe dug into the carpet in Lillian's room as she attempted to make a step forward.

"No!" she held her ground, her eyes widening as we carefully approached the door. I pulled on one hand and Jessica on the other. Lillian was carefully pushing her shoulders, guiding her outside the safety of her room.

"Annabelle, I'm your best friend and I love you with all my heart," I said, "I will never make you do something that will hurt you."


"Mark is a nice guy," Lillian continued for me, finally pushing her outside of the room, "He won't do anything bad to you. Just give it half an hour and then call us if everything is going in disaster."

Annabelle's eyes trained from each girl before finally sighing in defeat, "Alright."

"That's the strong girl we know," Jessica grinned as we lead her downstairs.

We piled into the line and I was at front. Just before the stairs went down, I suddenly stopped and giggled at the scene.

"Hello," Mark coughed before clearing his throat, "Hi."

He was talking to the potted plant and I found it quite cute that he was practicing his introduction.

"I'm Mark, you already know that," he went on before a look of realization washed his face, "No, that would make me sound arrogant."

"See," Lillian whispered, pointing at Mark, "Do you think that boy will hurt you?"

The three of us cleared Annabelle's path to allow her to go down the stairs.

"Hi," she muttered shyly, it was soft-spoken yet it was loud enough for him to hear.

He spun around so quickly that he knocked over the plant he was practicing with. The plot went down to the hard wood floor and the sound of ceramic shattering sounded around the room.

"I'll just buy a new one," Lillian shrugged, eyeing the broken vase, "Now go on, kids!"

She pushed the couple out of the door and smiled, "Bye, have fun."

She slammed the door behind her and leaned against it, "Get the glue, that's my mom's prized vase."




"This year's prom is a masquerade," I announced to the student council in front of me. They were seated at the long table as I stood at the head with a folder clutched in my hand.

Much to my reluctance, Claire Roberts was the head of the even committee so she was standing smugly at my side.

"Understood?" I asked and I received simultaneous yeses.

I nodded in satisfaction and dismissed the council. I turned to Claire and gave her a hard look, "I expect the reports by the end of the week."

"Yes, president," she sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag from the chair beside me, "Goodbye."

I didn't wait for her reply before I go outside of the room. Drew was leaning against the lockers with a bored expression on his face, "Ready to go?"

We took his motorcycle to the hospital where Ariel was in. Today was the last night she was staying her and tomorrow, she was finally given the approval to go home.

Though I have yet to mention to Drew that I paid her bill.

"Hi Ariel," I smiled at the woman who was already sitting on her bed, munching on the food given to her by the hospital.

"Hello Celeste," she acknowledged, muting the open television, "I can't wait to get out of this place," she whined like a teenager.

"You keep my mom company, I'll go see the situation about the payment," Drew said.

I was about to say anything but he cut me off but kissing my cheek which effectively clamped my mouth shut.

I can't believe he just did that in front of his mother.

When he was out, I slowly turned to Ariel who was sporting a knowing smirk.

"Seems like my son finally grew a pair."

"Ariel!" I screamed in embarrassment.

She fell into laughter at my redden face. She patted the spot next to her on the bed and I carefully sat there.

"I'm really proud of my son," she sighed contentedly, "Getting a girl like you."

"I'm the one who should be lucky," I mumbled.

"That's when you know love exist. When each find themselves lucky with the other one."

Hold up, pause, rewind. Did she just say love?

"I think it's too early to say we're in love."

"But it's in your eyes," she smiled softly. She leaned over and kissed the crown of my head, "Take care of Drew, alright?"

Weird, both of our parents told us to take care of each other.

"I will."

The door swung open to see an exhausted Drew who looked like he ran a whole flight of stairs.

"Celeste," he growled lowly, "You paid the bill?!"

Oh right, the bill. I forgot about that.




"Drew, I don't see the big deal here," I sighed as I got dizzy watching him pace back and forth.

"I'm in debt to a Graham!" he groaned as if it was the worst thing in the world.

"No, your girlfriend did you a favor which you will eventually pay back," I tried to calm him down.

"How will I do that?" he yelled, "I'm pretty sure One-Eighty Degrees didn't make me a goddamn millionaire!"

"The bill didn't cost a million," I deserve an applause for being calm when it was usually Drew who kept his cool in this relationship, "Just a few thousands."

"Thousands!" he even emphasized his point by waving his arms around, "That the amount I earn in a year."

"Then I'll wait for you to pay me then."


Being fed up, I shot from my seat and placed my hands on either side of his face before crashing his lips onto mine. His hands instinctively found their way onto my waist as my hands traveled down to his shirt where I fisted it into my hands. His tongue licked the seams of my lips, asking for entrance.


I hesitated but I then surrendered and open my mouth, giving him complete dominance.

When oxygen became a problem, we both pulled. We panted deeply as we started into each other.

"I'll fix it," I whispered softly and he leaned his forehead against mine.

 "I'll fix you," he replied with the same sincerity as mine. It was awfully sweet but the question was, what about me was he going to fix?


Let's just say that I deserve an applause because I wrote this chapter in an hour. I was literally typing at rapid speed because I had to visit my grandma and I don't know when I was going back so excuse for the mistakes.

By the way, A MILLION READS! Somebody hold me, I'm going to faint. Also, a thousand followers so to commemorate this wonderful occassion, I dedicate this to Sarcastic_Queen who has been my first follower and the first person to ever comment on this story.

Question: If I ever make a spin-off (no promises) which couple do you want it to feature? JessicaxBlake, LillianxCharlie, AnnabellexMark? And the infamous question, why?

Buh-bye guys, my mom's already yelling at me to get off of the computer. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow. Love you, guys and thank you once again.
