Inside the dungeon, I found myself alone. Well, not completely alone - in the streets of the place I grew up stood a man much taller than I was, with a smile too good to be true. It's like I'd gone back in time.
"What is this? An illusion? I watched you die..."
"I am a creation of your mind, Jahanara." He spoke, and even though I'd forgotten what his voice sounded like I knew it was his.
I followed him as he lead me around the streets of my home town, telling me about all that he wished for me - though he used my mothers words that I had heard her speak to me before. Eventually, though, the bliss of just catching up with my father had to end, with a sudden stop infront of my old home - my fathers death bed.
"Why don't you come home Jahanara? Isn't that what you truly want? To just go home, and live a life of sweet leisure, where you can dance and laugh with your friends, and that dear boy Aladdin you love like your own?"
"No-" I winced, feeling my arm burn with a deep cut, I had lied and I knew it.
"It's not just that. There's so many things that prevent me from doing so..."
I clenched my teeth, it hurt when I felt another attack to my leg, but I had to prevail,
"God! Of course I want to live a simple life! Of course I want to just go home and beg for Aladdin's and Sinbad's forgiveness, but I can't! I found someone I loved. And, together, we're going to defeat the evils that have hurt so many people and then I can live that leisure life I wanted - with the one I want to live it with!"
I gripped onto my staff, pointing it to my father,
"I love you, father, but I know what I must do! I decided long ago that I would write my own destiny! I may want to go back to that life I briefly had, but I don't want it more than I want what I'm striving for right now!"
I stepped forward, annoyed as my father continued to try and purswade me, but it was like he was reciting things I've already considered, already thought about and cast aside when I came to my own conclusions.
"Shut up! I've forgiven enough people, I've done enough good things and I don't feel any regret for what I'm doing now! Sure Aladdin and Sinbad might grow to hate me - but I don't care anymore! My cause is greater than that! My anger and passion will not cease just by the fiviolous words of a dead man! I am Jahanara Mattu, and I will aid Hakuryuu in the defeat of the organization and all it's subordinates that it controls! We will take back the Kou Empire, and save the future!"
I cast a beam of light into the illusion, it dispersed and I used my magic to break through all of it, casting every vision aside to get back to Judar.
"Even if everyone turns against me, I will not give in! We will build this world a-new!"

"You fell into depravity! You are a black-kings vessel, I will not allow you to take my vessel!" Belial spoke, emerging as the illusions dispersed.
"Too bad, we're taking it from you." Judar mused, revealing his third eye magic to take what he came for.
As we reached the exit of the dungeon, Judar took my hand in his, smiling to me before turning to his partner, "Hakuryuu! It's boring fighting alone. I will make you into a king!"
"It's not like I want to be king, or anything. We will kill that woman first." Hakuryuu replied with a small smile, "Then, if as a result I must become king, then I will follow your lead."
"Alright! Lets hurry!"

"Let's fucking kill - Ren Gyokuen!"


Luckily, Judar and I weren't too far from each other. Both of us had seeds from Hakuryuu's djinn Zagan that grew roots, leading us to one another. It was barley ten minutes of walking until Judar started shouting for me, waving his hand about, his ring glowing as he grinned.
I smiled sweetly at the sight, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of his smile, I jogged forward to catch up with him.
"You're stronger than I thought, breaking through that illusion!" He began as I stopped in front of him.
"I know what I want, that's why." I shrugged, reaching up to kiss him lightly, "Belial didn't have much against me."
"Oh? And what is it that you really want?" He asked, slipping his free hand into mine as we continued to follow to roots to Hakuryuu.
"To do what you want to do." I replied, "I want to end the organization, kill that woman, rid of all those people who are hurting this world, hurting us, and rebuild the Kou empire from the ground up if we have to. We'll change the world with our power, and live a life happily at the top despite our pasts."
He took a breath, stopping for a moment just to look at me, "Damn, you're so fucking sexy when you talk all determined like that."
I smirked, leaning into him, "You're quiet sexy yourself when you fought against Belial too. You're power is incredible."
He grinned as I boosted his ego, giggling like a child as he kissed me feverishly, "You ready for the upcoming fights?"
"Of course I am." I grinned, "Do you doubt me?"
"No." His smile became gentle and I blushed as he ran his fingers through my hair, combing it out slightly. His next words were spoken in the most gentle tone I've ever heard,
"Lets stay together forever, okay?"
I blinked, shocked at how easily those words seemed to come out of his mouth. Someone who I thought would be reluctant to ever settle, someone that I thought would scowl and joke if I asked him to marry me, was telling me he wanted to stay with me forever.
And who was I to decline?
"Yes, of course, Judar."
