His Eye and Her Nightmares

Doll's prov.
'I wonder, does he still have a contract with Sebastian? I mean he still wheres his cute pirate eye-patch, so did something else happen? I haven't seen Black anywhere.'
I had just woken up to those thoughts, I knew that it was still too early for Smile to be up, so I just laid there, staring at the ceiling of the tent, waiting for him to wake up.
About an hour later I heard him start to wake up. When he sat up I looked down, remembering the scar I saw on his side in my past life. 'Does he still have it?'
"Mornin' Ciel" I finally said.
"Morning Dollface" he said staring, causing me to blush.
"What did you just call me"
"Nothing" he said blushing when he realized what he just called me.
After we had run off and had breakfast and had done our training, we went back to our tent again. The thoughts from this morning where bothering me a lot.
"What happened to your other eye?" I asked instantly covering my mouth.
"..." he just stared at me.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I was wondering if you still had your contract with Sebastian or if something else happened..."
"It's fine, and no I do not have a contract with him anymore, although he did save me from the place I was tortured, slightly after they stabbed me in the right eye. He killed everyone and sparred the children. He also refused to make a contract with me."
"Why would he do that?"
"He said he wanted me to live my life this time"
We stayed quiet for quite a while after that.
'Oh my God, that is worse than I thought, I feel horrible. How did he live through so much pain? What did Sebastian mean by 'this time'?'
I had thoughts like these until it was time for the last show.
It was time for our last show. Which meant we where leaving my old home, if I could even call it that, tomorrow.
This also meant I was to do my extra special performance tonight.
(A/N, sorry for not explaining what she did, if you want to know just tell me and I might add it in)
After my death defying tightrope act, I went to my tent. I had to get out of my outfit before eating, I wanted to be more comfortable.
When I got there Ciel was all ready there, he had gotten my food for me, and he got the amount I always get.
"Ey Smile, thanks fer getting me food, the right e'mount too"
"You going back to your old speech?"
"nah, just feels good to talk like that sometimes, my best times where with the circus, some of my worst where there too" I said.
"It's always nice to have a few pieces of your past with you, like I still have my ring" he said and showed me his ring, that he wore on his thumb, and I smiled.
"I love your smile" he said quietly to himself, but I still heard.
"What?" I said blushing slightly.
"Umm, nothing" he said, blushing with embarrassment
"Okay" I laughed, I guess he didn't want me to hear that.
When we got into our tent, we started packing the stuff we unpacked from our suitcases.
"We 'ave a long day ahead o've us Smile" the old way I speak comes and goes, not sure why, I don't mind though.
"Yeah, I can't wait" he said sarcastically.
"Yeah, but think about it, we finally get to leave this town" I said while flopping backwards onto my bed.
"I suppose your right" he started, "can't wait till we leave this miserable town."
"Yeah..." I said slipping into dream-filled sleep.

Ciel's prov.
shortly after our conversation, I noticed Doll was fast asleep.
'She is adorable when she is sleeping.  I can't be thinking things like that, I've already said two things that hint at me liking her. At least I can have moments like these. She looks like an angel.'
I turned away. I needed to stop thinking like that. She's going to find out and then she will leave. I can't let that happen.
Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by a slight crying. I swung around to look at Doll. I saw tears streaming down the side of her face, she was still sleeping though. I heard her mumbling things.
"..I can't..."
"..I'm sorry..."
"..please forgive me..." that hit me.
'What's going on? Is she okay?'
Then she started thrashing around.
She was half screaming have whispering.
I ran up to her, I tried to shake her awake from the floor, but I was too short and couldn't get her to wake up.
I quickly climbed the ladder. When I was at the top I pulled Doll into my arms, holding her tight and trying to wake her up.
"Doll...you need to get up...DOLL!!!"
Suddenly her eyes darted open and she jumped. When she saw me she jumped into my arms and started bawling.
I held her tight and reassured her that everything was okay.
"No it's not" she said still crying
"I killed people, Smile" she said emphasizing 'killed' and 'people', "they where trying to help and I killed them, we all did"
"that's was in our past life, we can't let that bother us anymore, okay Doll?"
"That won't help my nightmares, they attack me from the inside."
"I'll protect you, my old love" I murmured the last part to where she couldn't hear.
"Thank you" she said, passing out in my arms.
I laid down and covered us up with the blanket, and soon I too was asleep.
'I will protect you, from any and everything, until death do us part. I will never let you die, or be afraid. At least not alone. I will always be here for you and only you.'
