Jungkook POV

Saeyeon slipped out of my grasp swiftly and hit me hard on my chest. Ok that did hurt. Well, I guess it's angel strength?

"You idiot! How can you run off like that? I though yoy went to talk to Sugar and Jimin?"

"Yah. Saeyeon, I told you already. I ain't sugar. I'm swag. It's Suga for f**ks sake." Suga Hyung face palmed.

"Yah! No swearing in front of Saeyeon. At least not such foul words." Taehyung growled. Oh someone's jealous...

Saeyeon smiled at Taehyung. "It's ok Tae. I've heard worse."

Jimin Hyung spoke up, his hands in his pockets coolly. "Yeah? Like what? P***y? C**t? D*ck? W**-"

"Aish... heard all of those liao." Saeyeon gave a meh face to Jimin (Hyung:)) as she crossed her arms at him.

"Wow. How much more innocent can you get, Hun?" I asked her.

"Lol. I'm not as innocent as you think, demon." she shot back playfully with a smile.

Then, I remembered what I had to do.
"Well, it's late and we need to go. Bye! Good night, Hun!" I waved and started walking away as I blew a kiss to Saeyeon.

She blushed and flew off with a Taehyung who glared at me for a few seconds, only to receive my signature smirk before flying off.

I then turned back to my hyungs and stared explaining.

I was sitting on the white bed lazing around until Feathers came back in and started talking to me about Saeyeon.

"So, Jungkook. I know you have an attraction to Saeyeon. Well, like you do to very pretty girl..."
I smirked.

"Happy you know that."

"It's obvious, Jungkook. You are a demon. Anyway, we need you to do something. Not just for Heaven and the angels, but for the whole world. Including Hell."

I raised my eyebrow.

"So, now Heaven needs a demon's help? Tsk. Talk about controversial man." I shook my head at Feathers.
I knew that most angels are stuck up pricks who hate demons but didn't think they'd be doing something so um. Shit I forgot the damn word. Never mind.
I rested my head with my left hand and leaned my elbow on my left knee. "So what is it you want anyway? Save the world? Tsk. That's what angels do, plus I wouldn't do it."

"What if another angel-demon war broke out and destroyed the whole world? Would you sit back in Hell and be like I knew it would happen? Would you really just sit there and do absolutely nothing to make situations better for us all?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Stuck up pricks you all are. Aish... It's the angels who're all paranoid about Hell rebelling and wanting to take Earth. But bitch please, have respect for what some of us do, ok? Yeah sure we roam around Earth and do our shit, but does that give you the total right to kill off my kind? Angels think that they're the purest things in the world just cos they're the kids of God. Please gosh, don't make me barf. Lucifer my dad, is God's bro so have something called chill and stop your incessant thoughts."

I breathed in sharply. I had finally blurted out everything I thought was f**king wrong with angels. Legit, at least 50 of my kin were killed just for going around Earth by angels. And suddenly they're playing all sweet. Jesus, help your legit kids please.

Feathers just smiled, as if he was totally unfazed by my dissing towards angels.

"Look, I know it's hard for you to believe me, but if you want Saeyeon, I'm being legit here. You will have to help us." He said as he walked closer to me.

I gave up. Well, if I screw up it's not exactly my fault right?

"Ok fine. What's in it for me?"

Feathers smiled and replied, "We just need you to get Saeyeon to fall in love with you, or basically just get together. That way we can show that the two of your relationships can be good for Hell and Heaven and save another Heaven vs Hell war. Yes there are many paranoid angels here but to be honest, I believe you when you said that demons don't care. So, deal?"

I smirked. "If I get some love from my dear Saeyeon, then of course."

Feathers smiled back and said, "We'll let you out soon enough we get your original clothes. Oh and if Taehyung interferes, just you now try to sort things out. God doesn't want to have a demon and angel fighting over Saeyeon. so don't hurt him too much. Ok?"

"Ok then, Hurry up and give me my clothes. This white is making me sick man."

Flashback end.

I breathed in a large breath. That was long.
"So, all you need to do is make Saeyeon love you back right?" Suga asked.

I nodded my head.

"Cheyyyyyy. Easy sia. But do you really have feelings for her?"

"Well, Hyung. Na mworeu gesseoyo (idk). It's kind of mixed but I won't deny that she's cute and hot."

Jimin hyung smiled at me slyly and was about to say something when Suga hyung cut in.

"No Jimin. He's not having sex with her until they actually fall in love. Ok?" Suga hyung face palmed.

"Awww, come on Kookie. Just take away her virginity already." Jimin pouted.

"How did you know she's still a virgin?" I asked.
Jimin hyung shrugged.

"From experience of laying girls and demons."

"Oh freak. Anyway all you have to do is make Saeyeon fall in love with you, right?" Suga hyung turned back to me.

I nodded.

"Great. Now let's get the f**k back. I'm sleepy." Suga hyung yawned.

Then, we all walked back happily.

Oh Saeyeon... what a fun time we'll have for the next few days. I smirked to myself.

But I do love you. Just let us love each other.
