Family thoughts

Month: April

"Good morning!" Rocky said, holding Alyson's hand and coming out of their hotel room into the main living area. "Oh, morning love birds. Get any sleep last night?" Riker smirked to the floor at his comment. "Haha. Very funny." Rocky said, sitting on the couch and Alyson leaned up against him. Rydel sipped her coffee, "We have 30 minutes to get ready until our next radio show." Rocky nodded, "Okay. You wanna wait here or come with us?" He put his chin on Alyson's shoulder. She smiled, "Sure. I think I'll go with you guys actually. Come get ready with me please?" She hopped up, pulling him up with her and dragged her back into their room while everyone else started getting ready.

"Is everything okay, Rock?" She turned to face him. He sat on the bathroom counter, dressed and ready while she did her make up. "Yeah, babe sure." He looked down. "What is it?" She looked at him sympathetically, putting her hands on his knees. She leaned in between his legs and kissed his nose. "I just don't know if them knowing we slept together was the best thing. I shouldn't have mentioned it." She smiled softly, pressing her forehead against his. "Baby, we are adults in a mature relationship and we can do as we please. They were gonna find out soon enough, right? And who cares. It's our relationship."

She went back to doing her makeup and he watched her. "While we're on the subject of sleeping together, I thought it was pretty great." She laughed for a second, "It was pretty great." He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "Let's go?" He extended his hand. "Let's." She took it and they walked out together.

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Jay, the radio host and this is my partner Grace." They all shook everyone's hands while Alyson hung in the back with Stormie, Mark, and Ryland. The interview started and they were asked routine questions. Rocky was facing to look straight at Alyson, he made faces at her and she would laugh. Finally the hosts turned to look at her. "Who is this pretty lady you keep making faces with Rocky??" The male most said, making him blush. "That's actually Alyson, my girlfriend." He smiled at her, winking. Everyone smiled, "Awwww" The female host spoke up, "How is it going with her Rocky?" He looked at Alyson for approval, who smiled, "Perfect." She blew him a kiss. 'I love you!' She mouthed to him. He said it back out loud, into the microphone, "I love you too!" They all awed again and the hosts concluded the interview.

"Last day in New York!" Rydel sang, skipping down the street on their way to lunch. Alyson joined her in skipping, letting Rocky slip back to talk to the boys. "Ah, she's great dude." Ratliff patted his back once and he smiled. "Thanks guys. I'm really glad you all like her. I love her. There's no doubt about it, I'm head over heels in love with that girl. And I don't just say that." Ross smiled, "I know you don't man, that's why this is so weird. You're all in love and stuff" Rocky smiled to the ground. "I really am."


"Hey babe!" I said, pulling Alyson on top of me on the couch. "Yes love?" She smiled, turning to face me. I pulled her face into mine and smiled, kissing her hard and she giggled, but kept kissing. I heard the key card turn in the room door and I stopped kissing her, "We're back with takeout!" Rydel shouted, coming in with Ratliff. The others had gone to see New York City lights at night. She distributed food and sat on a love seat with Ratliff, I still wasn't sure if they were a thing. If they were it had to be a secret. They weren't doing that great of a job, but everything was normal, so it didn't change our dynamic.

I grabbed a blanket and pulled it over Alyson and I. She seemed tired, but very flirty and outgoing tonight. Half way through the movie she shifted over to rest her head on my shoulder and started kissing my neck and shoulder. I whispered for her to stop, it was turning me on and not now. Not in front of Ratliff and my sister, who weren't far from being on top of each other either. Alyson giggled, intertwining her fingers with mine and resting her other hand on my upper thigh. "Babe, really?" I whispered to her, moving her hand to her leg.

She nodded into my chest, "Really. " putting her hand back on my leg and smiling. The movie continued to play and she started to fall asleep. 'Um no.' I thought myself, 'She's not just gonna tease me then fall asleep.' I kissed her cheek and she woke up slightly, "Is it over?" I whispered in her ear, "No." I kissed her ear and down her neck and she laughed softly, making Rydel look up at us. "This isn't even a funny movie, what are you two doing?!" We laughed loudly. "Just messing around," I said, smiling at her.

The movie ended and the others came back to the room. Alyson and I were the first ones to go to our room. She fell asleep shortly after our fun and I got up to take a shower. "Do you think they're...." My mom said to someone. I listened to the door. "I think he really loves her y'all." Riker said that. "He's almost 20. And she just turned 19 in December." My dad said. Ross cleared his throat, "If they're in love, then age shouldn't matter. I think he's really in love with her and I'm sure she is too." I smiled to the door. "They've been together 5 months though... They just said I love you..." My mom sighed happily. "They just had sex..." Ryland said under his breath. "Ry!" It sounded like Ross or Riker said that. But one of them pushed him.

It seemed like my parents ignored that comment and kept going. Rydel mumbled something I couldn't understand. Ratliff agreed with her though. "I don't think there's room to speculate that yet, Rydel. Give it some more time before we say we hear wedding bells. They're young." My heart skipped a beat, 'Rydel thinks we could get married? Ratliff agrees?' I turned to look at Alyson, fast asleep with her hair all a mess, but she was as beautiful as ever. "I think they could." Ross said. "They'd have gorgeous kids." Rydel said, laughing.

I smiled at her comment. I'd never thought about getting married, having kids with any of my girlfriends before. I started the shower water and sat down on the bed for a minute, she slept peacefully. 'I could see it.' I thought to myself. Not right now, but if things keep going like they're going. I could see it. I could definitely see it.
