Her rescue mission

The Rathores and Rajputs joined forces and worked collectively to save the youngest princess of Jodhpur. Diksha showed a rigid attitude, but deep inside, she was broken. Not only did the Khuranas abduct her, but provided a warning that ended that day. 

Vivaan also offered to join to help and was almost denied. But on insisting of Pooja, he was also a part of the team. 

"So while Rajveendra and his team enter the venue for the meeting. Vivaan, along with me and my team, will attack his manor. If possible, our IT team will try to fit jammers there so communication can't be possible, and we will get plenty of time to save Vaishnavi and destroy his manor."

Aditya explained the plan to the people present there. Everyone except Vivaan nodded. After a few minutes, when all were done giving a few advice, he questioned.

"Why destroy his manor, though?" Another reason for letting him in the plan was that he was the future heir of the Rajputana and the company, so he needed to know what to do if this sort of situation would arrive.

"Just to distract his attention from her, even if only for a moment. Of course, his men would do everything within their authority to inform him of the circumstances. We need to buy some time." Rajveendra explained as he saw the expression of his son, which stayed neutral. 

"Wouldn't that be illegal?" he questioned again, and this time, a voice from out of the blue came. No one was seen speaking, but still, the voice came.

"It wouldn't be because the police are also involved." Aditya pushed the phone, which was hidden behind him all the time, forward. Vivaan understood that the person ahead of him was not to be underestimated. He nodded, and then the teams separated to clear their plans.

Meanwhile, the ladies were not quiet enough to let the matter slide without their interference. They had collected enough data to get the idea that Mrs. Khuranna was not someone who interfered in business or anything. But she was rather fond of parties.

Assuming the fact, they held a small party for elite women in two hours. Even though some females turned down the offer due to the shortage of time, there were also the ones who were finding ways to attract other men who were quite famous and good-looking. 

Of course, Mrs. Khurana accepted the invite, not to attract men or to show off. She wanted to get out of her cage-like house and meet new people. Her liking for parties, not to miss, was also the reason.

Everything was set to rescue the young lady, but the only problem was her exact location. That was yet to be known.

*Vivaan's POV*

All set to execute the plan, she must be waiting for us. We are seated in the car on the way to Khurana Mansion. I was still confused about how they agreed to meet Dad in such a short time. And his wife, of course, was also a suspect to know her whereabouts. 

The person added to my list was their son, Naitik. He was just as evident suspect, but I think more than that. He always flaunted, knowing almost everything his father did or wanted to do. Then, he might as well know about this matter. This was the time to put it to the test.

Over this short period, I learned that even though her clumsiness knew no bounds, she was hardworking and an incredible person. Though her siblings didn't know about her situation but they weren't like those bitch people. 

Even when she was away, they didn't bad-mouthe about her. Talking to them made me realise she was just like her father, not to be underestimated. 

"Everyone remember there is no space for mistakes. If one did, they would be punished according to that." Uncle Aditya's voice was that of a captain commanding his subordinates to do what they were told. Of course, there was no space for mistakes. It could cost us a lot.

"Aye, aye, sir!" Everyone, including me, responded as the vehicle approached the entry of the manor. 

Surprisingly, there was no security. We passed through. The plan to enter the building was achieved and more than manageable. And my gut feeling told me that it was not something that could result in pleasing circumstances. 

They wouldn't leave their house unprotected, would they? Just then, there was a howl, a loud howl. Like some wolf would do. I saw a few men stepping back in fear. 

I opened the door from which the howl was coming. A wolf stood there on the wooden table. Were they letting a wolf roam in the open when they had kidnapped someone? Wait! Why is a wolf even here?

The wolf jumped on one of our men and tore apart his hand. The man screamed in agony. Everyone was busy shooing the wolf away as if they could. I felt the chill when the creature looked at me.

But soon after, it attacked the other man. I nodded to Uncle Aditya and escaped the place to look for Vaishnavi. I wanted this to be over as soon as possible.

I went further from the living area, but something was off guard. All the doors were chocolate brown, so why was there a pink door in the far corner? Who lived there, Barbie?

I went there and opened the door. Some stairs led down towards the basement. They are fool enough to let someone observe that. 

I went inside, and there were numerous passages to go in. Where should I go in first?

"Vaishnavi," I said loud enough to let it echo. I know the wolf can hear me. But what should I do?

"Ahhhh!" I heard someone scream. It was a girl's scream.

But where to go? It echos. I concentrated and took the fourth one out of the five passages. It was surprisingly bright enough for me to see.

At the end of the passage, there was only one door. I opened that, and I was correct. She was there.

But she was hanging through her hands bound in ropes stuck to the hook in the ceiling. Her eyes barely opened, and she looked up. She shook her head furiously, attempting to say something, but the tape around her mouth muffled everything.

"Gotcha!" I heard Naitik say behind me. He knew. The next moment, I got a kick on my back.

"There's a wolf in the house," I said. He began to laugh and replied, "No, there's not."

He stood before her, touching her face and removing the tape. I stood up and punched him. "How dare you touch her?" The question automatically left my mouth.

Naitik came and punched me. There were blood streaks on her back, which drew my attention. I looked at her, she smiled. But her expression changed in a second before I could comprehend it.

"Focus Vivaan!" He yelled. 

Naitik kicked me in the chest. I fell back. I heard Vaishnavi groan before she kicked him, and he misstepped. I got up and put the gun on his head. I knocked him out and went towards Vaishnavi.

All this while we didn't share a word. I cut the rope and let her fall in my arms. She winced every time I cut the twine around her wrists. 

"Can you stay awake?" I asked her as she tried to nod her head but fainted. Her head fell on my chest. I didn't know, but some weird feeling was erupting in me.

"Vaishnavi found. I repeat, Vaishanvi found." I said on the intercom and heard, "Roger that," by every person, I believe.

I snaked one arm around her waist and scooped the other under her knees. Picking her up, I went towards where everyone was. I felt a tickle from the side of my mouth. I got a cut, I assume.
